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Michelle McGowan 10/8/13 Reflection Composition 1

What I liked about this piece of writing is that we had a piece to write off of, than coming up with it by ourselves. What I would like to change is how long it had to be. It was very difficult trying to come up with more things to write to make it long enough. My sentence were basically identical to each other. Yes, it made it clearer that some stuff wasnt necessary. The audience for my paper is my boss or Mrs. Richards. I determined it because she is reading a critiquing my paper. The audience affected my paper by I wanted to write clear, so they could understand and try not to write like I talk. I was nervous, because I didnt really understand what I was supposed to do, because I havent written a paper like this before. I learned that if you think its hard its going to be hard. If you think its easy, than its going to be easy, if you think its going to be hard, than its going to be hard. On number six, at first I was making it harder than it was, but once I got through it, it make it easy; I was thinking too hard. What got in the way of my learning is thinking too hard. What helped my learning is when we went over different things in class to prepare us for the Rhetorical analysis. This paper was different than the paper I did before by it was much longer, also because we had a certain topic to write on (the letter). Then the tone was different because in my paper it was more heartfelt, but in this paper it was more of a feedback tone, either good or bad.

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