AssignmentI-Part 2 2013

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EE2006 Engineering Mathematics I Assignment 1 (part 2)


1 ex x 2 3
(a) Findaninterval [ a , b ] inwhichtheaboveequationhasasolution. (b) Usefixedpointiterationmethodtosolvethisequationforasolutionthatiscorrectto3decimal places. Youneedtoestablishtheconvergenceoftheiterationprocedureaswellthestopcriterion, beforeyoustarttheiteration. (c) Investigatetheeffectontheerrorwhentruncatingorroundingoffthefinalanswerto3decimal placesinPart1(b). Q5.SolvethefollowingODEfor y (1.0) with the initial conditions y (0) 1, y '(0) 0 and step size of h 0.2 . The following methods are to beused: (a) EulersMethod (b) ImprovedEulersMethod(HeunsMethod) (c) 4thorderRungeKuttaMethod YoumayuseExcelorotherspreadsheetsoftwarefortheiterations.

y '' y ' y e x sin x

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