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Visually-Photographed Lesson Self-Reflection Form

EDUC 429 Secondary

After reviewing your lesson, fill in and submit this form it to the university supervisor. Teacher: Sarah Dean L#: 00009914 Date of Taping: 12/09/2013 Grade Level(s): 2nd Grade General Music

Topic: The String Family in The Orchestra 1. List the standards addressed in this lesson:

Objective 1. Standard 4: The student will listen to, describe, analyze, and evaluate music and music performances. MI3-4.1Use appropriate terminology to identify and describe music forms, notation, instruments, and performances.

2. Check all instructional modes employed in this lesson: ___X lecture ___X teacher demonstration ____X small group ___X class discussion ___X manipulatives ___X activity

____X student demonstration ____X reading _____ other (specify)

3. Describe the students active and passive involvements in the lesson. Students were passively involved during the lecture about the orchestra. They were actively involved during the listening activities with the video. They were asked to listen for specific instruments and sounds in the video. The video was paused periodically throughout so they could explain what they heard. Students were actively involved during the demonstration of the different instruments through questioning about the instruments. They were also actively involved at the end of the lesson when they got a chance to play the instruments for themselves and touch a bow and rosin. 4. Did I present the information in a clear and logical manner so that all of the students should be able to understand? (Circle your rating.) Yes 4 3 2 1 No 5. When asking questions, approximately how many seconds did you wait for a student to respond before making a comment? (Circle one.) 4 sec. or more 3-4 sec. 2-3 sec. 1-2 sec less than 1 sec. 2 1 Not Effective

6. Rate your effectiveness in using instructional materials. Very Effective 4 3

_____n/a Whiteboard Overhead Projector _____4 Video ___4 Computer ____n/a Calculator(s) ____4 LCD Projector ____4 Manipulatives ____4 SmartBoard ____4 PowerPoint _____ Other (specify) Instruments were used for demonstration during the lesson both by the teacher and the students.
EDUC 429 McKenzie

7. Check all the techniques which you employed to assess student comprehension during the lesson. ___X asked open-ended questions ____X asked objective but closed-ended questions __ X used written quiz _____ asked students to summarize the lesson ___X gave students the opportunities to recall previous information and related it to the lesson _____ listened in on discussions or small group sessions _____ used a worksheet ____ other (specify):

8. Give a brief description of how you summarized the lesson at the end of the session and how you related it to assignments and upcoming lessons, etc. At the end of the lesson I asked the students several times to review the names of all the instruments, which ones have the highest and lowest sounds, and what the bow was called and made of. I also summarized the lesson by having the students fill out the same quiz that they already completed at the beginning of the class. This not only helps me assess what they learned in the lesson, it also helps them understand if they gained any new information since they took the first quiz. 9. Indicate the levels of Blooms taxonomy addressed in this lesson. Remembering Students were asked to remember and state what they learned about high and low sounds from our previous lessons. Understanding Students were also asked to describe the instruments that they already knew about in the video. Students discussed the difference between high and low sounds and the size of instruments. Applying Students applied their learning by playing the instruments. They were able to pluck and apply the correct amount of bow pressure as discussed earlier in the lesson. Students described the sounds they made. Analyzing Students were asked to listen to instrument recordings and their peers playing the instruments. They described the sounds, compared the sounds, listened for contrasting sounds, and analyzed the performance of their peers as they played the instruments. Synthesis Students summarized all the names and sounds of the instruments at the end of the class. 10. Describe how you accommodated for students classified with special instructional needs. For the written quiz, I gave the students a paper quiz and then read each question out loud for them on the board while they took the quiz. I also gave all the students hand signals to use when they were ready for the next question. Students who had trouble writing their answer were able to describe their answer to me and I could write it down as accurately as I could for them. Students with more behavioral problems such as ADD were asked to show their hand before talking or asking a question.

11. What were the strengths of this lesson?

EDUC 429 McKenzie

I think the strongest part of the lesson was tying in and transitioning from the discussion about the full orchestra to zoning in on just one family in the orchestra. I think it gave the students a context for learning about string instruments and help them understand more about how an orchestra works. I also think using the demonstration instruments was a strong part of the lesson. The students were engaged and excited about seeing and playing the instruments. Using real instruments gave them a strong, real life connection with these types of instruments. 12. What do you need to change about this lesson? If I was planning this lesson for an older grade level, I would add more information about the various parts of the instruments. However, I thought that might be a little confusing and too much information for this lesson. If I had a larger group of students, I would consider structuring the second half of the lesson differently so that the students do not get too bored while students are playing the instruments. Comments: Overall, I thought the lesson went well. In the future, I would consider incorporating this lesson into a unit about the orchestra. The unit would include lessons on each specific family of instruments in the orchestra and one or two lessons on how to conduct. Students would learn about all the different types of instruments and they would learn how to conduct a simply three pattern and four pattern.

EDUC 429 McKenzie

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