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Yadira Balderas Professor Pappas College 1 December 07, 2013 Successes and Failures Reflec ion !

s a firs "ear college s uden , # e$pec ed m" firs semes er o be smoo % because # &as mo i'a ed and de ermined o comple e and do &ell on all m" classes( )%en # s ar ed College 1, # didn* %in+ of i as a difficul class( # %oug% i &as going o be 'er" eas" and no s ressful as m" ,a % and -nglis% course( !f er a couple of &ee+s in o %is class, # reali.ed %a %is class &as more difficul %an # %oug% ( )e %ad pro/ec s, assignmen s due e'er" class period and researc% papers( # &as o'er&%elmed because # fel %e pressure and s ress o ge o me a some poin ( Bu # old m"self %a # &as going o s a" mo i'a ed in order o do &ell in m" firs semes er as a college s uden ( Bu one e$perience %a &as %ars% on me &as %e 0S&i c%1 group pro/ec ( -'en %oug% # en/o"ed %e boo+, # didn* feel li+e # succeed m" presen a ion( !s a class, &e &ere assigned in o groups and &e %ad o do a presen a ion based on %e c%ap er "ou &ere gi'en( )%a made i a bad e$perience &as %a m" group &as firs o presen ( # &as difficul for me o do %is assignmen because # didn* +no& m" group a all( # &as a&+&ard bu &e all +ne& &e %ad o do &ell because &e &ere %e firs ones o presen o %e class and professor( !no %er reason &%" i &as a bad e$perience &as because # %a'e a difficul ime s anding in fron of an audience( # %ad no c%ose bu o con inue &i % m" group( During %e process of %e pro/ec , # fel li+e &e didn* %a'e enoug% ime o ma+e %is presen a ion %e bes ( Since o %er groups %ad more ime o &or+ on %eir pro/ec s long, %e" %ad more ime o

perfec i ( Despi e of %a , &e s ill did our bes o ma+e %e presen a ion as bes as &e could( During %e presen a ion, # fel unprepared and forge ful of &%a # &as suppose o sa" because # &as o s%"( Bu m" group members %elped me ou so # fel a lo be er of our presen a ion( 2'erall, # learned %a being s%" and ner'ous can affec "our presen a ions bu # am &or+ing on %a on m" be%alf( 2 %er %an %a , # learned %a i is impor an o communica e &i % "our group members and be prepared as a group o presen an" group pro/ec s( )%a #*'e learned abou m"self is %a # am capable of becoming more open3 minded &i % m"self( # also learned %a # s%ouldn* doub m"self r pu m"self do&n because %a &ill cause me o fail( # also learned %a # s%ouldn* le m" s%"ness ge in %e &a" of %ings because i &ill al&a"s be a problem( !s a s uden , # learned s ra egies %a can %elp me become a be er s uden ( # learned %o& o be organi.ed, comple e assignmen s on ime, and o %a'e s ud" ime( ! &a" # +eep m"self organi.ed &%en i comes o upcoming assignmen s or e'en s is b" %a'ing a planner( 4%is is a %elpful &a" o ma+e sure # organi.e %e rig% ime o comple e m" &or+( !s a resul , m" planner also %elps me ma+e sure # comple e m" assignmen s and on ime as &ell( Finall", # learned %o& o crea e a period of s ud"ing o %a'e be er grade %an # did before( # also ma+e sure # &ri e do&n %e period of ime a da" of m" s ud"ing ime( 2'erall, #*'e learned ne& %ings %a &ill %elp me in m" fu ure as a person and as a s uden (

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