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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

M6.B.2.3.1: Define, label and/or identify right, straight, acute and obtuse angles.

THEME: Geometry-Angles LESSON TOPIC: Right, straight, acute, obtuse angles OBJECTIVES: Language:
The student will be able to write the appropriate angle names and correctly pronounce the names of the angles in the lesson.

The student will be able to identify and distinguish between right, straight, actue, and obtuse angles.

Visuals: pictures, cut outs Kinesthetic/Total Physical Response: arm movements to show angles, measuring angles Color coding: each angle and corresponding notes have a specific color Technology: SmartBoard

KEY VOCABULARY: Angles, right angle, straight angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, protractor MATERIALS:
SMART board Dry erase board 4 different color markers Pictures of dancers 4 different color cut outs of each of the angles to match the markers Cut out of a protractor Large ruler/straight edge SmartBoard matching angles game Tape

(Building background) The teachers will ask the student if she knows about angles and what is it that she knows? After hearing her response the teachers will then ask if she can point out any examples of angles in the classroom? The teachers will then explain how angles are everywhere. The teachers will then post pictures of 4 different dancers on the SmartBoard. The student will be asked to circle the angles she sees in the pictures of the dancers. If she cannot find any angles, the teacher will guide her to them or circle them.

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) The teachers will write the category "Angles" on the dry erase board. Underneath the category they will write the 4 types of angles and their measurements (right - 90, straight - 180, obtuse -

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

# greater than 90, acute - # less than 90). Then the teachers will tape the 4 different color cut out angles on the board. The teachers will explain that the tool used to measure angles is called a protractor. They will also explain that we measure an angle to identify the name of the angle we are measuring. Using the protractor, the teachers will measure each angle and ask the student what name matches with that angle. After all four angles are labelled (with the label written in matching color of the angle), the teachers will then show the student how to make each angle with her arms. Anytime after this, the teachers may say the name of an angle and the student will have to make the angle with her arm. The colored angles and matching labels will stay on the board throughout the lesson for the student to refer to.

PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
Then the teachers will draw different angles on the board and the student will measure and label each given angle. After having about 8-10 examples for her to do, she will then be asked to do a matching game on the SmartBoard. The student will have to draw lines using the 4 different color SmartBoard pens to match pictures of angles, names of angles, and measurements of angles.

REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)

The teachers will tape the pictures of the dancers from the beginning of the lesson on the SmartBoard once again to revisit the vocabulary words and lesson objectives with the student. The teachers will tell the student to label the angles that were previously circled. Through this activity, the student will be reviewing the language objective of how to write and pronounce the names of the 4 types of angles. This activity will also be a review of the content objective - to identify and distinguish among the 4 types of angles.

The teachers will tell the student a specific measurment. Using a protractor, the student will have to draw that angle and label it. If she seems to be mastering this skill, the teachers may then ask her to draw an angle of her choice. She would draw the angle using a protractor and give its measuremen.
(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2008. Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model.)

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

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