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Assessment Plan Provide an overview of the assessment plan.

. For my showcase lesson I used a variety of assessments that were both informal and formal. For my informal assessments, I asked students questions before and after I presented the information about the instruments in the string family. I also asked them several probing questions during the lesson to steer them toward the right answer or get them thinking about why the answer was correct. Because of the information I gathered with my interest checklist and the previous lessons I taught with this second grade class, I was able to form the lesson based on what the students already knew or learned about low and high sounds, how those sounds correlate with the size of the instrument, and how string instruments are different than brass or woodwind instruments. I also knew based on experience that an assessment in the form of an activity would engage them more than just relying on question based assessments, which is why I used an observation checklist to assess individual students as they played the instruments in the lesson. Describe the pre-, during, and post-assessments that are aligned with your lesson objective. 2nd Grade General Music
Lesson Objective Objective 1: Students will be able to identify the instruments in the string family, their characteristic sounds and parts. Assessments Pre Students will complete a simple quiz to determine prior knowledge of the subject matter. During Ask the students the names of and roles of the instruments during the lesson as well as the sounds they make. Use an observation checklist while they perform on the instruments. Post Ask students to name the different instruments and what types of sound they make. Ask students to name the parts of the instrument and how the instrument is played. Students will complete a short assessment quiz at the end of the lesson. Format of Formative Assessments Pre Quiz will indicate how much students know about the size of the instruments related to their sound, what instruments are in the family, and how you play them. During Q &A using an observation checklist will indicate if students are understanding the material while they are listening to the lecture, answering questions, watching the video and playing the instruments. Post Q & A using probing questions about what sounds the instruments make, what family they belong to, how you play them, and their names will indicate understanding of the material. The assessment quiz will indicate student understanding and how much they remember the lesson material. Accommodations Various modes to present the material will be used during the lesson to accommodate different learning styles. Students will watch a video performance, listen to a lecture, watch a demonstration, compare and contrast sounds and sizes, answer probing questions, and participate in a hands-on activity with real instruments. Questions will be modified during Q & A if needed. There will be extra wait time during the Q & A and modeling. During the quiz, the questions will be displayed and read aloud for those who are poor readers.

Discuss your plan for using these formative assessments to help you determine student progress pre-, during, and post lesson. The assessments I used for the showcase lesson help me to determine the students understanding of musical concepts. Some of the information I presented in the lesson was not new to the students, and was therefore reinforced by this lesson. Other material was new. Because I want them to build their musical knowledge, it is important for me to know how well they grasp the material and how much they know about the subject before I teach the lesson. Without this information I will not know if the student learned anything during the lesson. For this lesson I used a pre-assessment quiz as well as a question and answer session before I presented the material. During the lesson, I wanted to keep track of the students by using a informal question and answer assessment using probing questions, modeling, and asking modified questions. I also asked the students to compare and contrast what they heard and saw on the video and through demonstrations. This helps me to know if they understand the material we are discussing in the lesson. If I dont assess them during the lesson, it would be impossible for me to know what they understand and what they dont. I also gave many opportunities for students to ask questions. Students who answered incorrectly were given a reason why through demonstration or discussion from the rest of the class. Students were also able to play the instruments and I was able to ask each student questions individually while they were playing. This helped me find out what they were getting and what they werent understanding. After the lesson, I summarized the information by letting the students tell me what they learned. I did this by using a Q & A of the main points. I also gave them another opportunity to ask questions. The students completed the same assessment quiz that they took at the beginning of the lesson. This quiz, along with the observation checklist, gave me some concrete data on each student so that I can plan future lessons accordingly.

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