Continents Lesson Standard 4 or 5

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Bridgewater College

Education Department Lesson Plan Date: 2/21/13 Subject Area(s): Social Studies VA SOL: 3.5

Name: Lauren Mullen

Title of Lesson: Continents and Oceans Grade Level(s): 3 The student will develop map skills by a) Positioning and labeling the seven continents and five oceans to create a world map.

Content Objective(s) Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to place the seven continents and five oceans the correct place on a world map.

IEP Goal/Objective: N/A at this time. Accommodations/ Differentiation Students with visual impairments will be seated close to the smartboard. Students unable to cut will be provided with already cut pieces.

Summative Assessment (based on objectives) The student will be quizzed on the seven continents and the five oceans. They will be given a blank map and asked to label the continents and oceans using a word bank.

Materials Smartboard file (included) Copies of the map (one for each student) (included) Copies of the continents and oceans (one for each student) (included) Scissors for each table/student Glue for each table/student Crayons/markers in the colors purple, orange, dark green, light green, blue, red, and grey/silver for each table/student Pencils for each student

Integration of technology The teacher will use the smartboard to operate the smartfile that is attached. The students will use the smartboard in their guided practice to label the continents and oceans.

Anticipatory Set (Focus) Where is someplace you would like to travel? How would you know how to get there? Right! A map! Today we are going to look at a map of the whole world, and we will learn the seven continents and the five oceans that make up our world.

Accommodations/ Differentiation Students with visual impairments will be seated close to the smartboard. Students unable to cut will be provided with already cut pieces.

Time Planned Less than 1 minute

Access/Review Prior Knowledge What is a continent? Does anyone know which continent we live on? What ocean do we go to when we go to the beach?

2 minutes

Topic presentation (What will the students be told?) Pull up the smart file. Go through the activity, discussing each page. A continent is a large, main landmass of the globe, surrounded mostly by water. There are seven continents. An ocean is a large body of salt water that covers of the earth. There are five main oceans. This is the world map, these are the seven continents. List them. Ask them which continent we live on (North America). Ask if any students have been to any other continents.

3 minute s

Modeling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Checking for Understanding (Formative Assessment)

20 min utes

Modeling: Continue turning the pages until you have introduced each continent and some countries in each, and the five oceans and where they are located. Make sure you point specifically to the location and as you go through each continent show its position in relation to other continents. This is South America, which is right under North America and right next to Africa. Do the same with the oceans. Guided Practice: Have the students drag the continents and oceans to their correct place on the map. Have them tell you the name of the continent/ocean and its position in relation to other continents/oceans. This is Antarctica, and it is underneath all the other continents and the Southern Ocean. Independent Practice: Pass out the maps packets to students. Have them color, cut, and glue the continents in the correct place. Checking for understanding: Choose a few students to share their maps with the class, and talk again about where the continents and oceans are in relation to each other.

Closure Today we learned about the seven continents and they are (have the students raise their hand and tell you).and the five oceans which are.(have them tell you). Good job!!

Less than 1 minute

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