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Our students will memorize scriptures to fill their heart with the Word of God for the purpose of knowing the characteristics of Jesus. (Worship) Our students will understand the body of Christ and what their own personal identity within the body is and how they can be a productive member of the body using their own interests, talents, and spiritual gifts. (Discipleship) Find areas within the Church and other Christ followers with which to use these interests, talents and spiritual gifts. (Service/ Discipleship/ Fellowship) Identify interests, talents and spiritual gifts and how they can be used to serve Jesus. (Service) Our students will understand what the worship and adoration of Jesus is and how to worship and adore Jesus in their life and with their

Memorize Scriptures that speak about who Jesus is and what he did while he was on this earth.

Who is Jesus?

Memorize Scriptures that speak about our identity as Christ followers and what that means for our lives and how to live it out.

Who are We?

Understand the Church and its purposes and where each individual student can fit inside of that.

Who is the Church?

Prepare for our week of service by learning what it means to serve Jesus and to serve the world with great energy. Know the biblical concepts of Worship and have an opportunity to worship with fellow believers weekly

The Art of Service

Adoration of Our God


life. (Worship) Our students will honestly and earnestly know and understand the sin that is in their own life and work towards more and more holiness. (Discipleship) Our students will form a heart that is filled with distaste for sin and a love of repentance so much so that they impact the lives of others with their words and actions without being on a personal mission. (Evangelism)

Memorize Colossians Chapter 3 and learn what it means to Put on Your New Self.

Living the New Life

Identify five areas of sin that exist within each students own life and work within discipleship group, community groups, and mentoring relationships to put on your new self and put to death earthly desires.

Small Books Big Words

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