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The Bayou inventor

Candice hiu fu leung

Dr. Paul . W, was an inventor living in amazon. He is living in the 30th century which 1000 years ahead us in the parallel universes. That is a world which with high technology and low privatization as the progression of science. He is a genius scientist in creating robots and brings many helps to peoples live. However,. Paul is an anti-social and mystery person, no one have really seen his face before. Some people said he is a girl because he got long beautiful hair with womans body shape while some said he is a man because his voice is low and claim. Although everyone appreciated what he had made , they always gossip about his look and his mystery live. Yet, Dr. Paul in personally hate what people describe him. He is low selfesteem and hate god because of how he created him differently to others. Therefore, He escaped from his home place and went to the aboriginal amazon bayou and created his own secret lair without any connections to outside. He was trying to become a creator like god rather an inventor so he is in control in his own world. Amazon is the best place for him as he can study field with nutrients and living things. He started living there to create his strange babies to live with him.

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