Chapter 2

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Melissa Myers 17 September 2013 S.

S Methods

Chapter 2: Lesson and Unit Plans

In the chapter, Social Studies Lesson and Unit Plans, the author talks about how there are two types of lesson plans: Comprehensive and Abbreviated. The author goes into detail about blooms taxonomy and Madeline Hunters lesson plan. Afterwards the author explains what a unit plans should look like. He also explains how to plan for an activity for a lesson. In chapter two, the author goes over some good information that I know will help me as I learn to become a teacher. (pg. 29) Comprehensive Lesson Plan: teachers write them in two instances: o When they are being evaluated by a principle. o When they are doing a complex or innovative activity. (pg.30) Comprehensive Lesson plan: what it looks like o Overview o Resources and materials o Standards o Content Objectives

o Process Objectives o Values Objectives o Teaching Sequence o Evaluation (pg. 39) Principles of Backward Design: o Stage One: Desired Results o Stage Two: Assessment Evidence o Stage Three: Learning Plan 1) If you are teaching a unit plan, what should you do if you realize your students are not taking in what they are supposed to learn? Do you create a new unit? Or would you change how the unit if formatted to better fit the students learning?

2) I never knew what the Principles of Backward Design. I wondering how exactly that would look like in a class. Thats the only thing I am really curious about.

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