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HESI Hints & NCLEX Gems Answering NCLEX Questions o Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Physiologic Safety Love and

and Belonging Esteem Self-actualization o Nursing Process Assessment Diagnosis (Analysis) Planning Implementation (treatment) Evaluation o ABCs Airway ( check for obstruction) Breathing Circulation

Normal Values

o Arterial Blood Gases Used for Acidosis vs. Alkalosis PH 7.35-7.45 CO2 35-45 (Respiratory driver) High = Acidosis HCO3 21-28 (Metabolic driver) High = Alkalosis

O2 80-100 O2 Sat 95-100%

urine PH 4.6-8.0 ( increase with diet in citrus fruit or vegetable) Protein 0-8mg Proteinuria indicator of renal disease, In Prego-Preclampsia. Transient proteinuria- may be associated with severe emotional stress Specific gravity Adult 1.005-1.030 it decrease in overhydration, diabetes insipidus, renal failure , diuresis . Increase with dextran and sucrose

o Hgb (IF drop bleeding suspected ) low BP. High Resp, high pulse Males 14-18 ( Females 12-16 o Hct Males 42-52 Females 37-47 o RBCs Males 4.7-6.1 million Females 4.2-5.4 million o WBCs 4.5-11k o Platelets 150-400k o PT (Coumadin/Warfarin) 11-12.5 sec (INR and PT TR = 1.5-2 times normal) o APTT (Heparin) 60-70 sec (APTT and PTT TR = 1.5-2.5 times normal)

o BUN 10-20 o Creatinine 0.5-1.2 o Glucose 70-110 o Cholesterol < 200 o Bilirubin Newborn 1-12 o Phenylalanine Newborn < 2, Adult < 6 o Na+ 136-145 o K+ 3.5-5 HypoK+ . . . Prominent U waves, Depressed ST segment, Flat T waves HyperK+ . . . Tall T-Waves, Prolonged PR interval, wide QRS o Ca++ 9-10.5 Hypocalcemia muscle spasms, convulsions, cramps/tetany, + Trousseaus, + Chvosteks, prolonged ST interval, prolonged QT segment o Mg+ 1.5-2.5 o Cl- 96-106 o Phos 3-4.5 o Albumin 3.5-5 o Spec Gravity 1.005-1.030 o Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hgb A1c): 4-6% ideal, < 7.5% = OK (120 days) o Dilantin TR = 10-20 o Lithium TR = 0.5-1.5 Antidotes o Digoxin Digiband o Coumadin Vitamin K (Keep PT and INR @ 1-1.5 X normal) o Benzodiazapines Flumzaemil (Tomazicon) o Magnesium Sulfate Calcium Gluconate?

o Heparin Protamine Sulfate (Keep APTT and PTT @ 1.5-2.5 X normal) o Tylenol Mucomist (17 doses + loading dose) o Opiates (narcotic analgesics, heroin, morphine) Narcan (Naloxone) o Cholinergic Meds (Myesthenic Bradycardia) Atropine o Methotrexate Leucovorin

Delegation o RN Only Blood Products (2 RNs must check) Clotting Factors Sterile dressing changes and procedures Assessments that require clinical judgment Ultimately responsible for all delegated duties o Unlicensed Assistive Personnel Non-sterile procedures

Precautions & Room Assignments o Universal (Standard) Precautions HIV initiated Wash hands Wear Gloves Gowns for splashes Masks and Eye Protection for splashes and droplets Dont recap needles Mouthpiece or Ambu-bag for resuscitation Refrain from giving care if you have skin lesion

o Droplet (Respiratory) Precautions (Wear Mask) Sepsis, Scarlet Fever, Strep, Fifth Disease (Parvo B19), Pertussis, Pneumonia, Influenza, Diptheria, Epiglottitis, Rubella, Rubeola, Meningitis, Mycoplasma, Adenovirus, Rhinovirus RSV (needs contact precautions too) TB Respiratory Isolation o Contact Precautions = Universal + Goggles, Mask and Gown o No infection patients with immunosuppressed patients

Weird Miscellaneous Stuff o Rifampin (for TB) Rust/orange/red urine and body fluids o Pyridium (for bladder infection) Orange/red/pink urine o Glasgow Coma Scale < 8 = coma o Myesthenia Gravis Myesthenic Crisis = Weakness with change in vitals (give more meds) Cholinergic Crisis = Weakness with no change in vitals (reduce meds) o Diabetic Coma vs. Insulin Shock Give glucose first If no help, give insulin o Fruity Breath = Diabetic Ketoacidosis o Acid-Base Balance If it comes out of your ass, its Acidosis. Vomiting = Alkalosis o Skin Tastes Salty = Cystic Fibrosis o Lipitor (statins) in PMs only No grapefruit juice o Stroke Tongue points toward side of lesion (paralysis), Uvula deviates away from the side of lesion (paralysis) o Hold Digoxin if HR < 60 o Stay in bed for 3 hours after first ACE Inhibitor dose

o Avoid Grapefruit juice with Ca++ Channel Blockers o Anthrax = Multi-vector biohazard o Pulmonary air embolism prevention = Trendelenburg (HOB down) + on left side (to trap air in right side of heart) o Head Trauma and Seizures Maintain airway = primary concern o Peptic Ulcers Feed a Duodenal Ulcer (pain relieved by food) Starve a gastric ulcer o Acute Pancreatitis Fetal position, Bluish discoloration of flanks (Turners Sign), Bluish discoloration of pericumbelical region (Cullens Sign), Board like abdomen with guarding Self digestion of pancreas by trypsin. o Hold tube feeding if residual > 100mL o In case of Fire RACE and PASS o Check Restraints every 30 minutes 2 fingers room underneath o Gullain-Barre Syndrome Weakness progresses from legs upward Resp arrest o Trough draw = ~30 min before scheduled administration Peak Draw = 30-60 min after drug administration. Mental Health & Psychiatry o Most suicides occur after beginning of improvement with increase in energy levels o MAOIs Hypertensive Crisis with Tyramine foods Nardil, Marplan, Parnate Need 2 wk gap from SSRIs and TCAs to admin MAOIs o Lithium Therapeutic Range = 0.5-1.5 o Phenothiazines (typical antipsychotics) EPS, Photosensitivity o Atypical Antipsychotics work on positive and negative symptoms, less EPS o Benzos (Ativan, Lorazepam, etc) good for Alcohol withdrawal and Status Epilepticus o Antabuse for Alcohol deterrence Makes you sick with OH intake o Alcohol Withdrawal = Delerium Tremens Tachycardia, tachypnea, anxiety, nausea, shakes, hallucinations, paranoia (DTs start 12-36 hrs after last drink)

o Opiate (Heroin, Morphine, etc.) Withdrawal = Watery eyes, runny nose, dilated pupils, NVD, cramps o Stimulants Withdrawal = Depression, fatigue, anxiety, disturbed sleep

