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Malaria Wanted for Mass Murder

Malaria is a Deadly diseases that infects a person From Mosquito bite. It is a parasite passed from a mosquitos saliva into the circulatory system into the liver to hive and divide itself into more and more parasites that causes head aches and fevers and in some causes death. If you catch Malaria, antimalarial medications I the medication to almost cure it because in some cases it doesnt work. To keep your immune system working with this disease Malaria is crossed to a human from a mosquito bite which saliva from the mosquito is passed to the bite into the circulator system infecting red blood cells and then eventually hibernating in your liver!!!!

Malaria was discovered in 1550BC in Egypt. There are no possible vaccines, but there are ways to stop mosquitos from infecting you, by putting on mosquito repellant and also having mosquito nets to stop them from coming in your house.

Malaria Will Kill You!!!!

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