Lesson 4

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Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

Teacher Candidate: Shakema Smith Subject/Grade: Science/3rd

Lesson # __4____ Date and Time of Lesson: October 15, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.

Learning Objective: The students will be able to identify common minerals on the basis of their properties by using a minerals identification key with 95% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: 3-3.2 Identify common minerals on the basis of their properties by using a minerals identification key. EEDA - Section 59-29-135: Character education SSCA Description of student behavior.
VA2-2.3 Select and use various elements and principles of design to communicate his or her ideas, feelings, and stories through works of visual art.

Developmental Appropriateness: The learning objective is developmentally appropriate for the students because they are able to work in partner groups to complete the activity. Working with a partner is one of the students needs which make the learning objective appropriate. The learning objective is developmentally appropriate because the students have previous knowledge of the content. The learning objective is also developmentally appropriate because the students will be able to receive constructive criticism. . Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7)

The students will be able to identify common minerals on the basis of their properties by using a minerals identification key with 95% accuracy.

The assessment use for this lesson will be the identical post-assessment that contains information about minerals and the minerals identification key.

I will use the assessment for impact on student learning. If needed then I will reteach the lesson.

Accommodations: The lower learners will receive help from a higher learner. They will also be partnered with a higher learner during the activity. I will also give one on one help if needed. Early finisher will assist other groups if needed. Materials: Minerals: Calcite, Feldspar, Talc, Quartz, vinegar, activity sheet, cups, pencils, paper clips, pennies, students fingernails, and paper tray.

Procedures: 1. Yesterday we learned something new. Who can tell me what we learned? (Call on a student to answer.) We discussed minerals. What was something that we can use to identify minerals? (Call on a student to answer.) Yes! A minerals identification key. Today we are going to look at different minerals

Clinical Practice

Lesson Plan Template

Fall 2013

and you are going to describe their properties. We are also going to be doing a scratch test on the minerals to determine the hardness. 2. We are going to the science lab. Before we go to the lab, we need to discuss what type of behavior should be shown in the science lab. You should act respectful, responsible, and attentive at all times. (EEDA) Hands, feet, and bad comments will be kept to yourselves. There will be no name calling and playing. We will respect each other. (SSCA) 3. I want you get your science notebooks, a pencil, and line up quietly. You will have the same partner from that you had from our last activity. Remember our rules, how we should act, and how we should treat each other. (Take the class to the lab.) 4. Im going to pass out your activity sheet for this lesson. (Pass out the activity sheet.) Lets look at our sheet. First we are going to list the minerals we are using for this lesson. Under the minerals column, in the box with the number one, I want you to write Feldspar. In number two I want you to write Calcite, number three write Talc, and in number four write Quartz. 5. As you can see you are going to use three tools for the scratch test which are paperclips, pennies, and your fingernails. You will scratch each mineral with these tools. If you can scratch with one of these tools then you will put a check in the box. When you are done you will turn your paper over and list the properties of each mineral. Remember you need to have the color, luster, and special property if it has one. You will also draw a picture of each mineral. One of these has a special property. (Hand out paper trays with minerals on it.) You may begin. 6. When you are done, raise your hand and I will check it for you and we will do the special property activity. (Call one group at a time when they are finished.) I want you to bring your Calcite mineral to me. I want you to pour vinegar in the cup and drop your Calcite mineral in the cup. Now I want you to take the cup back to your table and write down what you notice is happening. (Continue this procedure until all groups have done the activity.) 7. Okay now that everyone has completed the activity, someone tell me what you noticed happened with the Calcite mineral when you put it in vinegar? (Call on a student to answer.) It started fizzing! This is a what for Calcite? (Call on a student to answer.) A special property. That is correct. 8. Now we are going to start cleaning up. I want you to take your Calcite mineral out of the cup and place it back on your paper tray. One person from each group will take your paper tray and cup of vinegar to the back counter. I want everybody to sit quietly. 9. Closing: Now who can tell me something we did today? (Call on a student.) What is something else we did today? (Call on a student.) Can someone else also tell me one thing we did today? (Call on a student.) What are the properties of a mineral? (Call on a student.) What is one way we can identify a mineral? (Call on a student.) 10. Now we are going to quietly line up. When you get back to the classroom you will glue your activity sheet in your science notebook. (Take the class back to the classroom.) Activity Analysis: The two activities I planned to use are the scratch test and the Calcite activity. Both activities support the lesson objective by the students being able to identify minerals properties by doing a scratch test and observing the color, luster, and special property of Calcite. The activities stem from the students needs by them being able to work in groups and do hands on activities. There will be no technology use for this activity because the students will be doing a hands-on activity with minerals in the science lab. References: Rocks and Minerals STC Kit

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