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2. Semester/Year

Fall 2013
3. Teacher Candidate's Name

Jordan Lemmon
4. School Administrator's Name

Lori S. Mounie
5. School Division

Suffolk Public Schools

6. School

Kilby Shores Elementary

7. School Description

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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate on each item listed.

Excellent (3) Personal characteristics and professional attitudes Knowledge of subject matter Planning Instruction Management and control Team Interaction Assessments Comments: X X X X

Satisfactory (2)

Needs Not Improvement (1) Applicable (0)


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1. Areas of strength:

Ms. Lemmon uses a variety of instructional strategies to address students learning styles. She is very organized and writes detailed plans.
2. Areas for refinement:

Classroom management is good. Mrs. Lemmon should continue to strengthen her skills in this area.

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