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Adriana Sanchez 748 Quincy St. Twin Falls, Id 83301 208.410. 23 sanchezad!t"sd.


Se%te&'er 21, 2013

Twin Falls Sch##l (istirct )411 201 *ain A+e ,. Twin Falls, Id 83301

(ear -h#& it *ay .#ncern I wish t# a%%ly "#r the Title I /00 %#siti#n at 1re$#n Trail /le&entary as ad+ertised #nline in the e&%l#y&ent #%%#rtunities. I thin2 that I sh#uld 'e a candidate t# inter+iew 'ecause I a& the ri$ht %ers#n "#r this %#siti#n. *y resu&e3 is encl#sed with &y %ast e4%eriences. I ha+e si4 years e4%erience with children "r#& the a$es #" si4 &#nths t# 12 years within &y last three 5#'s. I ha+e a s#lid c#&&it&ent in w#r2in$ with children. *y recent %#siti#n has $i+en &e tw# years in the sch##l district as an /le&entary *i$rant 6ara7 %r#"essi#nal. I wish t# c#ntinue &y eduacti#n t# 'uild #n these achei+e&ents and ta2e #n the Title I /00 teacher. T# assist &e in this $#al, I ha+e al&#st c#&%leted with a de$ree in /le&entary /ducati#n and "urtherin$ &y educati#n with a de$ree in 8illin$ual /ducati#n. *y $reatest stren$ths include &#ti+ati#n students and 'ein$ 'illin$ual. I w#uld 'e &#re than ha%%y t# "urther discuss &y a%%licati#n with y#u. 9#u &ay c#ntact &e at anyti&e. 9#urs Sincerely, Adriana .. Sanchez

Adriana .. Sanchez

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