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Little Reagan

-Narrator -Mom -Donna -Doctor - Little Reagan -Dad -Caitlin -Mrs. Cluck -Little Sister -Deborah

-Mrs. Penny (psychologist)

______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 1 ______________________________________________________________________________

(Little Reagan sits at a desk and looks very disappointed while holding a graded test.)

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a little girl named Reagan. She loved to go to school and worked hard, but she never received the grades she wanted. In fact, her grades were poor. Little Reagan: I wish just one time I would get a good grade. I work hard, I try my best to pay attention during class, and I try to remember the material, but it never shows in my grades. For some reason I just cant remember things and I have a hard time focusing. Not to mention, I cant even finish quizzes and tests in time!

(Mrs. Cluck sees Little Reagan discouraged and walks over to comfort her.)

Mrs. Cluck: Ya know Reagan, Ive been keeping your assignments and looking closer at them here lately, and I decided I am going to call your mom and schedule a conference. Youre a great student, but I think we should consider why you arent getting better grades. Little Reagan: Oh no, Mrs. Cluck! Am I going to be in big trouble because Im not making good grades? Mrs. Cluck: Oh no honey! Theres nothing to worry about! ______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 2 ______________________________________________________________________________

(Mrs. Cluck holding the phone. Phone rings. Reagans mother picks up the other phone. Mrs. Cluck and mom are facing opposite direction, but in the view of the camera)

Mom: Hello? Mrs. Cluck: Hello, is this Little Reagans mother? Mom: Yes this is she.

Mrs. Cluck: Good afternoon, this is Mrs. Cluck, Little Reagans teacher. I was wondering if we could have a conference discussing Little Reagans grades. She is a great student and I enjoy having her in my class. I just feel there is something we could do that could help her get better grades. Mom: Yes, that would be just fine. My husband and I know that she struggles but we tell her to do her best. We know she is doing the best she can, so we support her regardless of the low grades, but a conference would be wonderful. Any suggestions to help her improve would be great. What day and time would suit for you? Mrs. Cluck: Tomorrow evening at 4:30 would work for me if thats ok with you? Mom: That would work out perfect. I will plan on seeing you at 4:30 tomorrow then! Mrs. Cluck: Sounds great! See you then!

(Hang up the phones and Little Reagan enters the room.)

Little Reagan: (Curiously asks)Who were you on the phone with mom? Mom: Oh, that was Mrs. Cluck calling to schedule a conference for tomorrow evening. (Smiles to encourage Little Reagan) Reagan: I had a feeling that was coming. She mentioned it in class today and said there was nothing to worry about. Maybe this will be a good thing! Mom: I think youre right! ______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ (Reagans mother knocks on the door to Mrs. Clucks room. Mrs. Cluck and Mrs. Penny are both in the room chatting before she knocks. Mrs. Cluck and Mrs. Penny stand as she enters the room) Mrs. Cluck: Come on in! I am so glad you could make it. (Smiles. Mrs. Cluck and mother shake hands) Mom: Yes, Im so happy to be here. Mrs. Cluck: I would like you to meet Mrs. Penny. She is our school psychologist. Mrs. Penny and I have been working together to get some answers for Reagan. Mom: Nice to meet you! (Mrs. Penny and mom shake hands) Mrs. Cluck: Lets get started. (They all sit around the desk). Over the last couple of weeks, I have been keeping a folder of Reagans work. After each assignment, I look closely at what is causing her to miss questions. I have found that she rarely is able to complete the whole assignment during class, and she has a hard time choosing the correct answers. So, the more I researched, I decided it would be a good idea to talk to Mrs. Penny about what I was finding.

Mrs. Penny: Mrs. Cluck was right in coming to talk to me. I can help students who seem to have extra struggles, but I need to have some evidence first. The work Mrs. Cluck has been keeping is very helpful. In fact, Mrs. Cluck and I looked through the folder of Reagans work, and we think she may have a learning disability, but the only way to find out for sure, though, is to be examined by a doctor. Mom: Oh wow. So, there is really evidence she could have a disability? I would have never thought! Mrs. Penny: There is nothing to be alarmed about at all. Many people have learning disabilities, and the best way to handle it is to be diagnosed so the doctor, Reagans teachers, and I can help. Mom: Well, Im glad you have been looking out for Reagan. I think I will take your advice and make her an appointment. She has really been struggling recently, and I think getting her checked out might help. Thank you so much. Mrs. Cluck: Youre very welcome. Hopefully we can get some answers and help Reagan improve. Mrs. Penny: Yes, and you can call me if you need anything! Mom: Thanks again, have a good evening Mrs. Cluck and Mrs. Penny: You too!

(Mom leaves the room)

______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ Narrator: After the conference was over, Reagans mom called the doctor and scheduled an appointment.

(Mom and Reagan are sitting in the examination room)

Doctor: Welcome Little Reagan. We are going to run some tests on you today. In fact, we are going to need to do quite a few tests. There is no particular test that will tell us what is going on in your brain to test for learning disabilities in this case, so we will have to do our best based on your symptoms. Are you ready? Little Reagan: (looking hesitant) I guess so Mom: Of course you are! (Encourage Little Reagan by patting her on the back.) Doctor: Well, lets get started! Narrator: Little Reagan took many tests that day and was feeling quite anxious to hear what the doctor had to say. Later on, the doctor finally came into the room with some answers.

