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Joey Velazquez S Holland 12.4.


Self Assessment
The objective of this assignment is the examination of how much I learned about exploring an issue of my choice. I chose to address censorship because Im very, passionate I guess you could say, about knowing the truth of things. I believe knowing the truth promotes a creative and optimistic attitude which will help me carryout things I do in the everyday. The most Ive learned throughout this exploration paper i s the place where I stand with my topic, censorship. Even though I come across as it being a bad thing, I believe its for the greater good to have censorship. The lesser of two evils I suppose. The thing I really took away from this entire course is the ability to write a captivating essay. At first its not pretty, but when you understand the science behind it and get down a formula, it becomes a doable task. I think the greatest obstacle I hurdled was to learn something I will carry on with me for the rest of my career in each of my classes taken. English and Math were very if-y to me, but English and writing sort of came to me naturally. Not that I have this born talent, but I seemed to write very fluently.

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