Medical-Surgical Cardiovascular 1L bpm is filter through kidneys if CO is decrease than the Urinary output is decrease Angina Brought on by sex, stress , eating large meal, and exercise. ( CAD,cardiomyopathy, HTN conary artery spasm) Pain ) substernal radiant to left arm / shoulder, Jaw or right shoulder Relieve by rest or Nitroglycerin ( take 1 q5min up to 15 min No more than 3. Call 911 if not relieve) can cause O-Hypo ECG- ST-segment depression, and T wave inversion Risk factor AFA, Hyperlipidema, ( Total serum cholesterol above 300 mg) <200 is desirable level, LDL <100 desirable, HDL (good cholesterol ) >60 is desirable During attack- Rest!, Take VS, Record ECG Physical Activity -avoid isometric activity sex can happen if pt can climb two flight of stairs w/o pain RX Nitrates- NTG, Isordil, Imdur (reduce vasualr residence) Headache Flusing, Nausea Dizziness BB- Propranolol, Atenolol, Nadolol (Reduce O2 demand) AR- Wheezing, HF,Impotence, Bradycardia (Do not stop abruptly ) Caution with asthma, RF,HF,COPD CCB-Verapamil, Nifedipine, Diltiazem ( inhibits influs of CA ions) Monitor K+ levels, take 1hr before meal or 2hrs after No grapefruit juice Statins Atorvastain (Lipitor) Fluvastatin (Lescol) Simvastatin Zocor Lovastatin. AR N/V,constipation distention flatulence , elevate liver enzymes, Hepatitis , pancreatits, Rhabdomyolysis. Check liver enzymes q6months,monitor CPK level, report muscle tenderness, avoid grape fruit

Anginal cause by myocardial ischemia No digioxin, Atropine or BB (Propranolol) (only for the long term) Yes-Nitroglycerin MI

Cause ( thrombus, clot , shock, hemorrhaging ) Pain- lower stenal region heavy pain radiant down the shoulders common pain substernal, retrosternal , epigastric . Silent MI ( diabetes neuropathy ) s/s pain is not relieved by rest or with nitrates Left heart shift post MI Labs- CK-Rise 3-12hrs post MI, Peak in24hrs, Return to normal in 3 days, CKMB- ( specific to myocardial damage) Rise 2-4hrs, Peak 12-20hr, Return to normal 48-72hr. Cardiac Tropoin As early as 1hr post injury. Peak 3-6hrs, Return to Normal 5-14 days best indicator NI- o2 nasual canual 2-6L, Nitrates, Morphine Sulfate, Smifowler position , BB,CCB,Statins, asprin antiplatelets Bed rest-for 24hrs, listen to lungs (pulmonary edema or L-HF)

HTN ( Noncompliance number 1 cause of stroke in HTN pt BP equal or greater than 140/90, Risk estrogen or oral contraceptive, ethol . Can be raise by Renal failure, Resp issues, Steroids. When reading BP a difference of more than 10mmHg either systolic or diastolic indicate postural hypotension. Take pressure in both arms K+ wasting Diuretic (Thiazides) Chlorthalidone (Hygroton), Hydrochlorothiazide, Indapamide ,Metolazone , (Loop) Furosemide (Laxix),Torsemide (demadex) Bumetanide AR s/s hypokalemia, hyperuremia, Glucose intolerance, observe for postural hypotension K+ Sparing Spironolactone (Aldactone) Amiloride (MIdamor) AR Hyperkalemia, Gynecomastia watch for hyper K in those with renal failure, Rx Ace inhibitors, NSAIDS. Wath for increase inlithium levels Peripheal Vascular disease

Arterial Cause-arteriosclerosis, advance age, Raynaud disease, Buerger disease (occlusive inflammatory disease Acute occlusion, Diabetes Skin- Smooth Shiny,Loss of hair, Thickened nails Color- Pallor on elevation, Rubor when dependent Temp- Cool Pulse- Decrease or absent Pain Sharp, Increase when walking and elevation Intermittent claudication relieve by rest. Rest pain occur when extremities are horizontal0 relieve when in dependent position Ulcer- very painful, occur on lateral lower le,toe,heels Necrotic Not edemous Tx stop smoking, topical antibiotic, Saline dressing, bed rest, immobilization Fibrinolytic (not for R and B disease) embolectomy

Venous Hx of DVT ,valvular incompetence, varicose vieins, Thrombophlebitis, venous stasis ulcer. Skin brown pigment around ankles Color-Cyanotic when dependent Temp-Warm Pulse-Normal Pain- Persistent, aching, full feeling, dull sensation Relieved when horizontal (Elevate and use compression stocking) Slightly painful , occur on medial legs, ankles, unven edges, superficial, Marked edema Tx systemic antibiotic, compression dressing or alginate dressing limb elvation

NI- No crossing of legs, or nonrestrictive clothing, observe for color temp, sensation , rest at first sign of pain dont use heating pads, wear socks, check positions, wear support hoes, foot care. Surgery check for foot pulse or hemorrhaging Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ( atherosclerosis) (HTN medication) Anemia Deficiency of erythrocytes (RBC) reflected as decreased Hct,Hgb, RBC Pallor- ears, nail bed palmar creases RBC Fatigue exercise intolerance lethargy orthostatic hypotension Tacnycardia heart murmur heart failure S/S bleeding- hematuria melena , memorrhagia,petchaie Dyspnea Back pain ,Can feel heart beat, pulsating mass in abdomen bruit is heard Rupture -tearing sensation can lead to hypovolvemic or cardiogenic shock After surgery access for peripheral pulses, BP, hemorrhaging , urinary output ,monitor BUN, Creatinine and amber urine ( kindey failure ) Observe for postoperative ileus (NG tube)

Infection s/s Tachycardia increase WBC

Carcogenic shock Hx of MI with left ventricle failure or possible cardiomyopathy with s/s of pulmonary edema

Hemmorragic shock Reduction in tissue perfusion. Goal quick restoration of cardio output and tissue perfusion Hypotension,Tachycardia, weak, thread pulse

Spinal Shock Complete loss of all reflex, motor, sensory, and autonomic activity below the lesion. Last less than 48 hours but can occur for several weeks

Neurogenic shock Is a type of shock that occur after the spinal cord injury that result s ina massive vasodilation leading to pooling of blood in blood vessels hypoperfusion and impaired cellular metabolism. This is an emergency Txrestoring bllod vol. 0.9NS blood products

Septic Shock Release of endotoxins (bacteria) Which act on nerves, to decrease VR,CO, result in poor systemic perfusion

