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Monday Week 1 Introduction And Relationships Week ' Relationships( Goals And )alues Week . hildcare Syllabus/Get To Know lass Fa*ily Relationships S1$1d Responsibilities $/ hildcare "ro#iders/ Financial Aspect $/ hildcare S.$10$1 )alue $/ "lay/A-e Appropriate S.$'/$'a areers And onsu*eris* In lothinS2$1 Sewin- Sa/ety S2$'a4h 7earn To 9se A "attern S2$.a4/ &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h areers And onsu*eris* In Interior ,esi-n S'$. Tuesday Traits !eeded For "ositi#e Friendships S1$1a% Fa*ily Relationships S1$1d Wednesday "ersonal &eha#ior $n Relationships S1$1b What Are )alues+ S1$'a Thursday "eer "ressure S1$1c !eeds )s% Wants S1$'a Friday "eer "ressure S1$1c ,ecision MakinS1$'b "ositi#e And !e-ati#e Methods $/ hild Guidance S.$1c 3ands4$n 56perience S.$2b 7earn About Ser-er S2$1e 7earn To 9se A "attern S2$.a4/ &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h olor "re/erences/ o*bination S S'$'b

Sa/ety S.$1a

hild Abuse S.$1b

hild Abuse S.$1b Guest Speaker

Week 2 hildcare

In/luence $/ "lay S.$'b 7earn "arts $/ SewinMachine S2$1a 7earn To 9se A "attern S2$.a4/ 7earn To 9se A "attern S2$.a4/ &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h &asic 5le*ents And "rinciples $/ ,esi-n S'$'

Week 1 lothin-/ Te6tiles Week 8

Week :

Week <

Week = Interior ,esi-n

"lan 3ands4 $n hild are 56perience S.$. han-e !eedle/ Thread orrectly S2$1b/c 7earn To 9se A "attern S2$.a4F &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h &asic 5le*ents And "rinciples $/ ,esi-n Activity (Before) S'$'

Food 56perience S.$2 &obbins S2$1d 7earn To 9se A "attern S2$.a4/ &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h &asic SewinTechni;ues S2$2a4h 5//ects $/ olors/7earn olor Wheel S'$'a

Week 1>

Week 11 Food/ !utrition

Week 1'

Monday olor "re/erences And o*binations Activity (After) S'$'b &asic !utrition In/or*ation S1$'a Sa/ety And Sanitation S1$1a My"late And ,ietary Guidelines S1$. ookinTer*s/"rep "rocedures S1$1/ "repare Food S1$2 4 "asta Table SettinAnd Manners S1$1d





3o*e ,esi-n S'$1


Stretch ,ay

&asic !utrition In/or*ation S1$'a Intro To My"late S1$. Measurin5;ui#alents S1$1b "repare Food S1$2 Mu//ins "repare Food S1$2 ? Meat "repare Food S1$2 4 &iscuits

Week 1.

&asic !utrition In/or*ation S1$'b My"late And ,ietary Guidelines S1$. Measurin5;ui#alents/ ookin- Math S1$1b/c "repare Food S1$2 ? Ice rea* "repare Food S1$2 ? 5--s areers And onsu*eris* In Food Industry S1$1

&asic !utrition In/or*ation S1$'b My"late And ,ietary Guidelines S1$. "repare Food S1$2 ookies "repare Food S1$2 4 )e--ies "repare Food S1$2 Fried Rice areers And onsu*eris* In Food Industry S1$1

Kitchen 5;uip*ent S1$1e "repare Food S1$2 Salad ookinTer*s/"rep "rocedures S1$1/ "repare Food S1$2 S*oothies "repare Food S1$2 4 "ie areers And onsu*eris* In Food Industry S1$1

Week 12

Week 11

Week 18

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