Fina Groupl Feasbility Report

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I a v o r | t e I c e C r e a m 8r a n d s : S u r v e y &

L v a | u a t | o n
repared for: Ms. Ng
repared by: Casey, M|r|am, Soph|a & Iozey

1ab|e of Contents

Lxecut|ve Summary........................................1
Methods for Lva|uat|on....................................3
Number of I|avors....................................6
kesu|ts of Lva|uat|on......................................8
Number of I|avors....................................11

Lxecut|ve Summary

Consumers should have more sources of daLa Lo consulL when chooslng an lce cream
brand. 1o remedy Lhe lssue, Lhls feaslblllLy reporL offers daLa, surveys and a
recommendaLlon for consumers Lo Lake advanLage of. 1he daLa collecLed conslsLs of
evaluaLlons of LexLure, prlce, number of flavors and quallLy of lngredlenLs.


Consumers face many opLlons when shopplng for lce cream, wlLh Lhls feaslblllLy reporL
Lhe consumer ls able Lo welgh Lhelr opLlons ob[ecLlvely. 1o do so, we wlll revlew Lhe
LexLure, prlce, and number of flavors and popularlLy of Lhe followlng opLlons:

CpLlon 1: 8lue 8ell. 1hls ls one of Lhe mosL well known lce cream brands ln ulW
and found excluslvely ln Lhe SouLh.

CpLlon 2: uryer's. 1hls brand has been an opLlon for consumers slnce 1928.

CpLlon 3: Paagen-uazs. 1hls brand adverLlses as a super premlum" lce cream.

CpLlon 4: 8en & !erry's. 1hls brand adverLlses as havlng Lhe mosL dlverse flavors.

Methods for Lva|uat|on

1o form a Lhoroughly researched recommendaLlon, we evaluaLed Lhe feaslblllLy of each
opLlon uslng four crlLerla:
number of llavors

We gaLhered daLa ln varlous ways Lo form a recommendaLlon.

1. We creaLed Lhe followlng facLors Lo conslder:
a. 8uLLerfaL conLenL. 1he hlgher an lce cream's buLLerfaL conLenL
percenLage ls Lhe creamler Lhe lce cream ls. 8rands wlll be ranked 1-4 for
Lhls caLegory, 1 ls Lhe hlghesL buLLerfaL conLenL, 4 ls Lhe lowesL.
b. CuallLy of lngredlenLs. 1he brands are raLe 1-4 for Lhls caLegory, 1 has Lhe
largesL amounL of naLural flavors and lngredlenLs, 4 has Lhe leasL amounL
of naLural flavors and lngredlenLs.
c. Mlx-lns. 1he mlx-lns" ls Lhe chunks of candy, chocolaLe, nuL or any oLher
addlLlve lnLended for LhaL flavor of lce cream. 1hls ls measured ln
percenLage, and wlll be ranked 1-4. 1he brand wlLh Lhe hlghesL
percenLage ls 1
, Lhe brand wlLh Lhe lowesL ls 4
2. We formulaLed a charL all of Lhe daLa onLo Lhls charL:

1ab|e 1
Name 8utterfat
Content ()
ua||ty of
M|x-|ns () r|ce (per
Number of
8|ue 8e|| 13 3 3 $0.08 18
Dryer's 14 4 4 $0.06 26
18 2 9 $0.23 23
8en &
19 1 8 $0.22 41

3. We ranked Lhe brands 1-4 aL Lhe end, Lhe brand ranked 1
won Lhe mosL
caLegorles, Lhe brand ranked 4
won Lhe leasL amounL.

1. We collecLed Lhe prlces LhaL each brand charges per ounce
2. We ranked Lhe brands based on who was Lhe cheapesL. 1, ls Lhe cheapesL, 4 ls
Lhe mosL expenslve.

number of llavors:
1. We collecLed Lhe number of flavors LhaL are offered year-round, also known as
Lhelr classlc flavors, for each brand.
2. 1he brands were ranked 1-4, 1 belng Lhe besL and largesL amounL of naLural
flavors and lngredlenLs, 4 belng Lhe worsL and leasL amounL of naLural flavors
and lngredlenLs.

1. We creaLed a survey quesLlon LhaL was accesslble vla Lhe lnLerneL, and we
adverLlsed Lhe llnk onllne and on campus. 1hls was Lhe survey:

2. We Lallled Lhe responses.
3. We ranked each brand based on who had Lhe mosL voLes, 1 havlng Lhe mosL
voLes, 4 havlng Lhe leasL.
kesu|ts of Lva|uat|on:

1hese are Lhe resulLs of Lhe LexLure, prlce, mlx-lns, number of flavors and popularlLy

1exLure was found by ranklng 8uLLerfaL conLenL, quallLy lngredlenLs and mlx-lns from
Lhe lnformaLlon glven ln Lable 1, on a 1-4 scale, 4 belng Lhe worsL. 1hen Lhe Lhree
ranklngs acqulred were averaged and Lhose numbers were ranked on a 1-4 scale 4 belng
Lhe worsL, Lhe hlghesL average belng Lhe worsL.

CpLlon 1, 8lue 8ell ls $0.08 per ounce. CpLlon 2, uryer's ls $0.06 per ounce. CpLlon 3,
Paagen-uazs ls $0.23 per ounce. CpLlon 4, 8en & !erry's ls $0.22 per ounce.

number of llavors:
CpLlon 1, 8lue 8ell has 18 classlc flavors. CpLlon 2, uryer's has 26 classlc flavors. CpLlon
3, Paagen-uazs has 23 flavors. CpLlon 4, 8en & !erry's has 41 flavors.

ulrecL resulLs from poll

1ab|e 3
8|ue 8e|| Dryer's naagen-Dazs 8en & Ierry's
14 0 3 12
* CuL of 31 survey responses

Name 1exture
8|ue 8e|| 3.33
Dryer's 3.66
8en &
1ab|e 2

llnal 8esulL 8anklngs:

1ab|e 4
Name 1exture
r|ce Number of
opu|ar|ty 1ota|s
8|ue 8e|| 3 2 4 1 10
Dryer's 4 1 2 4 11
naagen-Dazs 2 4 3 3 12
8en & Ierry's 1 3 1 2 7
*1exLure 8anklngs, rlce and number of llavors are ranked 1-4, 1 belng Lhe besL, 4
belng Lhe worsL.

Wlnner and 8esL lce Cream:

1he Wlnner ls 8en & !erry's, havlng Lhe lowesL ranklng LoLal.



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