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Guerrero 1 Alexis Guerrero Ms.

Wright ENG 113-970IN 6 December 2013 Analysis of Thank you Mam During the lifetime of Langston Hughes, the author of this story, the African Americans were discriminated against and were not treated as fellow human beings. Consequently, this group of people fell behind in many areas of life, resulting in many of them becoming one of two thingsthey either became bold and brave to stand up against the strong forces of evil and prejudice, or they used wrong behavior to try to get what they wanted. Analyzing Thank you Mam through the eyes of historical (contextual) literary criticism reveals that certain time periods have an influence on the meaning of the story as well as the way it is perceived. Because the African American people were not given equal rights with their fellow white men, they were not given the same privileges. The African American people struggled in every part of life; as a result, many of them were not raised and trained in the most pleasant circumstances. Roger, the boy in this story, attempts to steal Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones purse (Hughes 1) because he does not have money to buy some blue suede shoes that he wants (Hughes 3). According to the story, he does not live a stable life, and there is nobody home to rear him in the right direction. It is obvious that he is not well taken care of because he has not been taught right from wrong, and as late as it waseleven at nighthe has not eaten (Hughes 2), his face is dirty(Hughes 1), and his hair is unkempt (Hughes 3). Because the African Americans were treated with contempt, many turned to using wrong means and methods to get what they wanted. Apparently, Roger was one of these people who somehow learned that

Guerrero 2 stealing would be a way that he could get the money he needs to buy the pair of shoes he wants. Without the knowledge that the African Americans were experiencing prejudice and that many were using the wrong methods to get what they want, it may be difficult for some people to understand why Roger tries to steal a purse just for a pair of blue suede shoes (Hughes 3). Another aspect to take into consideration is that during this time period, blue suede shoes were a fad that many people wished to have. This helps to define the story because it is easier to understand the motive behind Rogers attempt to steal Mrs. Bates purse. On the other hand, despite all that the African American people had to go through, many of them were very bold and strong-spirited. This characteristic is seen in Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones when she scolds Roger for attempting to steal her purse (Hughes 1). The facts of the story indicate that Mrs. Jones is not only a brave individual but she is also one who is loving and caring. After she drags the boy to her house, she tells him, Then, Roger, you go to that sink and wash your face (Hughes 2). She also has a talk with him (Hughes 3) and makes dinner for both of them, including dessert (Hughes 4). Not only that, but before she sends Roger home, she says, Now, here, take this ten dollars and buy yourself some blue suede shoesBut I wish you would behave yourself, son, from here on in (Hughes 4). The time period that this story was written was different from that of today in that people trusted each other a lot more than they do today. Knowing this, it is easier to understand how Mrs. Jones could have allowed Roger to come to her apartment. In addition, Mrs. Jones realizes that Roger has a difficult life and is lacking someone in his life to care for him; therefore, she is motivated to help the boy. The story also states that at the apartment In another corner of the room behind a screen was a gas plate and an icebox. Because this story was written in 1931, many people did not have refrigerators; instead, they used iceboxes. In addition, Mrs. Jones asks Roger Maybe, you

Guerrero 3 aint been to your supper either, late as it be. Have you? Mrs. Jones heated some lima beans and ham she had in the icebox Thank you Maam was written during a time period when most families had home-cooked meals for dinner, which they ate together. This piece of literature would more than likely be perceived in its own time period as one that gives both sides of the story. In other words, Thank you Maam not only portrays the incidents that took place during that time period as a result of unpleasant circumstances, but it also shows how the African American people endeavored to overcome the obstacles of prejudice and inequality. It seems that this story would be much more easily accepted in its time period because it would be more comprehendible. The time period that Thank you Maam was written had a completely different atmosphere than that of today. Most people were aware to follow their morals, and many knew the difference between right and wrong. In addition, Hughes writing portrays his desire for the African Americans to see themselves as special. Because of such bigotry taking place during the time period the story was written, many blacks began to see themselves and their race as of little value. Therefore, it is possible that Thank you Maam is one of the stories that Hughes writes to try to convince his people that they are worth more than what the whites have belittled them to be. The story is not just about a boy that is changed after he is reprimanded for attempting to steal a womans purse; it is also about a woman who makes a difference in the boys life. With this in mind, this part of the story seems to be intended to be sort of an encouragement to the African American race that they too can make a difference. Placing this literary piece in the context of our time period, its meaning and perception would probably not be the same as it would have been back in Langston Hughes day. First of all, today, for the most part, there is not nearly as much discrimination and bigotry as there was

Guerrero 4 back then. African Americans share equal rights with the white people, and tensions between both racial groups have declined. Yet, in some places today, discrimination is worse than in other places. People might have a tendency to think of the story as something that took place back then. For the most part, in todays society, the police would immediately be contacted if someone attempted to steal something. More than likely, one would not expect to hear about a woman taking a criminal into her house and feeding him and giving him money. Without knowing what was taking place during the time of the writing of Thank you Maam, it would be difficult to understand the story. This story would be perceived differently in its own time period than it would be today. In the present day, this story would not be a common happening because the time era we live has drastically changed since the 1930s. The historical viewpoint of a literary work can have an impact on the way it is analyzed.

Guerrero 5 Work Cited Bass, Ramona and Arnold. "Thank you Ma'am by Langston Hughes." n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. "Practice Makes Perfect! Thank you Ma'am by Langston Hughes." n.d. 4 Dec. 2013. Web

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