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Lander unlverslLy 1eacher LducaLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 8ev.

1eacher Cand|date: Sarah uean Showcase Lesson
Sub[ect]Grade: 2nd Crade Ceneral Muslc Date and 1|me of Lesson: 12/9/13, 9:30-10:40a.m.
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ve:
Objectlve 1. 5toJeots wlll be oble to lJeotlfy tbe losttomeots lo tbe sttloq fomlly, tbelt cbotoctetlstlc soooJs ooJ

A||gnment w|th Standards:
Cb[ect|ve 1. - Standard 4: 1he sLudenL wlll llsLen Lo, descrlbe, analyze, and evaluaLe muslc and
muslc performances.
MI3-4.3 use approprlaLe Lermlnology Lo ldenLlfy and descrlbe muslc forms, noLaLlon, lnsLrumenLs, and

Deve|opmenta| Appropr|ateness or Cross-curr|cu|ar connect|ons:
1bls lessoo ls opptoptlote fot o secooJ qtoJe moslc closs becoose tbey wlll leoto oboot o ttoJltloool
otcbestto, speclflcolly tbe sttloq sectloo, wblcb ls ooe of tbe most lmpottoot potts of tbe otcbestto. 1be
stoJeots wlll be oble to moke blstotlcol coooectloos os tbey leoto tbe tole of tbe otcbestto lo blstoty os ooe of
tbe ttoJltloool eosembles oseJ lo moslc fot booJteJs of yeots.

Assessment(s) of the Cb[ect|ves:
wbot ossessmeot(s) wlll yoo ose to Jetetmloe stoJeot leotoloq (pte, Jotloq, post)? ocb objectlve sboolJ be ollqoeJ wltb
oo ossessmeot.

lessoo Objectlve(s) Assessmeot(s) of tbe
use of lotmotlve

Objectlve 1. 5toJeots wlll
be oble to lJeotlfy tbe
losttomeots lo tbe sttloq
fomlly ooJ tbelt
cbotoctetlstlc soooJs.

!"# - 5toJeots wlll complete o
slmple polz to Jetetmloe ptlot
koowleJqe of tbe sobject
$%"&'( - Ask tbe stoJeots tbe
oomes of ooJ toles of tbe
losttomeots Jotloq tbe lessoo.
!)*+ - Ask stoJeots to oome
tbe Jlffeteot losttomeots ooJ
wbot types of soooJ tbey moke.
Ask stoJeots to oome tbe potts
of tbe losttomeot ooJ bow tbe
losttomeot ls ployeJ. 5toJeots
wlll complete o sbott
ossessmeot polz ot tbe eoJ of
tbe lessoo.
1be coocepts tbot tbe
stoJeots leoto lo tbls
lessoo coo be oseJ fot tbe
ooolysls of tecotJloqs lo
tbe fotote. llsteoloq to
mote sympboolc
tecotJloqs, oskloq tbe
stoJeots to llsteo fot tbe
sttloq losttomeot sectloo,
ooJ oskloq tbem wbot
losttomeots ote lo tbe
sectloo coo telofotce tbls

SLudenLs who need asslsLance durlng Lhe lesson can ask quesLlons or ask for help. CuesLlons Lo Lhe qulz wlll be
read aloud and dlsplayed on Lhe SmarL 8oard for sLudenLs who have Lrouble readlng.

vlolln, vlola, cello, and bass lnsLrumenLs for demonsLraLlon
Lander unlverslLy 1eacher LducaLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 8ev. 2013
8eojomlo 8tltteos oooq letsoos ColJe to tbe Otcbestto recordlng
lowet lolot sllJe sbow of polz poestloos to teoJ olooJ ooJ sttloq fomlly lofotmotloo

