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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Education 305

Teacher Krista DeVries and Linnea Nelson Grade level and theme I. Objectives !at is t!e main focus of t!is lesson" For students to ta#e a dee$er loo# into a com$an% &'en#s (!i$ )uilding *om$an%+ founded in Port ,uron. ,o- does t!is lesson tie in to %our )ig Idea )% students learning !o- im$ortant one business -as to t!e cit%. students -ill start to see !o- im$ortant businesses are in t!e area and -!at t!e% can contribute to t!e communit%. &In t!is case t!e% get s!i$s and an annual communit% event/+ !at are %our objectives for t!is lesson" (students ill !e a!le to"#$ Indicate connections to a$$licable national or state standards &glces+. %ndicate t!emes any threads addressed in this lesson (e&'Geo(ra)hy'human environment interaction$ *$ 2'H2#+#,: -tudents ill !e a!le to descri!e chan(es in the local community over time (e#(#. ty)es o/ !usinesses. architecture and landsca)e. 0o!s. trans)ortation. )o)ulation$# 2$ 2'H2#+#1: -tudents ill !e a!le to identi/y a )ro!lem in a community2s )ast and descri!e ho it as resolved# 3$ 2'G,#+#*: -tudents ill !e a!le to descri!e land use in the community (e#(#. here )eo)le live. here services are )rovided. here )roducts are made$# ,$ 2'G,#+#2: -tudents ill !e a!le to descri!e the means )eo)le create /or movin( )eo)le. (oods. and ideas ithin the local community# 4tc# Port Huron: 2nd Grade Thread/crossover History

II. )efore %ou start Prere0uisite #no-ledge and ' Grou) discussion s5ills s#ills. !at are %ou assuming ' Ho to use scissors sa/ely t!e% #no- or !ave alread% done.

1ssessment &formative and summative+

' 6inished !oat ' %nvolvement in discussion and activity ' 6inal ru!ric ' 7en5s -hi))in( 8om)any ' Trade

2e% vocabular% for t!is lesson

' )ro0ector ' com)uter (/or youtu!e video$ ' hite!oard/chal5!oard ' hite!oard mar5ers/chal5 ' construction )a)er 3aterials4-!at materials ' scissors &boo#s. !andouts. etc+ do %ou ' ta)e need for t!is lesson and do ' mar5ers/crayons/colored )encils %ou !ave t!em"

' -tudents ill desi(n their o n shi) ho they ant out o/ materials )rovided

O$$ortunities for differentiation

III. 5!e Plan 5ime Parts

5!e descri$tion of &scri$t for+ t!e lesson. -!erein %ou describe teac!er activities and student activities 3otivation ' Have classroom set u) in (rou)s and assi(n students to a ta!le &O$ening6 ' 9atch youtu!e video a!out historic Port Huron (htt):// #youtu!e#com/ atch:v;5<u7=>?vv*s$ Introduction6 ' 8lass discussion a!out hat stood out to them or hat they /ound interestin( Engagement+ ' @s students are tal5in( a!out hat stood out to them//ound interestin( the teacher should !e listin( them on the !oard in /ront o/ class ' Teacher em)hasiAe 7en5s -hi) Buildin( 8om)any and as5 students hy that as im)ortant/necessary

Develo$ment ' Teacher ill e&)lain that students are (oin( to ma5e their o n shi) out o/ the materials )rovided ' Teacher ill sho them e&am)le o/ one that they made ' 4&)lain to students that !ecause the shi)s ere !uilt /or tradin( su))lies. that they ill need to do the same in order to !uild their shi) ' 4ach ta!le (rou) ill have di//erent su))lies (one ith )a)er. one ith scissors. one ith ta)e. one ith mar5ers/crayons/colored )encils$ ' 4&)lain to students that they ill need to trade su))lies in order to ma5e their shi)s ' Ca5e sure to tell students to e&)lain to students ho to ma5e a /air trade and to ma5e sure they are /air ' >e(ulate trades as you see necessary ' @s5 students i/ they have ever heard o/ the shi) race /rom Port Huron to Cac5inac %sland ' Tell students that they are (oin( to act that out ith their !oats ' -tudents ill (o in (rou)s (de)endin( ho !i( the classroom is$ and ill cra l /rom one side o/ the room to another hile !alancin( their !oats on their !ac5 ' 9inner can (et a )riAe i/ the teacher sees /it


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