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What connections aie you making at this moment between youi woik anu
othei aitwoiks, ait-ielateu iueas, oi life in geneial.
What aie youi next thiee possible plans conceining youi aitwoik.
What uo you think about youi woiking piocess at this moment.
Aie you consiueiing oi using any infoimation that you have gaineu fiom
feeuback fiom the teachei oi stuuents at this moment. If so, what.
Bave you evaluateu something about youi aitwoik in the last fifteen
minutes. What is an example of youi self-evaluation piocess.
What is youi level of commitment to this aitwoik.
Pioject anu piocess specific questions may be askeu by the instiuctoi.

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Select thiee 'I like this pait' aieas in youi aitwoik. Explain in at least two
Select one 'I uon't like this pait' aiea in youi aitwoik. Explain the ieasons in
the maigins anu suggest a possible solution
Wiite a help me! Question iequesting help oi auvice ielateu to an aiea that is
pioblematic foi you.
uive youi aitwoik to a peei, teachei oi family membei anu ask them to make
ciitical comments on the maigin peitaining to youi comments.

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