Peer Review Checklist

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Rough Draft Peer-Review Checklist

Writers Name:________________________________________________ Reviewers Name: _____________________________________________

Introduction ________ uses intentional strategy to get the readers attention ________ showcases the topic Thesis ________ is identifiable ________ is the last sentence of the introduction ________ firmly states the writers position or exposition of the topic Paragraphs ________ follow a logical order ________ contain effective topic sentences, bodies with details, and transitions or conclusions Conclusion ________ refers back to the introduction ________ is firm on the writers position Conventions ________ contains few errors in grammar or usage Critical Thinking ________ shows significant evidence of original thought and critical analysis Formatting ________ contains few if any errors in formatting Research ________ uses the correct number of sources ________ cites sources on the Works Cited page ________ Effectively uses parenthetical documentation Notes:

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