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November 8, 2012 6:30 AM Call time at STI Global City 7:30 AM Departure at STI Global City 9:30 AM Expected

ted time of arrival at Boso-Boso 9:40 AM 10:00 AM SNACK 10:00 Expectation Setting House Rules 10:10 12:00 NN Discussion / Lecture / Activity on Leadership by Ariel 12:00 NN- 1:00 PM LUNCH (announcement of room assiignments and distribution of room keys to person in-charge while eating their lunch) After eating their lunch thats the only time that everyone will proceed to their roo ms to check-in 1:00-2:00 PM Continuation of Ariels talk 2:30 3:00PM Human Bingo c/o Marvie 3:00 3:30 PM SNACK 3:30 4:30 PM debriefing for 6 challenges 4:30 5:00 PM Challenge 1 5:00 5:30 PM Challenge 2 5:30 6:00 PM Challenge 3 6:00 6:30 Challenge 4 6:30 7:00 PM Challenge 5 7:00 7:30 PM Challenge 6 7:30 8:30 PM Dinner 8:30 9:00 PM P reparation for the socials and presentation 9:00 10:00 PM- Presentation and Socials 10:00 PM Bed Rest / Sleeping Time November 9 7:00 AM Breakfast 8:00 8:30 AM Obstacle course 8:30 10:30 AM Swimming 11:00 AM Check-out at Boso-boso 11:00 AM Departure at Boso-boso 12:30 NN Epexted arrival at STI Global City

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