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Name: ____________Alfredo Cordero_______ RR #: __5__ Pages: _141__ to _178__ Book title:

Questioner: Your jo is to de!elo" a list of fi!e #5$ %uestio&s t'at (ould ge&erate dis)ussio& a out *our ook+ ,o&-t (orr* a out t'e small details. *ou (a&t to make u" %uestio&s t'at )o!er t'e / ig ideas/+ 0suall* t'e est dis)ussio& %uestio&s )ome from *our o(& t'oug'ts1 feeli&gs a&d )o&)er&s as *ou read1 ('i)' *ou )a& list elo(1 duri&g or after *our readi&g+ ,2 N23 4R536 7Y689:9N29 AN846R ;068352N81 2R C<286, ;068352N8 3=A3 =A>6 AN846R8 5N 3=6 B22?+ Y20 8=20<, 4R536 2P6N ;068352N8 3=A3 C20<, =A>6 ,5@@6R6N3 R68P2N868+ 1. Point Form Notes: Write FIVE (5) point form notes about your reading t is !ee" ideas# $uestions# %onne%tions# %on%erns. & ese notes s ou'd s o! ! at you !ere t in"ing about as you !ere reading(

& e )empsto%"s are rea''y mysterious I don*t "no! ! ere t e unger birds %ome from I t in" 'ettie s ou'd %ome out of t e o%ean I t in" e too" a'' rea''y easy. I !ou'd get rea''y s%ared and traumati+ed 5 do&At k&o( ('o died i& t'e fu&eral+

,. -se t e ideas from your .esponse Notes to %reate FIVE (5) good# open/ended dis%ussion $uestions.

1+ ,o *ou t'i&k t'e =em"sto)ks are 'uma&sB C+ 4'ere do *ou t'i&k t'e 'u&ger irds )ome fromB D+ ,o *ou t'i&k lettie (ill )ome out of t'e o)ea&B 4'*B 4+ =o( (ould *ou feel if *ou li!ed all t'ose eE"erie&)esB 5+ 4'at relati!e do *ou t'i&k diedB

&IP: 3'e "oi&t of *our %uestio&s is to stimulate dis)ussio&1 &ot look for 7*es9 or 7&o9 a&s(ers1 or e!e&

a&s(ers a out s"e)ifi) "arts of t'e ook+

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