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Yadira Balderas Professor Pappas College 1 December 07, 2013 Successes and Failures Reflec ion During !

e course of College 1, " #as $er% surprised and o$er#!elmed #i ! !e assignmen s, pro&ec s, and #or' !a #e did( Bu one !a s ood ou o be and made me feel successful as a s uden #as !e conference( )e #ere in*groups of !ree o four and #e #ere assigned o do a pos er based on !e boo' #e #ere all reading #!ic! #as +Sou !land, b% -ina Re$o%r( .!is pos er #as based on !e boo' so #e !ad o c!oose a piece of !is boo' and do researc! on #!a #e c!ose !e opic on( /% group c!ose o do i on in ernmen camps in /an0anar( .!e boo' inspired us because i did al' abou !e ime !e 1apanese*2mericans #ere !eld in in ernmen camps in 1342( " #as a $er% ner$ous because " 'ne# !a #e !ad o presen !is in a conference #!ere s uden s, professors and o !er people #ere going o be loo'ing and as'ing 5ues ions abou m% pos er( )!a " did reali0e #as !a i #as a li le difficul #or'ing in*group pro&ec s because !ere #ere disagreemen s during !e process of !e pos er( 2lso, i #as difficul o communica e a imes abou !e pro&ec or #!ere #e #ere going o mee up due o sending emails and #ai ing for !e replies from eac! of !e group member( 6$erall, " !in' !a !is #as !e bes e7perience " !ad because once !e conference #as o$er " fel relie$ed( " am a s!% person so before !e conference " #as ner$ous !a " #as going o mess up on m% presen a ion( Bu as !e conference #as in ac ion, " fel confiden and proud of m% o$erall #or'( " fel $er% professional and successful abou m% pos er and m%

group members( 8$en !oug! !ere #ere some difficul ies !roug! !e pro&ec , " learned !a i a'es pa ience, perse$erance, and !ard #or' o becoming a successful s uden (

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