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EDUCATION 460 Diversity, Interaction and the Learning Process A Diversity Evaluation Checklist Write-Up

Each student is to complete a Multicultural Education Evaluation Checklist using the school in which he/she is teaching or the school where the reading practicum is being completed or another school of choice. Two persons from the school are to be interviewed using the Multicultural Education Evaluation Checklist. Interviews should include at least one teacher or counselor and one administrator. Interviews should be referenced in the body of the paper. Include in the paper information from the schools educational data report

The assignment should include:


Completion of A Multicultural Education Evaluation Checklist (adapted from James Banks).


A three page double-spaced paper assessing the overall evaluation of the schools multicultural education status. Several areas may be highlighted.

Please note: If the paper exceeds the limit it will be deducted one half-grade point. A late paper will automatically drop one half-grade point.

Some helpful pointers for this assignment: Interview two school personnel: teacher, administrator or counselor. Get the perspective from both. Get the data from the school (ethnicity and socio economic level) Ed Data sight Observe what is posted in the classroom? Observe what is posted in the office? Observe hidden curriculum Find out festivities celebrated at the school. Languages spoken at the school. Inquire about testing procedures for English learners and students with disabilities. Type of assemblies the school has. Ask questions in a conversational format.

Be sure to
Provide Information from Ed-Data website in your write up. Include printed information from Ed-Data. Include the diversity evaluation checklist with the report.

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