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Physics 1040 Reflection

Physics 1040 was my first college class that I have taken, with that alone; I knew it was going to be a learning experience. Altho gh, I wasn!t prepare" for how m ch it wo l" tr ly affect me to take this class. #aking astronomy was beneficial, not only to my college career, b t especially to my life all aro n". $rom what I!ve learne" in this class, in my opinion, astronomy is % st as important as a re& ire" health class that yo take in gra"es '(1). *hile taking a step back an" looking at my e" cation lea"ing p to college, I fin" it inconsistent that the e" cation system re& ires yo to take a class to learn abo t yo r bo"ies f nctions b t they "o not re& ire yo to take a class on where we originate" from, as we are all ma"e of star " st. #aking astronomy has ta ght me many things b t above all, I wo l" say it has ta ght me to challenge my priorities. I fo n" that instea" of b rying myself in min"less activities s ch as $acebook, rea"ing self("estr ctive maga+ines, an" shopping, I wo l" instea" t rn my hea" to the sky an" be in awe that what I % st learne" in astronomy is act ally happening every min te in the niverse.

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