Success Lifeline Rubric

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Education 460

Individual Project #1: SUCCESS LIFELINE

What in your life has helped to make you who you are? What inspired your success? What life challenges did you overcome? What did you learn along the way that helped you pull through?

Create a success life-line of your major successes (throughout your entire life), to show what has helped lead up to who are today. Be sure to include the events that have significantly uilt your self-confidence.

Be creative. !se whatever visual aids and"or props you wish.

Be prepared to share a rief (#$-minutes or less) version of your success life-line in class.

%ave fun remem ering&

*note: ou don!t "ave to #u$%it an t"in& 'or t"i# a##i&n%ent( $ut )lea#e do )re)are 'or it*

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