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Learning Experience Plan 1-4 Block Template

Clarion University of Pennsylvania Early Childhood Learning Experience/Lesson Plans Teacher Candidate: Rachel Septak Date: 11-13-13 Lesson Title: Bats vs. Birds Block Site: Redbank Valley Grade Level: 1st Grade Elementary Partner: Morgan Hawkins Group Size: 18 Students

Big Idea (Common Core Standards): Critical thinkers actively and skillfully interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. Essential Question: (Common Core Standards): How do active listeners make meaning? Goal: The students recognize the characteristics of birds and bats. Challenging Vocabulary: nocturnal, together, echolocation, difference, characteristic, plot

Common Core Standard Statement for ELA or Math: (YOU MUST ALIGN STANDARDS, OBJECTIVES, AND ASSESSMENTS) C.C.1.2.1.C: Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

Objective: The students will use a Venn diagram to identify similarities and differences between bats and birds.

Assessment: The teachers will observe the students pick up facts and place them into the correct category on the Venn diagram.

Curriculum Integration: (Describe how at least two of the following are integrated into your investigation.) Creative Thinking and Expression: Mathematical Thinking and Expression/ Mathematics: The students will be comparing and contrasting the differences between birds and bats. Health, Wellness and Physical Development:

Adapted from the PreK/K Early Childhood Learning Experience/Lesson Plan

Learning Experience Plan 1-4 Block Template

Language and Literacy Development/English and Language Arts: The children will be listening to the story Stellaluna. Scientific Thinking and Expression: Social Studies Thinking and Expression; Social and Emotional Development: The students can work together to figure out where each fact should be placed under which category on the Venn diagram. Technology: Investigation Duration: 20-25 minutes Investigation Procedure (A step by step description of the lesson procedures and application of skills How will the instructor present new concepts & information?
What will the children do to construct knowledge? What is the instructors role during the lesson?) :

1. The teachers will ask the children to name some facts that they know about birds and bats. 2. One teacher will introduce the book, Stellaluna by Janell Cannon. The teacher will ask the students to predict what they think this book could be about. 3. The teacher will proceed by reading the book. 4. After reading the story, the teachers will discuss the main/key points of the story. The teachers should review the characters, plot, setting, beginning, middle, and end of the story. 5. The teachers will use the Venn diagram chart by labeling the three sections birds, bats, and both. 6. The students will each have the opportunity to pull one fact out of a baggy. The fact will either fit under the bird category or bat category. If the fact fits under both birds and bats, it will be placed under the both section of the Venn diagram. 7. Once the entire Venn diagram is complete, the teachers will review each piece of it.

Review/Closure (How will the children review what they learned?): The teachers will review the lesson by using Stellalunas characteristics to compare to birds
characteristics and how it all relates to the Venn diagram.

Questioning (What are some open-ended questions that you plan to ask to facilitate childrens knowledge construction during the investigation?): [For this section develop
at least four open-ended questions you may ask the children during the investigation. Use the Blooms handout to help you consider verbs that are associated with higher level questions. Vary the types of questions.) Who were the characters in the story? Where did the story take place? What is the difference between a

Adapted from the PreK/K Early Childhood Learning Experience/Lesson Plan

Learning Experience Plan 1-4 Block Template

bird and a bat? Name one thing that makes them the same. How did Stellaluna act? How did Stellaluna find out that she was a bat?

Brain Break (How will children engage in a quick physical brain break? The students will complete a brain break by doing jumping jacks and spelling out each of their sight

Differentiation (How will you adjust instruction/guidance to address unique strengths and needs of at least one learner in your group?): Students struggling with this activity
will be assisted by one of the teachers. They will accommodate as needed.

Diversity/Anti-Bias Consideration (What diversity topics will you address and/or how have you planned so that the learning experience does not reflect any bias?): Each
student will have the an equal opportunity to chose a fact from the baggy.

Anticipated Difficulties (What are some problems that may arise in your lesson? How will you overcome these difficulties?) The students may not understand the story
Stellaluna or forget what happened in the story. The teachers will overcome this problem by reviewing and discussing the main points to facilitate the students in the later activity.

Materials, Resources, and Preparing the Environment (What materials and other resources are needed and what will you do to prepare the environment?):
1. 2. 3. Venn diagram Stellaluna by Janell Cannon Birds/Bats/Both facts sheets

Adapted from the PreK/K Early Childhood Learning Experience/Lesson Plan

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