Pulmonary edema might happen when admin vol expanding fluids- give digitalis

Assessment in shock victims Tachycardia, Tachypnea, hypotension; cool, clammy skin, decrease urinary output

Vasopressor- use to increase venous return- Epinephrine (Bronkaid), Dopamine(Intropin), dobutamine (Dobutrex),norepinephrine (Levophed), or isoproterenol (Isuprel)

IV Therap

Hemorragic stroke

Embolic strock

Fat embolism

Blood emolism

Air emolism

RA RF factor


Amputation Care

Neuro RX that increase ICP- hypertonic fluids, opioids (Morphine Sulfate) Meningitis

Decreased (or change in) level of consciousness Disoriented to person, place, and year Pupil reaction and eye movements Photophobia Nystagmus Abnormal eye movements Motor response Normal early in disease process Hemiparesis, hemiplegia, and decreased muscle tone possible later Cranial nerve dysfunction, especially CN III, IV, VI, VII, VIII Memory changes Attention span (usually short) Personality and behavior changes Bewilderment Severe, unrelenting headaches Generalized muscle aches and pain Nausea and vomiting Fever and chills

Tachycardia Red macular rash (meningococcal meningitis)

Education guide seziures Take prescribed dosages of medications to maintain your blood levels. Consult your physician if you are unable to take medication because of illness.

Observe for side effects of antiepileptic drugs. Do not stop taking medications because of annoying side effects; this is very dangerous. Consult your physician first. Notify the physician if seizures are not controlled. Provide specific descriptions of the seizure activity. Do not take any over-the-counter medications without consulting your physician. Obtain a medical alert identification card (or bracelet or tag) with the name of the drug, dosage, and frequency; and your physician's name and phone number. Carry this identification with you at all times.

Fluid and electrolye imbalance

Hypernatremia Signs and Symptoms of Hypernatremia - FRIED Fever, flushed skin Restless Increased fluid retention Edema Decreased urine output, dry mouth Causes of Hypernatremia Medications, meals Osmotic diuretics Diabetes insipidus

Excessive water loss Low water intake yponatremia Signs and Symptoms Stupor/coma Anorexia Lethargy Tendon reflexes decreased Limp muscles Orthostatic hypotension Seizures/headache Stomach cramps HyperkalemiaSigns and Symptoms Muscle weakness Urine - oliguria, anuria Respiratory distress Decreased cardiac contractility ECG changes Reflexes - hyperreflexia, areflexia Treatment Kayexalate - oral/rectal Insulin Na HCO3 (sodium bicarb) Diuretics Hypokalemia Signs and Symptoms 6 L's Lethargy Leg cramps Limp muscles Low, shallow respirations Lethal cardiac dysrhythmias

Lots of urine (polyuria)

HypercalcemiaSigns and Symptoms I remember by the rhyme: Groans, Moans, Bones, Stones, and Overtones Groans: constipation Moans: pain - joint aches Bones: loss of calcium from bones, bone metastasis Stones: kidney stones Overtones: psychiatric overtones - depression, confusion Hypocalcemia Signs and Symptoms Convulsions Arrhythmias Tetany Spasms, stridor Alkalosis and Acidosis Alkalosis - has a 'k' - Kicking the pH up Acidosis - has a 'd' - Dropping the pH down Solutions: Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic Isotonic - "Same as I" - the solution used will be the same as normal body fluid composition. Fluids remain inside intravascular space. Hypotonic - "Hypo, hippo" - the solution pulls fluid from the intravascular space into the ICF - the cell "swells like a hippo".

o Hypoventilation = Acidosis (too much CO2) o Hyperventilation = Alkalosis (low CO2) o No BP or IV on side of Mastectomy o Opiate OD = Pinpoint Pupils o Lesions of Midbrain = Decerebrate Posturing (Extended elbows, head arched back) o Lesions of Cortex = Decorticate Posturing (Flexion of elbows, wrists, fingers, straight legs, mummy position) o Urine Output of 30 mL/hr = minimal competency of heart and kidney function o Kidney Stone = Cholelithiasis Flank pain = stone in kidney or upper ureter Abdominal/scrotal pain = stone in mid/lower ureter or bladder o Renal Failure Restrict protein intake Fluid and electrolyte problems Watch for HyperK+ (dizzy, wk, nausea, cramps, arhythmias) Pre-renal Problem = Interference with renal perfusion Intra-renal Problem= Damage to renal parenchyma

Post-renal Problem = Obstruction in UT anywhere from tubules to urethral meatus. Usually 3 phases (Oligouric, Diuretic, Recovery) Monitor Body Wt and I&Os o Steroid Effects = Moon face, hyperglycemia, acne, hirsutism, buffalo hump, mood swings, weight gain Spindle shape, osteoporosis, adrenal suppression (delayed growth in kids) . . . (Cushings Syndrome symptoms) o Addisons Crisis = medical emergency (vascular collapse, hypoglycemia, tachycardia Admin IV glucose + corticosteroids) No PO corticosteroids on empty stomach o Potassium sparing diuretic = Aldactone (Spironolactone) Watch for hyperK+ with this and ACE Inhibitors. o Cardiac Enzymes Troponin (1 hr), CKMB (2-4 hr), Myoglobin (1-4 hr), LDH1 (12-24 hr) o MI Tx Nitro Yes NO Digoxin, Betablockers, Atropine o Fibrinolytics = Streptokinase, Tenecteplase (TNKase) o CABG = Coronary Artery Bypass Graft o PTCA = Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty o Sex after MI okay when able to climb 2 slights of stairs without exertion (Take nitro prophylactically before sex) o BPH Tx = TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate) some blood for 4 days, and burning for 7 days post-TURP. o Only isotonic sterile saline for Bladder Irrigation o Post Thyroidectomy Keep tracheostomy set by the bed with O2, suction and Calcium gluconate o Pericarditis Pericardial Friction Rub, Pain relieved by leaning forward o Post Strep URI Diseases and Conditions: Acute Glomerulonephritis Rheumatic Fever Valve Disease Scarlet Fever o If a chest-tube becomes disconnected, do not clamp Put end in sterile water