1. CreeL sLudenLs and very brlefly lnLroduce Lhe orchesLra, explalnlng how lL ls made up of dlfferenL famllles of
2. 1ell sLudenLs, We are golng Lo Lake a shorL qulz Lo see whaL you know abouL Lhese lnsLrumenLs. 1hls qulz ls
noL for a grade. 1hls grade ls for me Lo flnd ouL whaL you already know. AL Lhe end of Lhe lesson, you wlll
Lake Lhe qulz agaln and you can flnd ouL lf you changed your answer.
3. LlsLen Lo shorL cllps of Lhe ?oung erson's Culde vldeo and ask sLudenLs abouL Lhe Lypes of lnsLrumenLs.
4. lnLroduce Lhe sLrlng famlly by saylng 1oday we are golng Lo learn abouL a very popular secLlon of Lhe
orchesLra called Lhe sLrlng famlly. We are golng Lo hear how Lhey sound and learn abouL Lhe dlfferenL parLs
of Lhese lnsLrumenLs."
3. ulscuss how Lhe sLrlng famlly ls Lhe largesL parL of Lhe orchesLra and whaL lnsLrumenLs are ln Lhe sLrlng
6. Pave Lhe sLudenLs llsLen Lo Lhe sounds of Lhe lnsLrumenLs and ask Lhem whaL Lhey hear abouL Lhe dlfferenL
sounds of Lhe lnsLrumenLs. Pow are Lhey Lhe same? Pow are Lhey dlfferenL? Whlch one ls hlghesL? LowesL?
ln beLween? WhaL are Lhe same abouL Lhe lnsLrumenLs? Are Lhey played Lhe same?
7. ulscuss dlfferenL parLs of Lhe lnsLrumenLs. Ask Lhe sLudenLs whaL Lhey noLlce abouL Lhe dlfferenL parLs of Lhe
lnsLrumenLs. Lxplaln how Lhe sound ls made by plucklng or uslng Lhe bow.
8. SLudenLs wlll come up Lo Lhe room ln groups of Lwo Lo pluck and bow Lhe lnsLrumenLs whlle everyone else ls
passlng around a bow and rosln.
9. Ask Lhe sLudenLs - whaL lnsLrumenLs are ln Lhe sLrlng secLlon? WhaL sounds do Lhey each make? Pow does
Lhe sound come ouL of Lhe lnsLrumenL? Whlch one ls hlghesL? Whlch one ls lowesL? WhaL parLs are Lhe
same on all Lhese lnsLrumenLs?
10. SLudenLs Lake a shorL assessmenL qulz abouL whaL Lhey have learned ln Lhe lesson.

Act|v|ty Ana|ys|s: (musL show use of 1WS 1 daLa)
Actlvlty #1.
5toJeots wlll wotcb o vlJeo Jemoosttotloq tbe Jlffeteot sectloos of tbe otcbestto. 1bey ote oskeJ to llsteo ooJ
wotcb Jotloq tbe vlJeo so tbey coo explolo wbot tbey beotJ lo tbe otcbestto. 1bls octlvlty eoqoqes stoJeots vlsoolly,
ootolly, ooJ meotolly os tbey llsteo ooJ look fot tbe ooswets pteseoteJ to tbem befote tbey wotcbeJ tbe vlJeo.

Actlvlty #2.
1eocbet wlll Jemoosttote soooJs of oll tbe sttloq losttomeots lo tbe sttloq fomlly. 5toJeots wlll bove tbe
oppottoolty to toocb o bow, toslo, ooJ plock ooJ bow oo losttomeot. uotloq tbls octlvlty stoJeots wlll llsteo ooJ Jlscoss
tbe Jlffeteot soooJs of tbe losttomeots, wbot tbey ote moJe of, tbe potts of tbe losttomeots, ooJ bow o moslcloo
ptoJoces soooJ oot of tbe losttomeot.

oo1obe vlJeo of 8eojomlo 8tltteos oooq letsoos ColJe to tbe Otcbestto petfotmeJ by koloet lbllbotmoole
llok. bttp.//

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