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Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Teacher Candidate: Shakema Smith Subject/Grade: Science/3rd

Lesson # __3____ Date and Time of Lesson: October 14, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.

Learning Objectives: The students will be able to identify common minerals on the basis of their properties by using a minerals identification key with 95% accuracy. The students will be able to describe what a mineral is with 90% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: 3-3.2 Identify common minerals on the basis of their properties by using a minerals identification key. EEDA - Section 59-29-135: Character education SSCA Description of student behavior. Fine Arts There will be no fine arts in this lesson because the students are being introduce to the information first.

Developmental Appropriateness: The learning objective is developmentally appropriate because the students are able to visually learn information from the Smartboard which one way the students enjoy learning also. The learning objective is also developmentally appropriate because the students are able to use a minerals identification key to practice identifying minerals. The learning objective is developmental appropriate for the students emotional need by the students being able to receive constructive criticism.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Use of Formative Assessment I will use the preassessment to show me what the students know and do not know about minerals. I will use the post-assessment for impact on student learning and if I need to re-teach the lesson to the whole class or pull a few students to re-teach. I will use the preassessment to show me what the students know and do not know about minerals. I will use the

The students will be able to identify common minerals on the basis of their properties by using a minerals identification key with 95% accuracy.

The students will be given a preassessment on the properties of minerals and a minerals identification key. The postassessment will be identical to the pre-assessment.

The students will be able to describe what a mineral is with 90% accuracy.

The students will be given a preassessment that includes the description of a mineral. The post-assessment will be identical to the pre-assessment.

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template post-assessment for impact on student learning and if I need to re-teach the lesson to the whole class or pull a few students to re-teach.

Fall 2013

Accommodations: The lower learners will receive one on one help if needed or they will be placed with a higher
learner student. Early finishers will glue their note sheet in their notebooks and help another student if needed. If another student does not need help then they will work on a worksheet in their workbooks.

Materials: Science notebooks, note taking sheet, and pencils.


1. We have been studying the three types of rocks. What are the three types of rocks that we have been studying? (Wait for replies.) Good! Now we are moving on to minerals! First you are going to have a pre-test on minerals before we begin our lesson. (Pass out the pre-test.) 2. What do you think a mineral is? (Allow a few responses.) Okay now Im going to pass out your notes sheet that is going to tell us what a mineral is. (Hand out note sheets.) (Place the note sheet under the document camera.) 3. Lets look at what a mineral is. Minerals are solid. What is a solid? (Take a couple of replies from students.) Are minerals soft? No! Their hard like a solid. Lets continue reading. Minerals are formed in nature and have never been alive. Do you think a mineral can come to life and start living? No! So a mineral is not a living thing. They are formed in nature. What do you think form mean? (Allow a couple of answers.) They are created in nature. 4. Minerals can also be identified by properties! There are four properties that minerals can have and they are hardness, color, luster, and special properties. Lets go through and read about each of these properties. 5. Hardness refers to whether the mineral can be scratched or scratched by something else. The harder a mineral, the fewer things can scratch it. The hardness is numbered 1-10 with 1 being the softest and 10 being the hardest. Color can be used along with other properties to help identify a mineral. Since many minerals have the same color, it cannot be used as the only property for identification. Luster is when some minerals can be shiny, pearly, glassy, or dull. Our final property is special properties which is where some minerals can split into thin sheets or have magnetic properties. Some minerals may even bubble or fizz if you place an acid like vinegar on it. These are our four properties of a mineral. 6. Now Im going to give you another note sheet. This note sheet has all the properties and special minerals listed in a table. The table that they are listed in is called a Minerals Identification key. (Pass out note sheet.) Now if you look at your note sheet, you will notice that five columns. One column is labeled minerals and the other four columns are labeled with the four properties, hardness, color, luster, and special properties. 7. Lets look at one example of a mineral. Lets look at Calcite. If you see Calcites hardness is a three which means what on the hardness scale? (Call on a student to answer the question.) Its a little soft! What is Calcites color? Look at your mineral identification key. What is the color everyone? (Let the whole class answer.) White! Thats correct! Now lets look at Calcites luster. What does the minerals identification key tell us about Calcites luster? (Call on a student to answer.) Yes! Its dull and glassy! We have one more property to look at which is special properties. Does Calcite have a special property? (Call on a student to answer.) Yes! It does! What special property does Calcite has? (Call on a student to answer.) It bubbles with acid. 8. Now you see how we can use a minerals identification key. Lets do a few more examples. Listen I am not going to tell you the name of the mineral. I am just going to tell you the properties and you will tell me the name of the mineral. Make sure you are looking at your minerals identification key. 9. This mineral is a one on the hardness scale, it is white, and it is dull. Which mineral is it? (Give students a couple of minutes to look at the key to search for the mineral.) Alright in a loud big whisper voice what is the answer? Talc is correct! (Do a few more examples the same way.)

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

10. Now I want you to quietly go back to your seats and get your science notebooks out. You are going to glue your sheets into your notebook. You will have five minutes. (Set stopwatch for five minutes.) 11. Closing: Someone tell me thing about a mineral. (Call on a student to answer.) Someone else tell me something about a mineral? (Call on a student to answer.) Someone tell me one more thing about a mineral. (Call on a student to answer.) What are the four properties of a mineral? (Call on a student to answer.) What do we use to identify a mineral? (Call on a student to answer.) Good job today. Tomorrow we will be identifying different minerals and completing a scratch test in the science lab tomorrow.

Activity Analysis: The activity I use was guessing the mineral using the minerals identification key. This activity supports the learning objective by the students being able to identify a mineral using the minerals identification key. The students enjoy doing guessing games like the activity which meets their needs. The technology I used to implement this activity was the Smartboard and document camera. I will use this technology to display the notes to the students. References: Mrs. Pionteks Earth Materials Unit notebook

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