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Sophia S.

l'm a creauve, energeuc, passlonaLe llbrarlan dedlcaLed Lo paLrons of all
ages. l hope Lo lnsull a love of readlng and books and sLrlve Lo be a
llfe-long learner.
Dom|n|can Un|vers|ty August 2011 - Current
MasLer of Llbrary and lnformauon Sclence, ?ouLh Servlces Cerucauon
LxpecLed Craduauon uaLe: Sprlng 2014
8rad|ey Un|vers|ty August 1998 - May 2002
8achelor of Sclence ln Adveruslng, Markeung Mlnor
n|ghwood ub||c L|brary Cctober 2012 - Current
outh Serv|ces L|brar|an
lanned, developed and execuLed engaglng, dlverse, and meanlngful youLh
servlces programs LhaL promoLed llbrary servlces and llLeracy lnluauves.
SelecLed and malnLalned Lhe enure Chlldren's and ?oung AdulL collecuons
lncludlng Lngllsh, Spanlsh and 8lllngual maLerlals. Managed monLhly and yearly
budgeLs for maLerlals and programmlng.
8esponslble for caLaloglng new chlldren's and young adulL maLerlals as well as
de-selecuon of dupllcaLe, ouLdaLed or unused maLerlals.
romoLed llbrary evenLs and lnluauves Lhrough communlLy and local school
ouLreach. updaLed llbrary webslLe wlLh new lnformauon.
rovlded essenual llbrary servlces Lo chlldren, Leens, parenLs and careglvers
such as reader's advlsory, reference requesLs, lnLerllbrary loan and Lechnology
C|ty Cutdoor and C|ty Lvennons September 2008 - Ianuary 2013
Sen|or Account Manager
8esponslble for cllenL lnqulrles and dally accounL managemenL for all MldwesL
adveruslng agencles. ueveloped sLraLeglc medla plans from sLarL Lo nlsh
lncludlng ldea/concepL generauon, budgeung and scal malnLenance, medla
placemenL and producuon/evenL coordlnauon.
Cpen 8ooks - Vo|unteer September 2010 - September 2011
volunLeered weekly as a menLor and llLeracy LuLor Lo a 3
grade sLudenL aL
Cameron LlemenLary School ln Chlcago's PumboldL ark nelghborhood.
roclenL ln MS Word, MS Lxcel, MS owerolnL, Coogle SlLes, Coogle uocs,
P1ML programmlng, lnLerneL and uaLabase searchlng skllls.
Avallable upon requesL.
Soph|a S. kenney
864 Csterman Ave Deerhe|d, IL 6001S
Lma||: Soph|e_s|
Ce||: 847-226-S336
About Me

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