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Exergaming-Exciting and Efficient

Caileigh Colgan

Exergaming incorporates exercise into video games. This is greatly needed in todays world where everything revolves around technology and obesity rates are higher than ever. Exergaming introduces a new and fun way to stay active. Xboxs Dance Central and Wiis iDance got students out of the classroom and onto their feet. Information such as; heart rate, rate of exhaustion, and enjoyment were then taken down to see just how useful exergaming can be.

I believe that this experiment will result in high enjoyment rates by the students partaking in exergaming. Dance Central and iStep are new and innovative ways to exercise. I believe that the enjoyment rates will be high due to the way that exergaming makes exercising fun, especially for people who might not enjoy working out otherwise. I think that Dance Central will have a higher enjoyment rate than iStep due to the fact that Dance Central does not require any pad or controller use, just the motion of your body.


After having the students dance using both Dance Central and iStep, Dance Central did have a higher enjoyment rate than iStep. Dance Central had more challenging movements and resulted in higher heart rates at the end. The majority of students in this experiment are/or have been athletes. This resulted in the students enjoying Dance Central more due to the higher amount of energy needed. From here, I would love to further research how Wii boxing can benefit children. It would allow them to get their aggression out in a safe, non-violent manor, as well as exercising their arms and strengthening their exergaming ability.

Dance Central was enjoyed more with an average of 4.08 as opposed to iSteps 3.86.

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