o Chest Tube drainage system should show bubbling and water level fluctuations (tidaling with breathing) o TB Treatment with multidrug regimen for 9 months Rifampin reduces effectiveness of OCs and turns pee orange Isoniazide (INH) increases Dilantin blood levels o Use bronchodilators before steroids for asthma Exhale completely, Inhale deeply, Hold breath for 10 seconds o Ventilators Make sure alarms are on Check every 4 hours minimum o Suctioning Pre and Post oxygenate with 100% O2 No more than 3 passes No longer than 15 seconds Suction on withdrawal with rotation o COPD: Emphysema = Pink Puffer Chronic Bronchitis = Blue Bloater (Cyanosis, Rt sided heart failure = bloating/edema) o O2 Administration Never more than 6L/min by cannula Must humidify with more than 4L/hr No more than 2L/min with COPD (CO2 Narcosis) In ascending order of delivery potency: Nasal Cannula, Simple Face Mask, Nonrebreather Mask, Partial Rebreather Mask, Venturi Mask Restlessness and Irritability = Early signs of cerebral hypoxia IVs and Blood Product Administration o 18-19 gauge needle for blood with filter in tubing o Run blood with NS only and within 30 minutes of hanging o Vitals and Breath Sounds before, during and after infusion (15 min after start, then 30 min later, then hourly up to 1 hr after) o Check Blood: Exp Date, clots, color, air bubbles, leaks o 2 RNs must check order, pt, blood product Ask Pt about previous transfusion Hx o Stay with Pt for first 15 minutes If transfusion rxn Stop and KVO with NS o Pre-medicate with Benadryl prn for previous urticaria rxns

o Isotonic Solutions D5W NS (0.9% NaCl) Ringers Lactate NS only with blood products and Dilantin Diabetes and Insulin o When in doubt Treat for Hypoglycemia first o First IV for DKA = NS, then infuse regular insulin IV as Rxd o Hypoglycemia confusion, HA, irritable, nausea, sweating, tremors, hunger, slurring o Hyperglycemia weakness, syncope, polydipsia, polyuria, blurred vision, fruity breath o Insulin may be kept at room T for 28 days o Draw Regular (Clear) insulin into syringe first when mixing insulins o Rotate Injection Sites (Rotate in 1 region, then move to new region) o Rapid Acting Insulins Lispro (Humalog) and Aspart (Novolog) O: 5-15 min, P: .75-1.5 hrs o Short Acting Insulin Regular (human) O: 30-60 min, P: 2-3 hrs (IV Okay) o Intermediate Acting Insulin Isophane Insulin (NPH) O: 1-2 hrs, P: 6-12 hrs o Long Acting Insulin Insulin Glargine (Lantus) O: 1.1 hr, P: 14-20 hrs (Dont Mix) o Oral Hypoglycemics decrease glucose levels by stimulating insulin production by beta cells of pancreas, increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing hepatic glucose production Glyburide, Metformin (Glucophage), Avandia, Actos Acarbose blunts sugar levels after meals Oncology o Leukemia Anemia (reduced RBC production), Immunosuppression (neutropenia and immature WBCs), Hemorrhage and bleeding tendencies (thrombocytopenia) Acute Lymphocytic = most common type, kids, best prognosis o Testicular Cancer Painless lump or swelling testicle STE in shower > 14 yrs 15-35 = Age

o Prostate Cancer > 40 = Age PSA elevation DRE Mets to spine, hips, legs Elevated PAP (prostate acid phosphatase) TRUS = Transurethral US Post Op Monitor of hemorrhage and cardiovascular complication o Cervical and Uterine Cancer Laser, cryotherapy, radiation, conization, hysterectomy, exenteration Chemotherapy = No help PAP smears should start within 3 years of intercourse or by age 21 o Ovarian Cancer = leading cause of death from gynecological cancer o Breast Cancer = Leading cause of cancer in women Upper outer quadrant, left > right Monthly SBE Mammography Baseline @ 35, Annually after age 50 Mets to lymph nodes, then lungs, liver, brain, spine Mastectomy Radical Mastectomy = Lymph nodes too (but no mm resected) Avoid BP measurements, injections and venipuncture on surgical side o Anti-emetics given with Chemotherapy Agents (Cytoxan, Methotrexate, Interferon, etc.) Phenergan (Promethazine HCl) Compazine (Prochlorperazine) Reglan (Metocolpramide) Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) Zofran (Ondansetron HCl) Kytril (Granisetron)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases o Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) Chancre + red painless lesion (Primary Stage, 90 days) ... Secondary Stage (up to 6 mo) = Rash on palms and soles + Flu-like symptoms Tertiary Stage = Neurologic and Cardiac destruction (10-30 yrs) Treated with Penicillin G IM. o Gonorrhea (Neisseria Gonorrhea) Yellow green urethral discharge (The Clap) o Chlamydia (Chlamydia Trachomatis) Mild vaginal discharge or urethritis Doxycyclin, Tetracycline o Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas Vaginalis) Frothy foul-smelling vaginal discharge Flagyl o Candidiasis (Candida Albicans) Yellow, cheesy discharge with itching Miconazole, Nystatin, Clomitrazole (Gyne-Lotrimin) o Herpes Simplex 2 Acyclovir o HPV (Human Pappilovirus) Acid, Laser, Cryotherapy o HIV Cocktails

Perioperative Care o Breathing Es taught in advance (before or early in pre-op) o Remove nail polish (need to see cap refill) o Pre Op Meds as ordered, NPO X 8 hrs, Incentive Spirometry & Breathing Es taught in advance, Void, No NSAIDS X 48 hrs o Increased corticosteroids for surgery (stress) May need to increase insulin too o Post Op restlessness may = hemorrhage, hypoxia o Wound dehiscence or extravisation Wet sterile NS dressing + Call Dr. o Call Dr. post op if < 30 mL/hr urine, Sys BP < 90, T > 100 or < 96 o Post Op Monitoring VS and BS Every 15 minutes the first hour, Every 30 min next 2 hours, Every hour the next 4 hours, then Every 4 hours prn o 1-4 hrs Post Op = Immediate Stage 2-24 hrs Post Op = Intermediate Stage 1-4 days Post Op = Extended Stage o Post Op Positioning THR No Adduction past midline, No hip flexion past 90 degrees

Supratentorial Sx HOB 30-45 degrees (Semi-Fowler) Infrantentorial Sx Flat Phlebitis Supine, elevate involved leg Harris Tube Rt/back/Lt to advance tube in GI Miller Abbott Tube Right side for GI advancement into small intestine Thoracocentesis Unaffected side, HOB 30-45 degrees Enema Left Sims (flow into sigmoid) Liver Biopsy Right side with pillow/towel against puncture site Cataract Sx Opp side Semi-Fowler Cardiac Catheterization Flat (HOB no more than 30 degrees), Leg straight 4-6 hrs, bed rest 6-12 hrs Burn Autograph Elevated and Immob 3-7 days Amputation Supine, elevate stump for 48 hrs Large Brain Tumor Resection On non-operative side o Incentive Spirometry Inhale slowly and completely to keep flow at 600-900, Hold breath 5 seconds, 10 times per hr o Post Op Breathing Exercises Every 2 hours Sit up straight Breath in deeply thru nose and out slowly thru pursed lips Hold last breath 3 seconds Then cough 3 times (unless abd wound reinforce/splint if cough) o Watch for Stridor after any neck/throat Sx Keep Trach kit at bed side o Staples and sutures removed in 7-14 days Keep dry until then o No lifting over 10 lbs for 6 weeks (in general) o If chest tube comes disconnected, put free end in container of sterile water o Removing Chest Tube Valsalvas, or Deep breath and hold o If chest tube drain stops fluctuating, the lung has re-inflated (or there is a problem)

