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Name: ___Alfredo Cordero_____________________________ RR #: ___3___ Pages: ____73__ to __106____

Book title: The O ea! at the e!d of the "a!e__________________________________________ Connector: #o$r %o& is to o!!e t the o!te!ts of the readi!g sele tio! to $rre!t or 'ast real (orld e)e!ts a!d e*'erie! es+ #o$ (ill also o!!e t the readi!g to other forms of literat$re, m$si , art a!d media+ Explain the connection, then explain how it relates to the book. Write at least FIVE (5) sentences for each section.
Text to self: Relate the readi!g to e*'erie! es from -o$r life+ My experience (3 sentences) .he! / (as 6 -ears old / had a !a!!- that (as good (ith m- 'are!ts+ B$t she (as &ad (ith me+ A!d she stole from m- 'are!ts+ The! the- a hed her a!d she (e!t to %ail+ !ow it relates to the book (" sentences) In the book, Ursula Monkton (the nanny) acts to be good, but she is evil and treats the kid really bad. Text to society/world: Relate the readi!g to real (orld sit$atio!s+ #eal worl$ sit%ation (3 sentences) 0ost of the time 'eo'le &elie)e ad$lts i!stead of hildre!, e)e! (he! the- tell the tr$th+ !ow it relates to the book (" sentences) &he ki$ tries to tell his parents abo%t 'rs%la, b%t they $on(t belie)e hi*. Literature/Media: Relate the readi!g to other &ooks, mo)ies, T1, art a!d2or m$si + +iterat%re,*e$ia connection (3 sentences) /! the mo)ie 3The others4 Ni ole 5idma! kills her hildre!+ !ow it relates to the story (" sentences) In the book the $a$ tries to kill his son in the batht%b.

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