Analysis English Final

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The Analysis Memo I believe I have made credible reasons on why the age of buying a lighter should be lowered.

I addressed convenient stores and the law that they have against buying a lighter at an age lower than eighteen. I chose convincing rhetorical statements to try and persuade the state(s) that enforce this law across the United States. I used logos and ethos in my e planations in why the age should be lowered. There were also specific words that I chose that I thought were efficient for persuasion. I used both ethos and logos in my complaint letter. I used ethos as a credibility appeal. Starting a fire! coo"ing! cauteri#ing! lighting a candle! lighting a firewor"! or sealing the end of a nylon or polyester string are all credible reasons to have a lighter. I don$t thin" any of those reasons should be unaccepted when wanting to posses and use a lighter. I used the word mature when relating to these credible reasons. I thin" this is an appropriate word to use because all of these things you don$t have to be eighteen to do. %ou can be mature enough to use a lighter before eighteen. If you are not trying to buy a tobacco product then there shouldn$t be any reason a si teen year old is not mature enough to buy and use a lighter. The logos appeal is similar to the ethos. All of my reasons on why you could use a lighter are persuasive because I try to use convincing words and statements as why a person under eighteen could use a lighter. If you don$t have to be eighteen to do all of those things! why do you need to be eighteen to buy a lighter& I also tried to be persuasive by as"ing 'uestions on why you would need to be eighteen to use lighters for the reasons I listed and using words to ma"e my reasons significant.

I called it a ridiculous law! trying to persuade the convenient stores that it is absurd that you have to be eighteen because a lighter is not only used to smo"e. There are many reasons an adolescent can use a lighter! it is ridiculous that lighters are sold (ust to be used to smo"e. I used the word (ustification and valid because the reasons I named were (ustifiable to the fact that there is more than one reason to posses a lighter. It is (ustifiable to say that a lighter can have many purposes! not (ust one. I also used the words necessity and survival tool. These are words of persuasion because my reasons that you could coo"! ma"e a fire! etc. with a lighter are legitimate. These words I used were effective because they were reasonable e cuses to have a lighter under the age of eighteen. The ethos! logos! and specific words I used were specifically meant to convince my audience as to why you should be able to buy a lighter before eighteen. I thin" the law should be changed so someone has to be si teen instead of eighteen to buy a lighter. A lighter is a multi purpose tool! not (ust something to be used to smo"e.

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