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Autobiographica E!!a" Trenton Han!on Pro#e!!or $onathan Lord E%UC &'( )oundation! o# Education On ine Cour!e* )a * &'(+

ABE Autobiographica E!!a" A! chi dren ,e are #re-uent " a!.ed ,hat ,e are going to be ,hen ,e gro, up and I ne/er .ne, ,hat to !a"0 It ,a!n1t unti 2" #ina !e2e!ter in co ege* a! I ,a! getting 2" A!!ociate! %egree in 3anu#acturing Techno og"* that I decided ,hat I ,anted to be ,hen I gre, up4 a teacher0 I ha/e a pa!!ion to !hare the .no, edge that I ha/e earned throughout 2" "ear! in !choo and through 2" ,or. e5perience* ,ith other!0 I ha/e the de!ire to he p !tudent! get a proper education4 one ,here the !tudent! earn to better the2!e /e! and beco2e an a!!et to !ociet"0 I .no, I a2 e-uipped ,ith the too ! needed to pro/ide !tudent! ,ith the proper education through 2" pa!!ion* .no, edge* and !.i ! that I ha/e earned throughout 2" i#e0 Educational Background I attended 6i2ber " E e2entar" Schoo in 6i2ber "* Idaho0 Li.e a ot o# .id!* it too. 2e !o2e ti2e to get u!ed to0 I !trugg ed ,ith reading* !pe ing and had a rea " hard ti2e pa"ing attention0 A#ter a ,hi e the" te!ted 2e and #ound out that I had a earning di!abi it"0 I ,a! put on an Indi/idua i7ed Education Progra2 8IEP9 and ,ent to !pecia c a!!e! throughout e e2entar" #ocu!ing on reading and !pe ing0 I then attended 6i2ber " 3idd e Schoo in 6i2ber "* Idaho0 In the !i5th grade 2" Specia E% teacher* 3r!0 6e "* rea " pu!hed 2e to be better and that i! ,hen thing! rea " !tarted to c ic.0 I :oined the Lingui!tic! progra2 and !tarted attending c a!!e! at the Learning Center0 I beca2e 2ore independent and !tarted to rea i7e that I ,a! earning thing! that ,ou d he p 2e ,ith 2" i#e0 I earned that the harder I ,or.ed* the better 2" i#e ,ou d be0 A! a )re!h2an I ,ent to Robert Stuart $r0 High in T,in )a !* Idaho and then to T,in )a ! Sr0 High Schoo in T,in )a !* Idaho0 Thi! i! ,hen I rea " #ound ,ho I ,a! and ,hat I ,anted out o# i#e0 A#ter I graduated* I !tarted co ege c a!!e! at the Co ege o# Southern

ABE Idaho in T,in )a !* Idaho* but rea " didn1t .no, ,hat to do0 I changed 2" 2a:or !e/era ti2e! unti I ran into 2" o d !hop teacher ,ho had ta.en o/er the 3anu#acturing Progra2 at CSI0 I decided thi! progra2 ,ou d he p 2e at ,or. !o I :oined and about three "ear! ater* I graduated ,ith 2" A!!ociate! %egree in 3anu#acturing Techno og"0 I a2 current " a !tudent at the Co ege o# Southern Idaho going into Techno og" Education0 Throughout 2" "ear! o# !choo * I ha/e gone through 2an" cha enge! and ha/e !een ho, teacher! ,ere ab e to re!pond to tho!e cha enge!0 I ha/e !een di##erent ,a"! in ,hich teacher! teach their !tudent!0 I #ee 2" e5perience! throughout 2" !choo "ear! ha/e taught 2e ho, to he p !tudent!0 I earned ho, to reach out to !tudent! to !ho, the2 ,h" an education i! i2portant to their #uture!0 Work History At #i/e "ear! o d I ,or.ed on 2" grand#ather1! dair" #eeding ca /e!0 3" #a2i " had a !trong be ie# in a good ,or. ethic and re!pon!ibi it"0 Gro,ing up I had !e/era :ob!0 I ,a! a paper and de i/er" bo" #ro2 age! t,e /e to thirteen0 At #ourteen I ,or.ed a! a :anitor #or B ip Printer! in T,in )a !* Idaho0 At !i5teen I !tarted , at Idaho In!tru2ent in T,in )a !* Idaho ,here I ,or.ed a! a !i . !creener and 2anu#actured e ectrica trainer part!0 A#ter high !choo * I !tarted , #or 6itchen Per#ection! in T,in )a !* Idaho0 I ran the C;C router 2i cutting out part! #or .itchen bo5e!0 I a!!e2b ed the bo5e! and door! and then de i/ered the2 to the :ob !ite!0 I ,or.ed here #or a "ear then !tarted , #or Scott B0 Ander!on Con!truction in %ietrich* Idaho* in the !u22er o# &''<* ,here I #ra2ed a hou!e under the direction o# 2" !uper/i!or0 Once ,inter hit* I changed 2" career to a 2ore !.i ed pro#e!!ion a! an e ectrician ,ith Hot Shot E ectric in Hai e"* Idaho0 A#ter a coup e 2onth! the hou!ing dropped0 Hot Shot E ectric cou d no onger a##ord to .eep 2e on !o I ,or.ed #or three

