Moodle Evaluation

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Moodle Reflection One of main concerns when starting this project was that I was unfamiliar with Moodle

and I wasnt sure of what content I was going to teach. Although the brainstorming topics we had helped a little bit, I still had to make lessons, write assessments, and make the Moodle look presentable. Being that I felt o erwhelmed, I could ha e done more to the Moodle to make it more interacti e and engaging for m! students. "hen creating m! Moodle, I knew that I had to create something that would bring a sense of communit!. #ere, I made a forum in which the students would post facts about themsel es. I had also created forums in the lessons that focused on students asking $uestions and getting help from their peers.

%econd, I had to create content. I focused m! Moodle on sol ing the sides and angles of triangles using trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent, and the &!thagorean 'heorem. 'his content is taught in most high school algebra or geometr! classrooms. One e aluator felt that m! objecti es did not align with m! instruction, sa!ing that ('o get the answers for the entire first assignment !ou were re$uired to use in erse functions to find angle measures b! finding ratios of sides and not actuall! using the trig functions.) "hen I taught m! unit in high school, it was done like how I set up m! unit. Ma!be if I had named m! moodle differentl! such as (%ol ing 'riangles) then m! objecti es would ha e been more apparent. *or m! lessons,I e+perimented with the features Moodle has to offer. I posted a "ord ,ocument for one of m! lessons-

'hen I made a lesson directl! in Moodle-

I posted a ideo from .han Academ!-

/astl!, I posted a link to a math website-

'he method I preferred was posting a "ord ,ocument. Although I liked the using a .han Academ! ideo, I didnt ha e the option of impeding the ideo into m! Moodle. Instead, m! students would ha e to lea e the Moodle website to iew it. 'his ma! cause some internet safet! issues. "ith the "ord ,ocument, I was able to post it as a &,*. %tudents were not re$uired to ha e "ord to iew it and Adobe is a free downloadable program. Making a lesson in Moodle was m! least fa orite because it was difficult to make e$uations. In order for me to use this option in the future, Moodle would ha e to create an e$uation maker to make it more user friendl! towards math and science related content.

*or practice problems, I mainl! had students use a website called 'his website had e+cellent practice problems for what I wanted the students to learn and was able to gi e the students instant feedback.

Assessment included e+it0ticket $uestions that were at the end of each lesson, a $ui1 on lessons 2 and 3 and an unit test. #ere is where I wished I spent more time re iewing and editing. All the e aluators of m! Moodle said that there was problems with the $ui1 and test in that the! answered the $uestion in hundredths but the answer was in the tenths. 'herefore, all m! e aluators got these $uestions wrong e en though their answer was right.

I feel like I would not ha e engaged m! students with the acti ities pro ided. Most of m! lessons in ol ed going outside of the Moodle to other sites to learn the content. One e aluator pointed out that she would be liked more instruction on the moodle and for there to be more practice problem sets. One main reason for not doing that was time. If I had problem sets, the students ma! ha e not finished the moodle in three hours. Another e aluator also pointed out that I ask for some students to scan their work. I do not re$uire students to scan their work, but it was a suggestion. %ince this was an online course, I feel the student would ha e access to arious technolog! at home or at their local librar!. O erall, I would probabl! not use Moodle unless I had to. I found it not user0friendl! and the interface seems a little outdated. 'here needs to an e$uation maker so I can make the $uadratic formula or another math e$uations that I can4t do on a ke!board. If I was de eloping this for a real class, I probabl! would ha e made ideos of m!self teaching on the board and made problem sets that the students would to complete for homework.

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