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Yadira Balderas Professor Pappas College 1 December 08, 2013 Reflection on S itc!" B# C!ip and Dan $eat! %n t!

e boo& 'S itc!' b# C!ip and Dan $eat! e(plained !o c!ange is !ard to ma&e beca)se people ear t!emsel*es o)t+ ,s a first #ear college st)dent, t!ere is a lot of c!anges t!at need to made in order to become a s)ccessf)l st)dent+ D)ring t!e co)rse of College 1, e !ad to complete a Do)ble-.ntr# /o)rnal after e*er# c!apter in t!e boo&+ % t!in& t!at t!is !elped me )nderstand m# reading s&ills as a st)dent beca)se % learned !o to annotate t!e te(t, and !o to )nderstand t!e te(t m)c! easier+ Since % learned t!ese reading strategies, % do appl# t!em to m# ot!er classes s)c! as m# .nglis! class+ ,fter reading t!e boo& 'S itc!', % did appl# some of t!ese strategies t!at t!e boo& tal&ed abo)t to ma&e c!anges+ 0or e(ample, % str)ggled it! procrastination so in t!e boo& mentioned a lot abo)t directing t!e Rider !ic! is t!e rational side of t!e indi*id)al and moti*ating t!e .lep!ant !ic! is t!e emotional part of t!e indi*id)al+ %n order for me to c!ange m# procrastination % needed to direct t!e Rider !ic! directs t!e .lep!ant+ So !at % tried as t!at % t!o)g!t as to get rid of some t!ings t!at distract me s)c! as m# p!one and 12+ B# doing t!is, it3s setting clear direction to t!e Rider !ic! are also called 'Brig!t Spots'+ Brig!t spots are finding sit)ations t!at can !elp #o) ma&e t!ose c!anges+ ,s a res)lt, bot! t!e Rider and .lep!ant need to or& toget!er to mo*e in t!e same direction+ So once % made t!at c!ange, it moti*ates t!e .lep!ant to or& it! t!e Rider to ma&e m# procrastination stop+ So once % started doing more often, % noticed it as as !ard

as % t!o)g!t+ % o)ld 4)st t)rn off m# p!one and loc& )p in m# dra er and go into m# &itc!en to a*oid t!e 12+ 5nce % started doing it constantl#, % became a !abit+ 1!e en*ironment also pla#ed a big role to ma&e t!e c!ange beca)se it is referred to as t!e 'pat!'+ % needed to s!ape m# pat! first to ma&e t!e 4o)rne# of t!e Rider and .lep!ant+ 1!is as a *er# !elpf)l a# to impro*e in m# reading s&ills and ma&ing a smoot! c!ange as a st)dent+ 6!en % first entered college, % didn3t !a*e an# strategies !en it came to reading+ % o)ld 4)st simpl# read t!e once and t!at as it+ B)t d)ring m# first semester, % learned a lot of strategies to !elp me )nderstand t!e te(t a lot better+ % learned !o to annotated important points, !ig!lig!t )n&no n ords and t!en loo& t!em )p to )nderstand t!e reading, and s)mmari7e t!e reading at t!e end+ 8o t!at % mastered t!ese s&ills, % feel li&e % !a*e no tro)ble )nderstanding t!e te(t+ % also learned !o to 'tal& to t!e te(t' meaning reading t!e te(t o)t lo)d and as&ing 9)estions to t!e te(t+ Before % started, % o)ldn3t ta&e m# time to tr# to )nderstand !at t!e riter3s point as b)t no % act)all# ta&e m# time to )nderstand t!e point+ % feel li&e it is easier to tac&le reading t!at is o)t of m# comfort 7one b# appl#ing t!ese s&ills as % read+ 0or e(ample, !en it came to topics t!at % asn3t interested in, % t#picall# 4)st scammed t!ro)g! t!em and % o)ld !a*e a !ard time )nderstanding t!e main idea of t!e a)t!or+ B)t no % don3t e*en mind !at t!e topic is abo)t beca)se t!ese s&ills ma&e t!e reading easier to )nderstand+ S)c! as !ig!lig!ting t!e idea, annotating and finding t!e definition of ords t!at % am not familiar it! ma&es t!e reading )nderstandable+

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