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Sample Practice Questions
Data Response Questions (DRQs) [5 marks] 1 Figure 1 shows the fertility rate of women (by regions) from 1950 to 2020.

Source: Ithaca College Gerontology Institute

a. Compare the changes in the fertility rates of women in the three listed areas (world, more develo ed region and less develo ed region) from 1950 to 2020. !"# b. Explain two reasons for the changes in fertility rate in the less develo ed region from 19$0 to 2010.


2012 Y2 Geog Pop Quiz extract

2. Read t e !ollo"ing text and ans"er #uestions $ to 1%.

%n &ugust of 1999 %ndia became the second country to have its o ulation reach the one billion mar'. %n any country, ra id o ulation growth laces a strain on the available resources, but in a develo ing country li'e %ndia, many resources are already scarce. (eali)ing these conse*uences, %ndia has been im lementing official family lanning rograms to curb o ulation growth since the 1950+s. ,ost evidence would suggest that the country+s olicies have been largely ineffective and changes must be made to revent further roblems resulting from over o ulation. -o where did %ndia+s efforts fall short. /ducating the eo le about tem orary methods of contrace tion was neglected in favour of encouraging sterili)ation. &t its worst, %ndia+s olicy included declaring a state of emergency in 190$ and im lementing forced sterili)ation in oor neighbourhoods. 1hen the only o tion available to many eo le is one that is irreversible, eo le would o t for no contrace tives at all. %n such a scenario, the roblem is not solved and the o ulation 'ee s growing and resources er head 'ee dwindling.
Adapted from source:

a. 2he situation described in the te3t above illustrates a feedbac' for %ndia+s o ulation system. %dentify the ty e of feedbac' ( ositive or negative) and e3 lain your answer. !2#

b. -tate t"o challenges that may arise with over o ulation.


2012 Y2 Geog Pop Quiz extract

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