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Lander unlverslLy 1eacher LducaLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 8ev.

1eacher Cand|date: Sarah uean Lesson # 4
Sub[ect]Grade: 3rd Crade Ceneral Muslc Date and 1|me of Lesson: 12/4/13
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ve:
Objectlve 1. 5toJeots wlll be oble to lJeotlfy votloos coteets lo moslc.
Objectlve 2. 5toJeots wlll be oble to lJeotlfy Jlffeteot styllstlc woys o ptofessloool moslcloo coo ploy o moslcol

A||gnment w|th Standards:
Cb[ect|ves 1 & 2. - Standard 6: 1he sLudenL wlll make connecLlons beLween muslc and oLher arLs dlsclpllnes,
oLher conLenL areas, and Lhe world.
MI3-6.3 ldenLlfy varlous muslclans and descrlbe Lhelr muslcal careers and skllls.
LLDA - SLudenLs wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy careers ln muslc and Lhe skllls LhaL Lhey requlre.
Deve|opmenta| Appropr|ateness or Cross-curr|cu|ar connect|ons:
1bete wlll be oo ptevloos koowleJqe oeeJeJ. 5toJeots wlll moke coooectloos betweeo moslc ooJ teol llfe
coteets. 5toJeots wbo bove ttooble ooJetstooJloq tbe motetlol coo osk poestloos tbtooqboot tbe Jlscossloo.
5toJeots wlll be oble to llsteo fot ooJ lJeotlfy styllstlc coottosts lo moslc ooJ Jlscoss bow losttomeots coo be
oseJ lo Jlffeteot woys ooJ fot Jlffeteot potposes by tbe petfotmet lo tbelt moslcol coteet.

Assessment(s) of the Cb[ect|ves:
wbot ossessmeot(s) wlll yoo ose to Jetetmloe stoJeot leotoloq (pte, Jotloq, post)? ocb objectlve sboolJ be ollqoeJ wltb
oo ossessmeot.

lessoo Objectlve(s) Assessmeot(s) of tbe
use of lotmotlve

Objectlve 1. 5toJeots wlll
be oble to lJeotlfy votloos
coteets lo moslc ooJ woys
tbot moslcloos ose tbelt
losttomeots fot Jlffeteot

!"# - Ask stoJeots wbot types
of jobs yoo coo bove os o
moslcloo ooJ bow moslcloos
coo ose tbelt losttomeots lo
Jlffeteot woys.
$%"&'( - osk stoJeots to
lJeotlfy coteets lo moslc tbot
ote oo tbe lowetlolot sllJe.
Ask stoJeots to llsteo ooJ
explolo bow tbe vlJeos ote
sbowloq Jlffeteot oses of tbe
!)*+ - 5toJeots wlll toke o
wtltteo polz ooJ lJeotlfy ot
leost tbtee coteets tbot yoo coo
bove os o moslcloo. Ask
stoJeots bow moslcloos coo ose
tbelt losttomeots lo Jlffeteot
woys to petfotm Jlffeteot types
of moslc.
l wlll ose tbe stoJeots
leotoeJ koowleJqe to
cootlooe lmplemeotloq
Jlffeteot Jlscossloos of
moslcol coteets lo fotote
lessoos. l wlll olso
cootlooe to ose tbelt
koowleJqe of styllstlc
coottost lo moslc fot
fottbet Jlscossloos wltb
Jlffeteot losttomeots ooJ
styles of moslc.

Lander unlverslLy 1eacher LducaLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 8ev. 2013

SLudenLs who need asslsLance durlng Lhe lesson can ask quesLlons or ask for help.

Muslc career and Mltl 8eo-Atl lowetlolot sllJesbow
closslcol vlollolst vlJeo
vlJeo of Mltl 8eo-Atl
wtltteo coteet polzzes

1. Welcome sLudenLs as Lhey walk lnLo Lhe classroom.
2. lnLroduce myself as a muslclan who ls sLudylng Lo become a muslc Leacher. 1ell Lhe sLudenLs LhaL Lhere are
many dlfferenL careers muslclans can have and Loday we are golng Lo learn abouL Lhese careers. We are also
golng Lo learn abouL how professlonal muslclans can use Lhelr creaLlvlLy whlle playlng Lhelr lnsLrumenLs ln
dlfferenL ways. 1ell Lhem LhaL aL Lhe end of Lhe class Lhey are golng Lo Lake a qulz Lo see lf Lhey can remember
whaL Lypes of careers muslclans can have.
3. Ask Lhe sLudenLs whaL klnds of careers muslclans can have. SLudenLs wlll ldenLlfy plcLures of dlfferenL careers on
Lhe owerolnL.
4. lnLroduce Mlrl 8en-Arl as a classlcal vlollnlsL who uses Lhe vlolln ln very dlfferenL ways. Ask - how do you Lhlnk
Mlrl 8en-Arl became such a greaL vlollnlsL? Pow do you Lhlnk Lhese oLher professlonals Lralned for Lhelr [obs?
3. ulscuss Mlrl 8en-Arl and how she Lralned Lo have Lhe muslc career she has.
6. Ask Lhe sLudenLs Lo llsLen for dlfferenL ways LhaL Lhese Lwo professlonal muslclans play Lhelr lnsLrumenLs. WhaL
do you noLlce LhaL ls dlfferenL abouL Lhe way Mlrl 8en-Arl plays? WhaL else do you hear LhaL ls dlfferenL ln Lhe
muslc? WhaL ls Lhe same abouL Lhe way Lhey perform Lhelr lnsLrumenLs? WaLch a vldeo of a classlcal vlollnlsL
and a vldeo of Mlrl 8en-Arl. ConLlnue dlscusslon of muslc careers and how muslclans can explore new and
dlfferenL ways Lo use Lhelr lnsLrumenLs.
7. SLudenLs Lake a wrlLLen qulz where Lhey musL llsL dlfferenL careers ln muslc.

Act|v|ty Ana|ys|s: (musL show use of 1WS 1 daLa)
Actlvlty #1.
5toJeots wlll lJeotlfy Jlffeteot plctotes of coteets lo moslc oo tbe lowetlolot sllJe sbow. Ask stoJeots lf tbey
koow of ooy otbet coteets lo moslc. Ask stoJeots bow tbey tblok tbese ptofessloools wete oble to qet tbelt moslcol jobs.
1bls octlvlty eoqoqes tbe stoJeots by osloq tecbooloqy ooJ olso lovolves tbem by bovloq tbem Jlscoss wbot tbey see oo
tbe 5mott 8ootJ.

Actlvlty #2.
5toJeots wlll llsteo to tecotJloqs of botb o closslcol vlollolst ooJ Mltl 8eo-Atl ooJ tblok oboot woys tbot tbey ploy
slmllotly ooJ Jlffeteotly. 5toJeots wlll be oskeJ ot tbe eoJ of tbe lessoo wbot tbey beotJ lo tbe tecotJloqs tbot wete
Jlffeteot ooJ wbot tbey beotJ tbot wete tbe some. 1bls octlvlty eoqoqes tbe llsteoloq skllls of tbe stoJeots ooJ olso
eocootoqes tbem to tblok ctltlcolly oboot moslc ooJ moslc petfotmooce.

oo1obe vlJeos

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