As - Article Summary Assignment Sheet

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Article Summary Assignment Sheet

Topic: Summarize one of the articles from the July 2013 issue of College English (sent to you via email). Due Date: Uploaded to WesternOnline by 11:59 PM, Thursday, September 5. Length: Your summary should be no fewer than 150 words but no longer than 250 words. This is a firm requirement. **Note: Failure to meet the length requirements will result in an automatic U. Requirements: 1. Start by deciding which article you want to summarize; you may want to skim some of each before making a decision. Then print (a paper copy) and read the article carefully. Then annotate the printed copy using colored ink and a highlighter. Keep your annotated copy of the article because it must be submitted. 2. Read the article a second time, this time looking for the thesis and the main points that support the thesis. 3. Draft the summary, using the guidelines for writing a summary in Writing About Texts. 4. Revise, edit, and proofread the summary. Save your final draft and submit your file to WesternOnline, no later than 11:59 PM on Thursday, September 5. Your paper copy of the annotated article is due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, September 10. Guidelines for Writing your Summary: 1. Begin with a sentence that introduces the author, title of the article, and thesis. 2. Use neutral (objective) tone. 3. Write in third person and use present tense. 4. Present ideas in the article as belonging to the author and not yourself. 5. Use your own words to summarize. 6. Identify and present the authors key point. 7. Pay attention to developing clear and concise sentences. 8. Write coherent, grammatically correct prose. 9. Carefully edit and proofread your paper. 10. You will submit your paper to WesternOnline and also turn in your annotated article. Helpful Tips: 1. Pay careful attention to the guidelines for writing a summary in Writing About Texts. 2. Pay careful attention to word choice. Avoid using informal or conversational language. Formatting your Paper File for Submission: 1. Name your file ENG180SummaryYourLastName. 2. Set your document margins to 1 on all sides.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Use Times or Times New Roman font, 12 point. Double space. Choose an interesting title for your paper (not Summary). Using the page number feature in your word processing document, add your last name and page number to the upper right hand corner of your paper.

Submission Instructions 1. Make sure that your file is saved as a Word file (.doc or .docx). NOTE: Files submitted in any other format will be returned ungraded and late penalties will apply. 2. Log on to WesternOnline and click our class. 3. At the homepage, click on the Assessments tab and click Dropbox from the list. 4. Click on the assignment titled Summary. 5. Scroll down to Submit Files and click Add a File. Browse for your paper file, and then click on Upload. (You should choose to browse my computer to find your file.) 6. You should now be returned to the assignment page. Under Submit Files you should now see the name of your file. If you do not, then you will need to try to attach your file again. Do not paste your paper into the comments box. 7. Once you are sure that your file is attached, click submit at the bottom of the page. You will be taken to a page telling you that your file submission has been successful. 8. If you have troubles submitting, please call UTech at 309-298-2704.

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