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Teacher Candidate: Shakema Smith Subject/Grade: Social Studies/3rd

Lesson # __2____ Date and Time of Lesson: Nov. 4, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.

Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify six characteristics of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Region with 95% accuracy. Alignment with Standards: 3-1.3: Categorize the six geographic regions of South Carolina, the Blue Ridge Mountain Region, the Piedmont, the Sand Hills, the Inner Coastal Plain, the Outer Coastal Plain, and the Coastal Zone, according to their different physical and human characteristics. EEDA - Section 59-29-135: Character education SSCA Description of student behavior.
VA2-2.3 Select and use various elements and principles of design to communicate his or her ideas, feelings, and stories through works of visual art

Developmental Appropriateness:
The learning objective is developmental appropriate because students are able to speak openly about the different characteristics of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Region. It is developmentally appropriate because the students are able to create a flip book and draw a picture to represent each region. The learning objective is developmental appropriate for the students emotional needs by the students being able to receive constructive criticism.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) The assessment will be a review of the lesson. I will ask the students questions about the characteristics of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Regions. Use of Formative Assessment (TWS section 7) I will use this assessment to determine if I need to review the Blue Ridge and Piedmont region information.

Students will be able to identify six characteristics of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont Region with 95% accuracy.

The students that are slower learners will be placed with a higher learner student for extra help during the lesson. Small groups will be pulled if needed based on observations of the students during the lesson.

Prezi, construction paper, crayons, scissors, glue, SC history notebook.

1. We are going to start our new social studies unit on regions. We will be creating flip books to go into our SC history notebooks. The notes we are taking are on the Upstate area of South Carolina. 2. What two regions are located in the Upstate? (wait for replies) The Blue Ridge and Piedmont is correct. Good job! 3. Now we are going to create our flip book before we begin taking notes. Im going to pass out scissors, glue, and construction paper. (Pass out supplies needed for lesson.) 4. Now I want you to fold the construction paper in hamburger style. Then I would like you to write Upstate at the top in the middle. (Use camera to model.) Now you are going to cut a line in the middle of the flip book to create two flaps. 5. Then you are going to label one flap Blue Ridge Region and the other flap, Piedmont Region. 6. Alright now we are going to take notes on both of these regions. I want you to lift up the Blue Ridge Region flap first and write the notes as I teach them from the Prezi. (Students are to copy the notes from the Prezi under the Blue Ridge Region flap) 7. Now that you have you have your notes written for the Blue Ridge region, we now need to think of a picture that we can all draw to represent the Blue Ridge region. (take a few suggestions from a few students) (have students agree on a picture to draw) Ex: mountains 8. We agreed to draw _______________. We are not going to draw right now. We are now going to take notes on the Piedmont region. Now you are going to lift up the Piedmont region flap and write the notes as I teach them from the Prezi. (Students are to copy the notes from the Prezi under the Piedmont region flap.) 9. Now that you have your notes written for the Piedmont region, we now need to think of a picture that we all can draw to represent the Piedmont region. (take a few suggestions from a few students) (have students agree on a picture to draw) 10. We agreed to draw _____________. Now that we are finished taking notes, you may now draw the pictures we agreed to draw on the front of each flap of the flip book. (Give students a few minutes to draw their pictures.) 11. When time is up for drawing your pictures, you will glue your flip book in your SC history notebook. (Give students a few minutes to glue flip books in their notebooks.) 12. Closure: Team captains will put all supplies away. I will ask the students questions about the notes taken in class. (If extra time is left, read the next chapter in SC history book.)

Activity Analysis: The two activities I plan to use are the Prezi presentation and a flip book on the regions. I plan to use this presentation and flip book because it will give the students a better understanding of the regions. These activities support the lesson objective because it describes the characteristics of the regions. The students need visual representation and hands-on so the presentation and flip book will help them. The students also like to take notes and create a flip book to help them understand the regions. They will always be able to refer back to the flip book when needed.

The technology I will use to implement the activities is the Smartboard. The Smartboard will be used to display the presentation. I will also be using the document camera to show students how to create and label their flip books.

References: N/A

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