PP Presentation About Miss Bobbies

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Miss Bobbies Helping Hand

A service to help people rearrange their life style and move in good health. By Roberta Mays

Miss Bobbies Helping Hand

Nutrition Exercise Water unshine !emperance Air !rust in "ivine po#er


$ruits %egetables Nuts &rains Meat


'hysical Mental Emotional


"rin( it Bath in it Heal #ith it


)ts best to be out in it

!he unshine

Be temperate in all things

!emperance*What does it mean+ Moderation and self*restraint, self*control. Habitual moderation in any indulgence- appetiteetc. !otal abstinence from alcoholic li.uors /!he $ree "ictionary- 01203.


Ho# does air help our bodies heal+


Rest is very much needed in the daytime too.

!rust in "ivine 'o#er

Why not trust in "ivine 'o#er+


Miss Bobbies is a service no#- but is loo(ing for a house to help #ith the transitions. )n the home #e #ill allo# people to stay for a period of one month to six months. !hey #ill learn ho# to set a schedule. 4oo( foods that are healthy. et a healthy rest pattern.

4ontact us

Miss Bobbies Helping Hand '.5. Box 6227 "es Moines- )o#a 81912

Missbobbies:fbx.com Http.;;Ma(ingHealthy"ecisions.#eebly.com 828*0<7*2026

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2013) Retrieved from www.cdc.gov/nutrition/.../frutsvegetables 4enters for "isease 4ontrol and 'revention /01203. Retrieved from ###.cdc.gov; nutrition;...;#ater.html $errell- %. H.- 4herne- H. M.- /0121 p 783. !e natural remedies enc"clo#edia. Altamont!ennessee. Harvestime Boo(s. $errell- %. H.- 4herne- H. M.- /0121 p =23. !e natural remedies enc"clo#edia. Altamont!ennessee. Harvestime Boo(s. $errell- %. H.- 4herne- H. M.- /0121 p <63. !e natural remedies enc"clo#edia. Altamont!ennessee. Harvestime Boo(s. $errell- %. H.- 4herne- H. M.- /0121 p 603. !e natural remedies enc"clo#edia. Altamont!ennessee. Harvestime Boo(s. Harvard Men Health Watch- /011<3. Retrieved from ##.health.harvard.edu;...;vitamin*d*an... Mayo 4linic staff /01223. $%ercise& ' benefits of regular #!"sical activit". Retrieved from ###.mayoclinic.com>...>)n*"epth

References page 0

Nagel, R. (2010). Living with phytic acid. Retrieved from www.westonaprice.org/food-features/living-with-ph Sharma, A., Madaan, V., Petty, F. D., (2006). Retrieved r!m """.n#$i.nlm.nih.g!v %...%v.&(2)'2006 Stant!n, (. (2011). Does meat rot in your colon? no. What does? Beans !rains and vegeta"les# Retrieved from www.gnolls.org/$%%%/ htt)*++""".,h-tter,t!#..#!m+)i#/&&21&012+,t!#./)h!t!/#!m)!,iti!n/"ith/Vegeta$le,/ and/ r-it,/in/"i#.er/$a,.et/i,!lated/!n/"hite.html3,r#4#,l5re#ent5image/1

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Reference 9


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