ABE di##erent e ectrica co2panie!4 Ad/anced %ata and E ectric* =ertica E ectric and Eag e 3ountain E ectric0 In the #a o# &''> I !tarted , #or So o Cup in T,in )a !* Idaho0 Here I ,or.ed a! a 2aintenance 2echanic ,here I #i5ed and per#or2ed 2aintenance on a o# their 2achine! and #aci itie!0 Thi! i! the :ob that he ped 2e decide that I ,anted to beco2e a 3achini!t* !o a#ter , at So o Cup #or t,o "ear!* I ,a! o##ered a :ob at Sea!tro21! 3anu#acturing0 At Sea!tro21! I ,or.ed a! a C;C Progra22er and Operator ,hich ga/e 2e a ot o# e5perience a! a beginner in C;C 2achining0 I ,or.ed there :u!t o/er a "ear and ,a! o##ered another po!ition that ,ou d gi/e 2e 2ore e5perience in 2achining be!ide! :u!t C;C1!0 I a2 current " , at ?att! 3achine and )abrication and ha/e been here #or about a "ear and a ha #0 I ha/e had 2an" re!pon!ibi itie! at thi! co2pan"0 I1/e run their C;C athe* 2anua 2achining* both athe and 2i * and #abrication0 I a !o run the #or. i#t* paint* ,e d* and do an"thing that need! to be done to get the :ob co2p eted0 Each o# the!e po!ition! ha! gi/en 2e the opportunitie! to earn 2an" di##erent trade!4 :anitoria con!truction* e ectrica * and 2achining0 I ha/e earned that a re!pon!ibi itie!* no 2atter ho, !2a the" are* are i2portant #or the good o# the co2pan"0 Each o# the!e re!pon!ibi itie! ha! taught 2e to ,or. harder* to drea2 bigger* and to ne/er gi/e up on a goa 0 ;o 2atter ,hat the :ob ,a!* I earned to do it to the be!t o# 2" abi itie!0 Through 2" ,or. e5perience I ha/e earned the trait! that I need to be an e##ecti/e techno og" teacher* to he p !tudent! gain the e5perience! the" need to 2i or turn a part* ,e d a part on a 2achine to #i5 it or run a paint gun to paint a car the" are re!toring0 Becau!e o# the ,or. I ha/e done I can teach !tudent! and !hare 2" e5perti!e to he p the2 gain the !.i ! the" ,i need to choo!e a career that ,i be!t #it the20

ABE Service and/or Extracurricular Activities In high !choo I ,a! in/o /ed ,ith Techno og" Student A!!ociation 8TSA9 ,here I participated in de!igning* bui ding* and racing CO& car! in co2petition!0 I ,a! a !o in/o /ed in a co2petition ,here I had to !o /e prob e2!0 I ,a! the Pre!ident o# the TSA Chapter 2" !enior "ear0 I ,a! a !o part o# the Bo" Scout! o# A2erica #or !e/en "ear!0 Thi! taught 2e re!pon!ibi it"* ho, to ,or. hard and !er/e other!0 At the co ege e/e * during 2" 3anu#acturing Techno og" progra2* I participated in the S.i ! USA co2petition! #or three "ear!0 The #ir!t "ear I participated in the Auto2ated 3anu#acturing co2petition in a tea2 e/ent0 In thi! co2petition* I had to ,or. ,ith 2" t,o tea2 2e2ber! to de!ign* too path* and 2achine a protot"pe #or a , part gi/en to u! b" the :udge!0 ?e p aced !econd at a !tate e/e 0 The !econd "ear* I participated in the !a2e co2petition ,ith the !a2e tea20 ?e p aced #ir!t at a !tate e/e and 2o/ed on to nationa ! ,here ,e p aced ninth o/era 0 3" third "ear o# S.i ! USA* I participated in a !o o co2petition0 Thi! ,a! #or C;C turning0 I ,a! gi/en a print o# a part that needed to be turned* and I had to 2anua " code* !et up the 2achine* and 2achine the part0 I then had to ta.e a ,ritten te!t to te!t 2" .no, edge o# 2achining0 I p aced !econd at !tate b" a !2a 2argin0 I ,a! the Pre!ident o# the High Per#or2ance 3anu#acturing C ub #or the!e three "ear!0 I ,a! in charge o# #undrai!ing to rai!e 2one" to pa" #or co2petition! and the e5pen!e! that go a ong ,ith the20 A! an adu t* I ha/e /o unteered #or !er/ice! that dea ,ith the oca "outh0 In 2" church* I a2 in the Young 3en1! Pre!idenc" a! a Second Coun!e or0 I ,or. ,ith t,e /e and thirteen "ear o d bo"!0 Thi! entai ! he ping the2 ,ith church re ated !tu## and Bo" Scout! o# A2erica0 Through both o# the!e* I a2 in charge o# teaching and being an e5a2p e to the!e "oung 2en to