o Keep scissors by bed if pt has S. Blakemore Tube (for esoph varices) Sudden respiratory distress Cut inflation tubes and remove o Tracheostomy patients Keep Kelly clamp and Obturator (used to insert into trachea then removed leaving cannula) at bed side o Turn off NG suction for 30 min after PO meds o NG Tube Removal Take a deep breath and hold it o Stomach contents pH = < 4 (gastric juices aspirated) o NG Tube Insertion If cough and gag, back off a little, let calm, advance again with pt sipping water from straw o NG Tube Length End of nose, to era lobe, to xyphoid (~22-26 inches) o Decubitus (pressure) Ulcer Staging Stage 1 = Erythema only Stage 2 = Partial thickness Stage 3 = Full thickness to SQ Stage 4 = Full thickness + involving mm /bone

Acute Care o CVA Hemorrhagic or Embolic A-fib and A-flutter = thrombus formation Dysarthria (verbal enunciation/articulation), Apraxia (perform purposeful movements), Dysphasia (speech and verbal comprehension), Aphasia (speaking), Agraphia (writing), Alexia (reading), Dysphagia (swallowing) Left Hemisphere Lesion aphasia, agraphia, slow, cautious, anxious, memory okay Right Hemisphere Lesion cant recognize faces, loss of depth perception, impulsive behavior, confabulates, poor judgment, constantly smiles, denies illness, loss of tonal hearing o Head Injuries Even subtle changes in mood, behavior, restlessness, irritability, confusion may indicate increased ICP Change in level of responsiveness = Most important indicator of increased ICP

Watch for CSF leaks from nose or ears Leakage can lead to meningitis and mask intracranial injury since usual increased ICP symps may be absent. o Spinal Cord Injuries Respiratory status paramount C3-C5 innervates diaphragm 1 wk to know ultimate prognosis Spinal Shock = Complete loss of all reflex, motor, sensory and autonomic activity below the lesion = Medical emergency Permanent paralysis if spinal cord in compressed for 12-24 hrs Hypotension and Bradycardia with any injury above T6 Bladder Infection = Common cause of death (try to keep urine acidic) o Burns Infection = Primary concern HyperK+ due to cell damage and release of intracellular K+ Give meds before dressing changes Painful Massive volumes of IV fluid given, due to fluid shift to interstitial spaces and resultant shock First Degree = Epidermis (superficial partial thickness) Second Degree = Epidermis and Dermis (deep partial thickness) Third Degree = Epidermis, Dermis, and SQ (full thickness) Rule of 9s Head and neck = 9%, UE = 9% each, LE = 18% each, Front trunk = 18%, Back Trunk = 18% Singed nasal hair and circumoral soot/burns = Smoke inhalation burns o Fractures Report abnormal assessment findings promptly Compartment Syndrome may occur = Permanent damage to nerves and vessels 5 Ps of neurovascular status (important with fractures) Pain, Pallor, Pulse, Paresthesia, Paralysis Provide age-appropriate toys for kids in traction

Special Tests and Pathognomonic Signs o Tensilon Test Myesthenia Gravis (+ in Myesthenic crisis, - in Cholinergic crisis) o ELISA and Western Blot HIV o Sweat Test Cystic Fibrosis o Cheilosis = Sores on sides of mouth Riboflavin deficiency (B2) o Trousseaus Sign (Carpal spasm induced by BP cuff) Hypocalcemia (hypoparathyroidism) o Chvosteks Sign (Facial spasm after facial nerve tap) Hypocalcemia (hypoparathyroidism) o Bloody Diarrhea = Ulcerative Colitis o Olive-Shaped Mass (epigastric) and Projectile Vomiting = Pyloric Stenosis o Current Jelly Stool (blood and mucus) and Sausage-Shaped Mass in RUQ = Intussiception o Mantoux Test for TB is + if 10 mm induration 48 hrs post admin (previous BCG vaccine recipients will test +) o Butterfly Rash = SLE Avoid direct sunlight o 5 Ps of NV functioning Pain, paresthesia, pulse, pallor, paralysis o Cullens Sign (periumbelical discoloration) and Turners Sign (blue flank) = Acute Pancreatitis o Murphys Sign (Rt. costal margin pain on palp with inspiration) = GB or Liver disease o HA more severe on wakening = Brain Tumor (remove benign and malignant) o Vomiting not associated with nausea = Brain Tumor o Elevated ICP = Increased BP, widened pulse pressure, increased Temp o Pill-Rolling Tremor = Parkinsons (Tx with Levodopa, Cardidopa) Fall precautions, rigid, stooped, shuffling o IG Bands on Electrophoresis = MS Weakness starts in upper extremities bowel/bladder affected in 90% Demyelination - Tx with ACTH, corticosteroids, Cytoxan and other immunosuppressants o Reed-Sternberg Cells = Hodgkins o Koplik Spots = Rubeola (Measles) o Erythema Marginatum = Rash of Rheumatic Fever o Gowers Sign = Muscular Dystrophy Like Minors sign (walks up legs with hands)

Pediatrics o Bench Marks Birth wt doubles at 6 months and triples at 12 months Birth length increases by 50% at 12 months Post fontanel closes by 8 wks Ant fontanel closes by 12-18 months Moro reflex disappears at 4 months Steady head control achieved at 4 months Turns over at 5-6 months Hand to hand transfers at 7 months Sits unsupported at 8 months Crawls at 10 months Walks at 10-12 months Cooing at 2 months Monosyllabic Babbling at 3-6 months, Links syllables 6-9 mo Mama, Dada + a few words at 9-12 months Throws a ball overhand at 18 months Daytime toilet training at 18 mo - 2 years 2-3 word sentences at 2 years 50% of adult Ht at 2 years Birth Length doubles at 4 years Uses scissors at 4 years Ties shoes at 5 years Girls growth spurt as early at 10 years Boys catch up ~ Age 14