Doctor: Well Little Reagan, we have found out what is going on. Mom: What is it Doctor? (Mother is concerned) Doctor: Reagan has an Executive Functioning Disorder. It is where Little Reagans brain has a problem with her executive functioning skills which direct the frontal lobe. This disorder causes Reagan to not retain information well, limits her memory, and doesnt allow her to regulate
the time needed to complete tasks. Her case is not severe, but there are definitely some ways that she could get her grades up now that she is diagnosed. Using visual aids, organizing material well, and making checklists would be a good place to start to help Reagan get her grades up. It wont not be easy, but with time and a lot of work, I think she can do better in school.

Mom: Well, this is good news. There is a reason why Reagan was struggling. We will do our best to help her. Thank you so much Doctor! Little Reagan: Yes, thank you! Maybe I will get my first A! Doctor: You are very welcome, and an A is a great goal to reach for. Now if you have questions please call I would happily answer them for you.

(Mom & Little Reagan leave the doctors office)

______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ Narrator: The next day at school Mrs. Cluck, Mrs. Penny, & the IEP teacher met to discuss if Little Reagan would receive any accommodations. Unfortunately, no accommodations could be made in Reagans case. They all decided that she should be able to operate normally in school. The only way for Reagans grades to improve is for her to use some of the techniques the doctor suggested.

(Classroom setting: Mrs. Cluck is teaching, Reagan is in her desk)

Mrs. Cluck: Now, we have been learning this material for a while and I think we are ready to do a project so that I can see what you have learned. Mrs. Cluck: Lets discuss what I am looking for in the projects, but I want you all to work very hard because this is for a grade.

Narrator: Mrs. Cluck discussed the criteria of the project. After she was finished the bell rang to end the day. Little Reagan wanted to see if her friends wanted to work together on their projects.

(bell rings)

Little Reagan: Hey guys, do you all want to work on your project with me? Donna: Nah, I would rather go outside and play. I am going to work on my project later. Caitlin: Yeah, me too! I can work on it another time. Deborah: Im with them; the playground is calling my name! Do you want to come? We would love to have you! Little Reagan: I dont think so. I really need to study. (Friends leave) I guess I will have to do it on my own! ______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 6 ______________________________________________________________________________

(Home setting. Little Reagan has just come home from school and her mom, dad and sister are in the living room)

Little Reagan: So, I have a project that will be a big grade coming up. I want to get an A! Mom: Well, we will help you! Lets use some of the suggestions the doctor gave us. How about I make a checklist to help you stay organized? The doctor said organization will help. Dad: Thats a good idea. The doctor also said to keep your working space uncluttered, right? Little Sister: I can help with that! Ill throw away any trash! Dad: Me too. And, I will help you stay focused and keep track of time. Little Reagan: Thank you! I know this will help! ______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 7 ______________________________________________________________________________

(Classroom setting. Mrs. Cluck as teacher, students in desks)

Narrator: After school on Friday Little Reagan told her mom that the other students work looked better than hers. She hoped that she had made an A on her project, but she just wasnt sure. Soon enough, the weekend was over Mrs. Cluck: Let me tell you all how wonderful of a job you did on your projects. I was so impressed, you all made my job easy! (Start handing out the projects to the class)

Little Reagan: (Speaking to herself) I feel like a cannon ball has crept up in my throat and wont leave! (Mrs. Cluck handed Little Reagan her project) Oh No! I really thought I did better than a C. Well, at least Mrs. Cluck wrote making improvements. Thats better than the last grade I got. Mrs. Cluck: (Bring students attention back to you) Well class, I have decided you all are ready for a quiz on this topic. Now class, you know all of the information and I am sure you will do just fine, but please study! This is a quiz will prepare you for the upcoming test.

(bell rings)

Mrs. Cluck: Dont forget to study!

(Little Reagan and friends gather together to talk)

Little Reagan: Would you all like to study together for the quiz? Donna: I dont think so, we are having a sleepover and you are welcome to come if you would like but there will be no studying at my house! Caitlin: Yeah, who wants to study at a sleepover? Deborah: Count me out too Little Reagan, I will be way too busy picking out nail polish and painting my nails. (Admires nails) Little Reagan: Okay, well I guess I will have to study myself! I want to get an A on the quiz, and if I come to the sleepover I wont get any studying done! (Girls walk away. Now alone.) Oh man, why am I still standing here I have to hurry home and start studying! The quiz is on Wednesday and I only have two nights to study.

(Reagan runs home)

______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 8 ______________________________________________________________________________

(Home setting)

Little Reagan: Im home! Guess what! There is a quiz coming up and I am going to get an A this time! Little Sister: Ill help you study! It was so much fun working on your project! Dad: Me too. Ill join in and help you study, while momma makes dinner. Why dont we make a graphic organizer of the notes and materials Mrs. Cluck sent home to study? The doctor said that visual aids will help your memory. Little Reagan: Lets do it!

