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4. Assessment Plan (LO 2.

3) (APS 3)
Lesson Lesson Objectives Assessments Pre: Before reading the book, students will make predictions based off the cover of the book alone turn-and-talks, and discussion on responses and experiences. Together the class will form predictions of The Cooking Pot. During: Discoveries will be made to confirm the predictions students make about the story. Discussion about the text, and reflect upon predictions. Post: Class discussion about predictions throughout the reading. Were they correct? Guided discussion about the objective will help students construct an overall understanding.

Lesson 1: Shared Reading The Cooking Pot (ELA)

Format of Formative Assessments Pre: Anecdotal notes and observations: Predictions Accommodations

Lesson One: Shared Reading

After a shared reading of The Cooking Pot by Joy Cowley, students will understand how making predictions about the story can help us to understand the story.
Listening Target: How can making predictions about the story help me to understand the story?

For students with special needs: Repeated and modified instructions will be made for all ESOL student as needed. Model making predictions and guided discussion. For early finishers: This lesson is whole group instruction. After shared reading lesson, students when continue on with the daily morning routine. For slower-paced learners: Students struggling during class discussion and shared reading will be encouraged to make predictions and discuss the text. Guided instruction will allow students to benefit from shared reading lesson.

During: Anecdotal notes and observations; Assessment Chart

Post: Anecdotal notes and observations: Were predictions correct?

I will evaluate the pre-assessment by recording students predictions made about the story. I will guide students through the prediction making process by conducting a series of question on the cover of the book alone. Anecdotal notes and observations will be recorded to document evidence of students knowledge on predictions and story details prior to reading The Cooking Pot. The Pre, During, & Post Assessment Chart is attached to my clipboard for notes, observations, and comments during the lesson. The Assessment Chart for this lesson will be used to determine students overall understanding of how making predictions about a story can help you to understand the story. I plan to use the post-assessment chart to identify the

students who have mastered the concept and can move on and the students who have not, and need further instruction. Lesson 1: Assessment - The Cooking Pot Student Abigail Ajah Arnold Candice Christopher Daniel Demious Illiyah J'Kwon Jacob Jeremiah Kamren Landon Malikah Meklia Mikiya Omar Shykirra Predictions: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y absent N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y - Overall: + + absent -- Yelling out, distracting -1 DOJO Further instruction: -1 DOJO absent Needs further instruction Needs further intruction Well developed understanding Well developed understanding Comments:

Skylar Tashari Teccarez Timorris Zayvion N Y Y N --Needs further instruction Yelling out, distracting -1 DOJO Yelling out, distracting -1 DOJO Needs further instruction

Total: 16 out of 21 students Class average met objective: 76%

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