Girls finish growing at ~15 Boys ~ 17 o Autosomal Recessive Diseases CF, PKU, Sickle Cell Anemia, Tay-Sachs, Albinism, 25% chance if: AS (trait only) X AS (trait only) 50% chance if: AS (trait only) X SS (disease) o Autosomal Dominant Diseases Huntingtons, Marfans, Polydactyl, Achondroplasia, Polycystic Kidney Disease 50% if one parent has the disease/trait (trait = disease in autosomal dominant) o X-Linked Recessive Diseases Muscular Dystrophy, Hemophilia A Females are carriers (never have the disease) Males have the disease (but cant pass it on) 50% chance daughters will be carriers (cant have disease) 50% chance sons will have the disease (not a carrier = cant pass it on) This translates to an overall 25% chance that each pregnancy will result in a child that has the disease o Scoliosis Milwaukee Brace 23 hrs/day, Log rolling after Sx o Down Syndrome = Trisomy 21 Simian creases on palms, hypotonia, protruding tongue, upward outward slant of eyes o Cerebral Palsy Scissoring = legs extended, crossed, feet plantar-flexed o PKU leads to MR Guthrie Test Aspartame (NutraSweet) has phenylalanine in it and should not be given to PKU patient o Hypothyroidism Leads to MR o Prevent Neural tube disorders with Folic Acid during PG o Myelomeningocele Cover with moist sterile water dressing and keep pressure off o Hydrocephalus Signs of increased ICP are opposite of shock Shock = Increased pulse and decreased BP

IICP = Decreased pulse and increased BP (+ Altered LOC = Most sensitive sign) Infants ... IICP = Bulging fontanels, high pitched cry, increased hd circum, sunset eyes, wide suture lines, lethargy Treat with peritoneal shunt dont pump shunt. Older kids IIPC = Widened pulse pressure IICP caused by suctioning, coughing, straining, and turning Try to avoid o Muscular Dystrophy X-linked Recessive, waddling gait, hyper lordosis, Gowers Sign = difficulty rising walks up legs (like Minors sign), fat pseudohypertrophy of calves. o Seizures Nothing in mouth, turn hd to side, maintain airway, dont restrain, keep safe Treat with Phenobarbitol (Luminol), Phenytoin (Dilantin: TR = 10-20 Gingival Hyperplasia), Fosphenytoin (Cerebyx), Valproic Acid (Depakene), Carbamazepine (Tegritol) o Meningitis (Bacterial) Lumbar puncture shows Increased WBC, protein, IICP and decreased glucose (RASH IS ONE OF THE BIGEST SIGN) May lead to SIADH (Too much ADH) Water retention, fluid overload, dilutional hyponatremia o CF Kids taste salty and need enzymes sprinkled on their food o Children with Rubella = threat to unborn siblings (may require temporary isolation from Mom during PG) o Pain in young children measured with Faces pain scale o No MMR Immunization for kids with Hx of allergic rxn to eggs or neomycin o Immunization Side Effects T < 102, redness and soreness at injection site for 3 days give Tylenol and bike pedal legs (passively) for child. o Call Physician if seizures, high fever, or high-pitched cry after immunization o All cases of poisoning Call Poison Control Center No Ipecac! o Epiglottitis = H. influenza B Child sits upright with chin out and tongue protruding (maybe Tripod position) Prepare for intubation or trach DO NOT put anything into kids mouth o Isolate RSV patient with Contact Precautions Private room is best Use Mist Tent to provide O2 and Ribavirin Flood tent with O2 first and wipe down inside of tent periodically so you can see patient o Acute Glomerulonephritis After B strep Antigen-Antibody complexes clog up glomeruli and reduce GFR = Dark urine, proteinuria o Wilms Tumor = Large kidney tumor Dont palpate o TEF = Tracheoesophageal Atresia 3 Cs of TEF = Coughing, Choking, Cyanosis

o Cleft Lip and Palate Post-Op Place on side, maintain Logan Bow, elbow restraints o Congenital Megacolon = Hirschsprungs Disease Lack of peristalsis due to absence of ganglionic cells in colon Suspect if no meconium w/in 24 hrs or ribbon-like foul smelling stools o Iron Deficiency Anemia Give Iron on empty stomach with citrus juice (vitamin C enhances absorption), Use straw or dropper to avoid staining teeth, Tarry stools, limit milk intake < 32 oz/day o Sickle Cell Disease Hydration most important SC Crisis = fever, abd pain, painful edematous hands and feet (hand-foot syndrome), arthralgia Tx + rest, hydration Avoid high altitude and strenuous activities o Tonsillitis usually Strep Get PT and PTT Pre-Op (ask about Hx of bleeding) Suspect Bleeding PostOp if frequent swallowing, vomiting blood, or clearing throat No red liquids, no straws, ice collar, soft foods Highest risk of hemorrhage = first 24 hrs and 5-10 days post-op (with sloughing of scabs) o Primary meds for ER for respiratory distress = Sus-phrine (Epinephrine HCl) and Theophylline (Theodur) Bronchodilators o Must know normal respiratory rates for kids Respiratory disorders = Primary reason for most medical/ER visits for kids Newborn 30-60 1-11 mo 25-35 1-3 years 20-30 3-5 years 20-25 6-10 years 18-22 11-16 years 16-20 Cardiovascular Disorders o Acyanotic = VSD, ASD, PDA, Coarc of Aorta, Aortic Stenosis Antiprostaglandins cause closure of PDA (aorta - pulmonary artery) o Cyanotic = Tetralogy of Fallot, Truncus Arteriosis (one main vessel gets mixed blood), TVG (Transposition of Great Vessels) Polycythemia common in Cyanotic disorders 3 Ts of Cyanotic Heart Disease (Tetralogy, Truncus, Transposition) o Tetralogy of Fallot Unoxygenated blood pumped into aorta Pulmonary Stenosis

VSD Overiding Aorta Right Ventricular Hypertrophy TET Spells Hypoxic episodes that are relieved by squatting or knee chest position o CHF can result Use Digoxin TR = 0.8-2.0 for kids o Ductus Venosus = Umbelical Vein to Inferior Vena Cava o Ductus Arteriosus = Aorta to Pulmonary Artery o Rheumatic Fever Acquired Heart Disease Affects aortic and mitral valves Preceded by beta hemolytic strep infection Erythema Marginatum = Rash Elevated ASO titer and ESR Chest pain, shortness of breath (Carditis), migratory large joint pain, tachycardia (even during sleep) Treat with Penicillin G = Prophylaxis for recurrence of RF