ABE !ho, the2 ho, to beco2e great "oung 2en and #uture adu t!0 I a !o teach the2 to beco2e a better ,* hu!band* and #ather0 Through each o# the e5tracurricu ar acti/itie!* I ha/e earned 2an" /a uab e e!!on! that I can u!e to teach !tudent! in 2" c a!!roo20 I ha/e the e5perience and the .no, edge o# , ,ith "oung 2en a read"0 I ha/e !er/ed ,ith the2 #or the a!t three "ear!0 I !er/ed a! a pre!ident and eader in each o# the acti/itie!0 The 2o!t i2portant thing I earned ,a! to ead b" e5a2p e0 Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career A! I !tated be#ore* gro,ing up I did not .no, ,hat I ,anted to be0 It ,a!n1t unti I ,ent to co ege and ,a! getting read" to graduate #ro2 the 3anu#acturing Techno og" progra20 bac. o/er 2" i#e* I noticed that I ha/e a ,a"! en:o"ed pa!!ing on .no, edge to other! and teaching the2 thing! that I ha/e been taught or ha/e #igured out 2"!e #0 It gi/e! 2e great !ati!#action ,atching other! !ucceed0 In co ege* I #ound 2"!e # he ping the other !tudent! in the c a!!* rather than doing 2" o,n ,or.0 Each ti2e I he ped !o2eone* I #e t :o"0 I cho!e to beco2e an educator becau!e I ,ant to he p other! in their i#e* !o the" can ha/e a bright #uture and 2a.e the ,or d the be!t that the" can 2a.e it0 In i#e I ha/e con!idered other career!0 A! an adu t I ,ent through a #e, career! tr"ing to #ind 2" path0 I tried cabinetr"* carpentr"* e ectrica * 2echanic* and 2achining0 E/en though I ha/e en:o"ed each o# the2* I ha/e ne/er been #u " !ati!#ied0 I ha/e ne/er #e t the #u :o" o# he ping !o2eone in need0 I anticipate 2an" re,ard! #ro2 beco2ing an educator0 I anticipate #ee ing thi! :o" each ti2e a !tudent pa!!e! 2" c a!!* or i2pro/e! on their !.i !0 I ,i be re,arded ,ith the :o" o# .no,ing I he ped a !tudent that had been !trugg ing and he p the2 under!tand ,hat great ,orth the" ha/e0 I ,i be re,arded each ti2e 2" !tudent! #ee !ati!#action ,ith their ,or. and their progre!!0

ABE Professional Goals 3" !hort ter2 goa i! to get 2" A!!ociate! %egree in Techno og" Education #ro2 the Co ege o# Southern Idaho and then to tran!#er to the Uni/er!it" o# Idaho to continue on to 2" Bache or1! degree0 I a2 going to ,or. hard and #u #i the needed re-uire2ent! to achie/e the!e degree!0 I ,i a !o be app "ing to the Uni/er!it" o# Idaho and co2p eting the !tep! to be accepted into their progra20 One o# 2" ong ter2 goa ! i! to !tart a techno og" progra2 in Linco n Count"* Idaho0 I p an on achie/ing thi! b" re!earching grant! and ,a"! to !tart thi! progra20 I ,i then ta . to each o# the !choo di!trict! in the Linco n Count" to he p the2 under!tand ho, thi! progra2 ,ou d pro/ide the!e !tudent! ,ith a greater opportunit" and ho, it ,i bene#it each !choo di!trict0 Another ong ter2 goa i! to ,or. at a co ege e/e 0 I ,ant to ,or. at the Co ege o# Southern Idaho and p an on achie/ing thi! b" , hard and gaining the e5perience needed0 I ne/er .ne, ,hat I ,anted to be ,hen I gre, up0 It too. a teacher to he p 2e under!tand the potentia that I had0 ?hen I !topped and oo.ed bac. on 2" i#e I .ne, that I ,anted to beco2e a #uture educator0 I !trugg ed to earn a! a chi d* but through the!e !trugg e! I beca2e a better 2an0 I .no, ho, to ,or. hard #or !o2ething I ,ant0 3" true pa!!ion i! the he ping other! to #ind their ,a" and he p the2 to beco2e great peop e0 I en:o" ,atching other! progre!! and earn* to !ee the2 2a.e !o2ething o# the2!e /e!0 I ,ant to he p the!e !tudent! achie/e their drea2! and goa ! and I .no, that ,ith 2" e5perience!* ,or. hi!tor"* !er/ice and e5tracurricu ar acti/itie! and 2" pa!!ion #or he ping other!* that I can be a great educator0

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