______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 9 ______________________________________________________________________________ Narrator: Little Reagan drew pictures and used different colors to create a graphic organizer of the quiz material. Then, on Wednesday Little Reagan took the quiz. The next day she was nervous to get her quiz back and was disappointed when she saw a B on the top of the quiz, but it helped that Mrs. Cluck wrote, Best grade on a quiz yet! beside it. After everyone had their quiz back Mrs. Cluck called the class to attention. Mrs. Cluck: Class, next week we are having a test on all of the information from the project, and all the rest we have studied in this unit. This test is a cumulative test, this means that everything that you have learned will be on the test. Now I need you all to study very hard because this is a BIG test. Now lets go home and make sure you study! Also, if you want to buddy up and study I highly recommend you do so.

(All the girls gather together)

Little Reagan: Hey girls, would you all like to come to my house and study for our big test? Donna: MMMM, I dont think so. Im pretty sure I already know most of it. I dont need to study. Caitlin: Yeah its pretty simple for me. I think I know it all. Deborah: I dont want to study! As long as I pass I dont care too much. Plus, I did good on the project and quiz so I think I am good. Maybe we will come by another day, but not to study.

(Deborah, Caitlin, and Deborah leave giggling and talking about other things leave Little Reagan talking to herself.)

Little Reagan: Thats alright, I can study by myself. I know I need to practice to get ready for this big test. There will be other sleep overs! ______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 10 ______________________________________________________________________________ Narrator: That night at dinner Little Reagan, explained to her family about the big test and how it was a cumulative test which meant everything they had learned so far would be on it. She also told them how bad she wanted that A. Mom: Well, you know what youll have to do. You will have to study very hard! Why dont we make a game of what you learned, and then we will all study with you? Dad: See if you like this idea Little Reagan... We could all play by placing facts on a basketball and when we pass the ball to one another we will say the fact that is under our index finger. But heres the kicker we have to name another fact before we pass the ball. Little Reagan: Thats a great idea! We should call it Basketball Facts.

Little Reagan: I love it! Can we get started after dinner? I really need to be ready for this test. Mom: Of Course! Little Sister: I cant wait! Narrator: After dinner, the family worked hard creating the game with all of the notes that Little Reagan had. They made sure Little Reagan did most of the work so that it would help her for her big test. When they finished making the game, they played all weekend. Little Reagan studied her notes and even made up little tricks and rhymes to help her remember. Monday morning she was ready to take the test! Little Reagan: Mom, I am ready to go to school and take this test! I know I will make an A on it because I have studied very hard. Mom: Little Reagan, I am very proud of you whatever the grade may be! Now go along to school and do the best you can. Little Sister: You got it sis!

(Mom gives Reagan a hug. Little Reagan arrives in school)

______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 11 ______________________________________________________________________________

(Classroom setting)

Mrs. Cluck: I hope everyone had a refreshing weekend and studied very hard! Today, I will be starting something new to help some of the students in the class who have trouble keeping track of time. I will raise my hand every ten minutes to let you know how much time has passed and how much time is left. Now, are there any questions before I pass out the test? (Pause) Alright lets begin. (Pass out papers and pat Little Reagan on the back) Narrator: Just that little boost of confidence Mrs. Cluck gave too Little Reagan helped her to remember the rhymes, tricks, and the Basketball Facts game. She also felt much better about the new time keeping cue Mrs. Cluck was going to do. Reagan struggled with keeping track of time because of her disability, but that would help. After the test was over, Reagan turned it in and went home that night feeling good about how hard she had worked and the fact that she actually finished the entire test in time. The next day at school...

(Classroom setting)

Mrs. Cluck: Class, I have your tests graded already, so before the bell rings I would like to give them back to you.

(Mrs. Cluck passes out papers. Reagan gets her paper and smiles very big)

Reagan: (Talking to herself) An A?!?! My first A?!?!

______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 12 ______________________________________________________________________________

(Home setting)

Reagan: Mom! I got an A! I got an A! Mom: That so great Reagan! You worked so hard for that! Even though you found out you have Executive Functioning Disorder, it didnt stop you from making a high goal and keeping it! Im so proud of you! Why dont we celebrate by going out for ice cream on Friday evening? You can invite some friends too if you would like! Reagan: That sounds great mom! Ill ask them tomorrow at school! ______________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 13 ______________________________________________________________________________

(School hallway setting: Reagan, Donna, Caitlin and Deborah are all talking)

Reagan: Would you all like to go out for ice cream with me and my family to celebrate my
first A? I worked really hard to study for the test and I earned my first A ever! Donna: Aw man. I wish I could, but my mom said my test grade was low and I have to stay home this weekend to study. Caitlin: Yeah, me too. I wish I wouldve studied like you Reagan. My grade wasnt so hot either. Deborah: I sure would like to come over, but Im grounded too. Narrator: Reagan assured her friends there would be other times to go out for ice cream, but they all agreed they would study together from now on. That evening, Reagan enjoyed a chocolate cone with just her mom, dad, and little sister...and enjoyed every minute!

The End

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