Maternity o Day 1 of cycle = First day of menses (bleeding) Ovulation on Day 14 28 days total Sperm 3-5 days, Eggs 24 hrs Fertilization in Fallopian Tube o Chadwicks Sign = Bluing of Vagina (early as 4 weeks) o Hegars Sign = Softening of isthmus of cervix (8 weeks) o Goodells Sign = Softening of Cervix (8 weeks) o Pregnancy Total wt gain = 25-30 lbs (11-14 kg) o Increase calorie intake by 300 calories/day during PG Increase protein 30 g/day Increase iron, Ca++, Folic Acid, A & C o Dangerous Infections with PG TORCH = Toxoplasmosis, other, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, HPV o Braxton Hicks common throughout PG o Amniotic fluid = 800-1200 mL (< 300 mL = Oligohydramnios = fetal kidney problems)

o Polyhydramnios and Macrosomia (large fetus) with Diabetes o Umbelical cord: 2 arteries, 1 vein Vein carries oxygenated blood to fetus (opposite of normal) o FHR = 120-160 o Folic Acid Deficiency = Neural tube defects o Pre-term = 20-37 weeks o Term = 38-42 weeks o Post-term = 42 weeks+ o TPAL = Term births, Pre-term births, Abortions, Living children o Gravida = # of Pregnancies regardless of outcome o Para = # of Deliveries (not kids) after 20 wks gestation o Nagales Rule Add 7 days to first day of last period, subtract 3 months, add 12 months = EDC o Hgb and Hct a bit lower during PG due to hyperhydration o Side-lying is best position for uteroplacental perfusion (either side tho left is traditional ) o 2:1 Lecithin:Sphingomyelin Ratio = Fetal lungs mature o AFP in amniotic fluid = possible neural tube defect o Need a full bladder for Amniocentesis early in PG (but not in later PG) o Lightening = Fetus drops into true pelvis o Nesting Instinct = Burst of Energy just before labor o True Labor = Regular contractions that intensify with ambulation, LBP that radiates to abdomen, progressive dilation and effacement o Station = Negative above ischial spines, Positive below o Leopold Maneuver tries to reposition fetus for delivery o Laboring Maternal Vitals Pulse < 100 (usually a little higher than normal with PG - BP is unchanged in PG). T < 100.4 o NON-Stress Test Reactive = Healthy (FHR goes up with movements) o Contraction Stress Test (Ocytocin Challenge Test) Unhealthy = Late decels noted (positive result) indicative of UPI Negative result = No late decels noted (good result)

o Watch for hyporeflexia with Mag Sulfate admin . . . Diaphragmatic Inhibition Keep Calcium gluconate by the bed (antidote) o Firsts Fetal HB 8-12 weeks by Doppler, 15-20 weeks by fetoscope Fetal movement = Quickening, 14-20 weeks Showing = 14 weeks Braxton Hicks 4 months and onward o Early Decels = Head compression = OK o Variable Decels = Cord compression = Not Good o Late Decels = Utero-placental insufficiency = BAD! o If Variable or Late Decels Change maternal position, Stop Pitocin, Administer O2, Notify Physician o DIC Tx is with Heparin (safe in PG) Fetal Demise, Abruptio Placenta, Infection o Fundal Heights 12-14 wks At level of symphysis 20 weeks 20 cm = Level of umbilicus Rises ~ 1 cm per week o Stages of Labor Stage 1 = Beginning of Regular contraction to full dilation and effacement Stage 2 = 10 cm dilation to delivery Stage 3 = Delivery of Placenta Stage 4 = 1-4 Hrs following delivery o Placenta Separation Lengthening of cord outside vagina, gush of blood, full feeling in vagina Give oxytocin after placenta is out Not before. o Schultz Presentation = Shiny side out (fetal side of placenta) o Postpartum VS Schedule Every 15 min X 1 hr

Every 30 min X next 2 hours Every Hour X next 2-6 hours Then every 4 hours o Normal BM for mom within 3 days = Normal o Lochia no more than 4-8 pads/day and no clots > 1 cm Fleshy smell is normal, Foul smell = infection o Massage boggy uterus to encourage involution empty bladder ASAP may need to catheterize Full bladder can lead to uterine atony and hemorrhage o Tears 1st Degree = Dermis, 2nd Degree = mm/fascia, 3rd Degree = anal sphincter, 4th Degree = rectum o APGAR = HR, R, mm tone, Reflex irritability, Color 1 and 5 minutes 7-10 = Good, 4-6 = moderate resuscitative efforts, 1-3 = mostly dead o Eye care = E-mycin + Silver Nitrate for gonorrhea o Pudendal Block = decreases pain in perineum and vagina No help with contraction pain o Epidural Block = T10-S5 Blocks all pain First sign = warmth or tingling in ball of foot or big toe o Regional Blocks often result in forceps or vacuum assisted births because they affect the mothers ability to push effectively o WBC counts are elevated up to 25,000 for ~10 days post partum o Rho(D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) is given to Rh- mothers who deliver Rh+ kids Not given if mom has a +Coombs Test She already has developed antibodies (too late) o Caput Succedaneum = edema under scalp, crosses suture lines o Cephalhematoma = blood under periosteum, does not cross suture lines o Suction Mouth first then nostrils o Moro Reflex = Startle reflex (abduction of all extremities) up to 4 months o Rooting Reflex up to 4 months o Babinski Reflex up to18 months o Palmar Grasp Reflex Lessens by 4 months o Ballard Scale used to estimate gestational age

o Heel Stick = lateral surface of heel o Physiologic Jaundice is normal at 2-3 days Abnormal if before 24 hours or lasting longer than 7 days Unconjugated bilirubin is the culprit. o Vitamin K given to help with formation of clotting factors due to fact that the newborn gut lacks the bacteria necessary for vitamin K synthesis initially Vastus lateralis mm IM o Abrutio Placenta = Dark red bleeding with rigid board like abdomen o Placenta Previa = Painless bright red bleeding o DIC = Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation clotting factors used up by intravascular clotting Hemorrhage and increased bleeding times result Associated with fetal demise, infection and abruptio placenta. o Magnesium Sulfate used to reduce preterm labor contractions and prevent seizures in Pre-Eclampsia Mg replaces Ca++ in the smooth mm cells resulting relaxation Can lead to hyporeflexia and respiratory depression Must keep Calcium Gluconate by bed when administering during labor = Antidote Monitor for: Absent DTRs Respirations < 12 Urinary Output < 30/hr Fetal Bradycardia o Pitocin (Oxytocin) use for Dystocia If uterine tetany develops, turn off Pitocin, admin O2 by face mask, turn pt on side. Pitocin can cause water intoxication owing to ADH effects. o Suspect uterine rupture if woman complains of a sharp pain followed by cessation of contractions o Pre-Eclampsia = Htn + Edema + Proteinuria o Eclampsia = Htn + Edema + Proteinuria + Seizures and Coma Suspect if Severe HA + visual disturbances o No Coumadin during PG (Heparin is OK) o Hyperemesis Gravidarum = uncontrollable nausea and vomiting May be related to H. pyolori Reglan (metaclopromide) o Insulin demands drop precipitously after delivery o No oral hypoglycemics during PG Teratogenic Insulin only for control of DM

o Babies born without vaginal squeeze more likely to have respiratory difficulty initially o C-Section can lead to Paralytic Ileus Early ambulation helps o Postpartum Infection common in problem pregnancies (anemia, diabetes, traumatic birth) o Postpartum Hemorrhage = Leading cause of maternal death Risk factors include: Dystocia, prolonged labor, overdistended uterus, abrutio placenta, infection Tx includes Fundal massage, count pads, VS, IV fluids, Oxytocin, notify physician o Jitteriness is a symptom of hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia in the newborn o Hypoglycemia tremors, high pitched cry, seizures o High pitched cry + bulging fontanels = IICP o Hypothermia can lead to Hypoxia and acidoisis Keep warm and use bicarbonate prn to treat acidosis in newborn. o Lay on right side after feeding Move stomach contents into small intestine o Jaundice and High bilirubin can cause encephalopathy < 12 = normal Phototherapy decomposes bilirubin via oxidation Protect eyes, turn every 2 hours and watch for dehydration The dangerous bilirubin is the unconjugated indirect type.

