Educ 353 Math Lesson Plan

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Wilson EDUC 353 Name: Nicole Dzikas 2013 Target ra!e "evel: #irst (!!

ition Date: November 10,

C$rric$l$m To%ic: &at':

UbD "esson )lan Tem%late *tage 1: Desire! +$tcome

Established Goals: CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.C.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. se strategies such as counting on! ma"ing ten #e.g., $ % 6 & $ % 2 % ' & 10 % ' & 1'(! decom)osing a number leading to a ten #e.g., 1* + ' & 1* + * + 1 & 10 + 1 & ,(! using the relationshi) between addition and subtraction #e.g., "nowing that $ % ' & 12, one "nows 12 + $ & '(! and creating e-ui.alent but easier or "nown sums #e.g., adding 6 % / by creating the "nown e-ui.alent 6 % 6 % 1 & 12 % 1 & 1*(. Un!erstan!ings: Addition is )utting two or more numbers together. Addition is increasing. 0he answer to an addition )roblem is always a number larger than each of the numbers being added together. Addition is the o))osite of subtraction. Essential ,$estion-s.: 1hat is addition2 1hat is an addend2 1hat is the sum2

Students will know. Students will be able to Academic 3ocabulary4 Add two numbers within 10 Addition is the )rocess of )utting fluently two or more numbers together. Add two numbers within 20 An addend is a number that is being added in an addition se strategies such as counting on )roblem. to sol.e addition )roblems 0here are two or more addends in e.ery addition )roblem. 0he sum is the amount obtained as a result of adding numbers together #the answer to an addition )roblem(.

*tage 2: (ssessment Evi!ence

5erformance 0as"4 Students will 6act7 out addition )roblems. Students will be gi.en a list of addition )roblems. 8or each )roblem, two grou)s of students #which will change based on the )roblem( will come Other 9.idence4 Addition )roblems on dry erase boards during class Addition wor"sheet

u) to the front of the classroom. 9ach grou) of students will re)resent one of the addends in the gi.en )roblem. :f the addition )roblem is $%', for e;am)le, the first grou) of students will consist of $ students, and the second grou) will consist of ' students. 0hese grou)s will line u) at the front of the classroom, and the remaining students in the class will count the students 6acting7 out the )roblem to find the answer. 9ach student will be gi.en the o))ortunity to 6act7 out an addition )roblem.

*tage 3: "earning )lan

Students will be )re)ared for this lesson on addition as they ha.e had )re.ious e;)erience with addition in <indergarten. 0hroughout the course of <indergarten, teachers should ha.e addressed the following math standards related to addition4 CCSS.Math.Content.<.OA.A.1 =e)resent addition and subtraction with ob>ects, fingers, mental images, drawings1, sounds #e.g., cla)s(, acting out situations, .erbal e;)lanations, e;)ressions, or e-uations. CCSS.Math.Content.<.OA.A.2 Sol.e addition and subtraction word )roblems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using ob>ects or drawings to re)resent the )roblem. CCSS.Math.Content.<.OA.A.? 8luently add and subtract within ?. Students should be familiar with the conce)t of addition and be able to add numbers within ? easily. : will begin the lesson by as"ing students what they "now about addition. Students should ha.e some familiarity with addition. : will )ro.ide a definition of addition to refresh their memories and start them off with some sim)le addition )roblems within ?. : will ha.e them write their answers on dry erase boards so that : can assess their )rior "nowledge. After a -uic" re.iew of basic addition, : will use Smart@oard lessons to )ractice addition within 10 and then addition within 20. #Aessons are from htt)4BBwww.modernchal"board.comBadditionCbasic.html(. After the students )ractice adding within 10 and 20 during the Smart@oard

lessons, : will e;)lain the 5erformance 0as" to students. Students will com)lete the 5erformance 0as". 0o conclude the lesson, : will re)eat that addition is )utting two numbers together to ma"e a bigger number and ha.e the students sol.e one final addition )roblem on their dry erase boards. Students will com)lete an addition wor"sheet for homewor". Materials4 dry erase boards, mar"ers, Smart@oard, wor"sheets Differentiation4 8or students below grade le.el, the addition wor"sheet will include )ictures and ha.e fewer )roblems. 0hese students along with 9AA students will ha.e the o))ortunity to use mani) in class to sol.e addition )roblems. 8or students at grade le.el, the addition wor"sheet will ha.e addition )roblems within 10 and within 20. 8or students abo.e grade le.el, the addition wor"sheet will include se.eral more challenging addition )roblems along with the )roblems from the 6At Erade Ae.el 1or"sheet.7

:temiFed Attachments4 At Erade Ae.el 1or"sheet

@elow Erade Ae.el 1or"sheet

Abo.e Erade Ae.el 1or"sheet

#At Erade Ae.el 1or"sheet and Abo.e Erade Ae.el 1or"sheet(

Citations4 Above Grade Level Worksheet. =etrie.ed from htt)4BBwww.aussiechildcarenetwor".comBadditionGwor"sheets.)h) At Grade Level Worksheet. =etrie.ed from Below Grade Level Worksheet. =etrie.ed from Hew Ior" State 9ducation De)artment. #201*(. Common Core Aearning StandardsJ4 CK:J4 5C12J4 HIS9D. C&I: Curriculum and Instruction . State 9ducation De)artment. =etrie.ed Ho.ember $, 201*, from htt)4BBwww.)12.nysed.go.BciaiBcommonGcoreGstandardsB SmartBoard Addition Lessons. Retrieved from htt)4BBwww.modernchal"board.comBadditionCbasic.html

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