Abu Ali Inbe Sina

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Abu Ali Inbe Sina


Place of birth : Bukhara.

Year of birth : 98 A.!.

Year of death : " #$ A.!.


i. %eolo&'

ii. Ph'(iolo&'

iii. )athe*atic(

i+. A(trono*'

+. Philo(o,h'

A-.IE/E)E01S :

i. Fir(t to u(e cathater( *ade of the (kin( of ani*al(

ii. !i(tribution of di(ea(e( b' 2ater and (oil

iii. 3eco&ni(ed the nature of 1uberculo(i(

i+. !i(cu((ed interaction bet2een P('cholo&' and health

+. )entioned intra4+e(ical in5ection( b' *ean( of (il+er ('rin&e

673KS :

i. 8 Al49anun Fil 1ib 8 4444 .u*an ,h'(iolo&' and *edicine

ii. 8 Kitab al4Shifa 8 44444 Philo(o,hical ec'clo,edia

iii. 8 al40a5at 8 44444 Philo(o,h'

i+. 8 I(harat 8 44444 Philo(o,h'

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