Nutrition o K+ Bananas, dried fruits, citrus, potatoes, legumes, tea, peanut butter o Vitamin C Citrus, potatoes, cantaloupe o Ca++ Milk, cheese, green leafy veggies, legumes o Na+ Salt, processed foods, seafood o Folic Acid Green leafy veggies, liver, citrus o Fe++ Green leafy veggies, red meat, organ meat, eggs, whole wheat, carrots Use Z-track for injections to avoid skin staining o Mg+ Whole grains, green leafy veggies, nuts o Thiamine (B1) Pork, beef, liver, whole grains o B12 Organ meats, green leafy veggies, yeast, milk, cheese, shellfish

Deficiency = Big red beefy tongue, Anemia o Vitamin K Green leafy veggies, milk, meat, soy o Vitamin A Liver, orange and dark green fruits and veggies o Vitamin D Dairy, fish oil, sunlight o Vitamin E Veggie oils, avocados, nuts, seeds o BMI 18.5-24.9 = Normal (Higher = Obese)

Gerontology o Essentially everyone goes to Hell in a progressively degenerative hand-basket Thin skin, bad sleep, mm wasting, memory loss, bladder shrinks, incontinence, delayed gastric emptying, COPD, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes

o Common Ailments: Delerium and Dementia Cardiac Dysrhythmias Cataracts and Glaucoma CVA (usually thrombotic, TIAs common) Decubitus Ulcers Hypothyroidism Thyrotoxicosis (Graves Disease) COPD (usually combination of emphysema and CB) UTIs and Pneumonia Can cause confusion and delerium o Memory loss starts with recent progresses to full o Dementia = Irreversible (Alzheimers) Depression, Sundowning, Loss of family recognition o Delerium = Secondary to another problem = Reversible (infections common cause)

o Medication Alert! Due to decreased renal function, drugs metabolized by the kidneys may persist to toxic levels o When in doubt on NCLEX Answer should contain something about exercise and nutrition.

Advanced Clinical Concepts o Erickson Psycho-Social Development 0-1 yr (Newborn) Trust vs. Mistrust 1-3 yrs (Toddler) Autonomy vs. Doubt and Shame Fear intrusive procedures - Security objects good (Blankies, stuffed animals) 3-6 yrs (Pre-school) Initiative vs. Guilt Fear mutilation Band-Aids good 6-12 yrs (School Age) Industry vs. Inferiority Games good, Peers important Fear loss of control of their bodies 12-19 yrs (Adolescent) Identity vs. Role Confusion Fear Body Image Distortion 20-35 yrs (Early Adulthood) Intimacy vs. Isolation 35-65 yrs (Middle Adulthood) Generativity vs. Stagnation Over 65 (Older Adulthood) Integrity vs. Despair o Piaget Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Stage (0-2) Learns about reality and object permanence Preoperational Stage (2-7) Concrete thinking Concrete Operational Stage (7-11) Abstract thinking Formal Operational Stage (11-adult) Abstract and logical thinking o Freud Psycho-Sexual Development Oral Stage (Birth -1 year) Self gratification, Id is in control and running wild Anal Stage (1-3) Control and pleasure wrt retention and pooping Toilet training in this stage Phallic Stage (3-6) Pleasure with genitals, Oedipus complex, SuperEgo develops Latency Stage (6-12) Sex urges channeled to culturally acceptable level, Growth of Ego Genital Stage (12 up) Gratification and satisfying sexual relations, Ego rules

o Kohlberg Moral Development Moral development is sequential but people do not aromatically go from one stage to the next as they mature Level 1 = Pre-conventional Reward vs. Punishment Orientation Level 2 = Conventional Morality Conforms to rules to please others Level 3 = Post- Conventional Rights, Principles and Conscience (Best for All is a concern)

Calculations Rules & Formulas o Round final answer to tenths place o Round drops to nearest drop o When calculating mL/hr, round to nearest full mL o Must include 0 in front of values < 1 o Pediatric doses rounded to nearest 100th. Round down for peds o Calculating IV Flow Rates Total mL X Drop Factor / 60 X #Hrs = Flow Rate in gtts/min o Calculating Infusion Times Total mL X Drop Factor / Flow Rate in gtts/min X 60 = Hrs to Infuse

Conversions o 1 t = 5mL o 1 T = 3 t = 15 mL o 1 oz = 30 cc = 30 mL = 2 T o 1 gr = 60 mg o 1 mg = 1000 ug (or mcg) o 1 kg = 2.2 lbs o 1 cup = 8 oz = 240 mL

o 1 pint = 16 oz o 1 quart = 32 oz o Degrees F = (1.8 X C) + 32 o Degrees C = (F 32) / 1.8 37 C = 98.6 F 38 C = 100.4 F 39 C = 102.2 F 40 C = 104 F

Fall Precautions o Room close to nurses station o Assessment and orientation to room o Get help to stand (dangle feet if light headed) o Bed low with side rails up o Good lighting and reduce clutter in room o Keep consistent toileting schedule o Wear proper non-slip footwear o At home Paint edges of stairs bright color Bell on cats and dogs Neutropenic (Immunosuppressed) Precautions o No plants or flowers in room o No fresh veggies Cooked foods only o Avoid crowds and infectious persons o Meticulous hand washing and hygiene to prevent infection

o Report fever > 100.5 (immunosuppressed pts may not manifest fever with infection) Bleeding Precautions (Anticoagulants, etc.) o Soft bristled tooth brush o Electric razor only (no safety razors) o Handle gently, Limit contact sports o Rotate injection sites with small bore needles for blood thinners o Limit needle sticks, Use small bore needles, Maintain pressure for 5 minutes on venipuncture sites o No straining at stool - Check stools for occult blood (Stool softeners prn) o No salicylates, NSAIDs, or suppositories o Avoid blowing or picking nose o Do not change Vitamin K intake if on Coumadin

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