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Name: _______________Alfredo Cordero_________________ Word 1 mandrake 2 a.ar 3 0armints 4 gentr% re*olting 13e)ll go #& the dri*e and thro#gh the front door' like gentr%2+ ( co#ld not #nderstand $h% gro$n4#&s $o#ld take things that tasted so good $hen the% $here freshl% &icked and ra$' and &#t them in tin cans' and make them re*olting+ /he had m#d on her face and on her knees' and she $as $ailing+ ( heard a so#nd in the distance' odd and o#tlandish One moment she $as an ad#lt $oman' naked and m#dd%' the next' as if she $as a flesh4 colored #m,rella' she #nf#rled+ T$ilight ,ecame' im&erce&ti,l%' night+ No#n The condition or rank of a gentleman+ Direct Quote (Sentence I found it in) "andrakes are so lo#d $hen %o# &#ll them #&' and ( didn)t ha*e ear&l#gs+ The door $as a.ar' the room $as em&t%+ 1No *armints %et' that-s good2 Lexicon #: ____4___ Pages: __1 !____ to __14 ____ My Original Sentence There-s lots of mandrakes at m% #ncle)s ho#se "% e%es $here a.ar $hen ( $oke #&+ /ome &eo&le consider snails as *armints' other &eo&le as food+ The gentr% arri*ed to the $edding in a long and $hite limo#sine+ The $ord 1nigger2 is extremel% re*olting+ Part of Speech No#n+ /lightl% O&en+ Ad.+ No#n An animal considered a &est Dictionary Definition A "editerranean her,+ Book title: ____________The Ocean at the end of the lane______________________


5xtremel% offensi*e

! " #

$ailing O#tlandish

0er, Ad.+ 0er,

To ex&ress sorro$ a#di,l%+ O#t of the ordinar%+ To release from a f#rled state: ex&and+ No &erce&ti,le ,% a sense or the mind+

The earth6#ake s#r*i*ors $here $ailing' ,eca#se of their death families+ 7ohn-s o#tfit $as O#tlandish "% s&onge #nf#rled $hen it to#ched $ater+ The stars a&&eared im&erce&ti,l%' in the dark sk%+

#nf#rled $ im&erce&ti,l%


1 %


1No,od% cares2 said the *oice' so resigned' so &ractical+


3itho#t resistance+

The mass m#rderer remained resigned as the% exec#ted him+

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