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DOUBLE ENTRY JOURNAL CH #7 Heath and Heath, Switch Page # 152 15& What the te t sa!

!s Weve seen that one way to motivate a switch is to shrink the change, which makes people feel big relative to the challenge. 's yo" evelop an grow in that i entity, it becomes an increasingly important part of yo"r self(image an triggers the kin of ecision making that )arch escribes.

Yadira Balderas

"#esti$ns, rea%ti$n, %lari&i%ati$ns I fin what !a"l #"tler i was a great i ea beca"se not only i he motivate people to act b"t he was inspiration to the people to save their parrots in $t. %"cians. I entity is a way people make ecisions. ' mo el of ecision making which we evelop in ivi "ally an grow in that i entity. I entity become part of o"r self(image an reflects on the kin of choices we make* Which is why its har for people to change their behaviors.


Woo an +avis eci e not to investigate why so many n"rses were leaving. Instea , they began to e,plore why other n"rses were staying. In a hospital with three h"n re n"rses, the team interviewe more than one h"n re .


I think the Woo an +avis were smart abo"t investigating why were n"rses staying vers"s the n"rses who were leaving. What they fo"n o"t while interviewing the n"rses who were staying, they were loyal to their -obs as n"rses. $o what Woo an +avis i was that they wante to help the n"rses c"ltivate their i entity. I think its great that they helpe the n"rses improve their knowle ge an skills. In times of change, we nee to remin In or er to be goo at something we have to o"rselves an others, again an again, of practice, practice, practice. 0"r brains will certain basic tr"ths/ 0"r brains an o"r learn from it an event"ally t"rn into abilities are like m"scles. 1hey can be something that comes nat"ral to "s. We have strengthene with practice. to stim"late o"r min or emotions to change o"rselves which comes from o"r esire to live "p to those i entities.

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