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Microwave Office Basic Steps-Filter Design

By: Manjunatha Reddy.H.V Email:

Design Example
Spec. 0.1dB ripple fractional bandwidth lambda coupled line BPF S11 should smaller than -15dB in the passband FBW=30%

Open MWO from the shortcut

To create a project: 1 Choose File > New Project. 2 Choose File > Save Project As. Choose Options > Project Options. Click the Global Units tab

Set project frequencies

To specify the simulation frequency: Click the Project tab in the lower left of the window. Double-click Project Options. Click the Frequencies tab. Change the Data Entry Units to MHz. Type 500 in Start, 4000 in Stop, and 50 in Step, and then click Apply. The frequency range and steps you specified display in Current Range. Click OK.

1.Open New Schematic

Click on New Schematic

Enter Schematics name

2.Choose elements

Press Elem tab

3.Add substrate (Microstrip here ) Substrates 3.Double click to change the value

2.Choose MSUB

Here Al2O3 substrate is used Dielectric constant=9.8 Substrate Thickness=15mil

4.Choose coupled line

1.Coupled lines

2.Drag MCLIN

Hand calculation data for coupled lines

Total four lambda resonators are used here First resonator: line width 8.3125mil,gap 2.4061mil,length 486.6 mil Second resonator: line width 8.9375mil,gap 2.625mil,length 485.3 mil Third resonator: line width 8.9375mil,gap 2.625mil,length 485.3 mil Fourth resonator: line width 8.3125mil,gap 2.4061mil,length 486.6 mil

5.Connect the coupling lines

6.Add ports

Click here

7. See the response- Add Graph

Add Graph contd

Enter graph name

Add measurement

Right Click on the Graph

Add measurement contd

Choose the circuit

Choose measurement type

use dB scale


8. Fine tune the ckt parameters

Click here and choose the ckt parameters to tune

Start to tune tune

2.drag the value to change

Fine tune result

9. Optimize

Optimize (2)

2.Goal type 1.choose one measurement to meet the goal 3.frequency to satisfy goal

Optimize (3)

Variables to opt

optimize (4)

optimize (5)


10. TXL

TXL contd

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